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Student ID:229046009
Name: Foysal Bin Shakil

College Physics

Ans to question no:1

mass of the block, m = 0.100 kg
frequency, f = 5 Hz
displacement at t=0, x = 10.0 cm = 0.1 m
velocity at t=0, v = 3.14 m/s
acceleration, a = -ω^2x (where ω is the angular frequency and x is
We can use the following equations to solve the problem:
Amplitude and initial phase:
The displacement of the block as a function of time can be written as:
x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ) -- (1)
where A is the amplitude of oscillation, φ is the initial phase, and ω is
the angular frequency given by:
ω = 2πf
At t=0, x=10cm and v=3.14 m/s.
We can convert the displacement and velocity to SI units:
x = 0.1 m
v = 3.14 m/s
From equation (1), we can find the amplitude as follows:
A = x/cos(ωt + φ)
At t=0, we have:
A = 0.1 m/cos(φ)
We can also find the initial phase as follows:
v = -ωA sin (ωt + φ)
At t=0, we have:
3.14 m/s = -ωA sin(φ)
Solving the above two equations, we get:
A = 0.1 m
φ = 1.43 radians
Therefore, the amplitude is 0.1 m and the initial phase is 1.43 radians.
Maximum velocity, maximum acceleration and maximum restoring
The velocity and acceleration of the block can be written as follows:
v(t) = -Aω sin(ωt + φ)
a(t) = -Aω^2 cos(ωt + φ)
The maximum velocity occurs at the equilibrium position (x=0), where
sin(ωt + φ) = sin(φ) = 0.
Therefore, the maximum velocity is:
v_max = Aω = 0.628 m/s
The maximum acceleration occurs at the extreme positions (x=±A),
where cos(ωt + φ) = cos(φ) = ±1.
Therefore, the maximum acceleration is:
a_max = Aω^2 = 31.4 m/s^2
The restoring force can be calculated as follows:
F = ma = -kx = -mω^2x
At the extreme positions, x=±A, and the restoring force is maximum.
Therefore, the maximum restoring force is:
F_max = mω^2A = 1.96 N
Motion equation:
The motion equation can be written as follows:
x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ)
Substituting the values of A, ω, and φ, we get:
x(t) = 0.1 cos(10πt + 1.43)
Therefore, the motion equation is x(t) = 0.1 cos(10πt + 1.43)
Ans to question no:2
mass of the block, m = 4.0 kg
displacement, x = 16 cm = 0.16 m
mass of the second block, m' = 0.50 kg
We can use the following equations to solve the problem:
Spring constant:
The force exerted by a spring is given by Hooke's Law: F = -kx
where F is the force, x is the displacement from the equilibrium
position, and k is the spring constant.
We are given that a 4.0 kg block extends a spring 16 cm from its
unstretched position. At this position, the spring exerts a force equal to
the weight of the block, i.e.,
F = mg = 4.0 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 39.2 N
Substituting the values of F and x in the equation, we get:
39.2 N = -k(0.16 m)
Therefore, the spring constant is:
k = 245 N/m
Period of oscillation:
The period of oscillation for a spring-mass system is given by:
T = 2π√(m/k)
When the 4.0 kg block is removed, the new mass of the system
becomes m' = 0.50 kg. Therefore, the new period of oscillation is:
T' = 2π√(m'/k)
Substituting the value of k, we get:
T' = 2π√(0.50 kg/245 N/m) = 0.96 s
Therefore, the period of oscillation for the 0.50 kg block
is 0.96 seconds.
Ans to question no:3
The equation of motion given is:
x = 0.50cos(x₁ + x/3)
where x₁ is the initial phase, x is the angular frequency.
Comparing this equation with the standard equation of simple
harmonic motion:
x = A cos(ωt + φ)
We get:
Amplitude, A = 0.50 m
Angular frequency, ω = x
Initial phase, φ = x₁
The frequency of the motion is given by:
f = ω/2π
Therefore, the frequency is:
f = x/2π
The period of the motion is given by:
T = 1/f
Therefore, the period is:
T = 2π/x
At time t = 2.0 s, the displacement is given by:
x = 0.50cos(x₁ + 2/3π)
To find the velocity at this time, we differentiate the equation of
motion with respect to time: v = -Aωsin(ωt + φ)
Therefore, the velocity at time t = 2.0 s is:
v = -0.50xsin(x₁ + 2/3π)
To find the acceleration at this time, we differentiate the velocity
equation with respect to time:
a = -Aω²cos(ωt + φ)
Therefore, the acceleration at time t = 2.0 s is:
a = -0.50x²cos(x₁ + 2/3π)
Substituting the value of t = 2.0 s, we get:
x = 0.50cos(x₁ + 2/3π) = -0.50cos(x₁)
v = -0.50xsin(x₁ + 2/3π) = 0.50x₁sin(x₁)
a = -0.50x²cos(x₁ + 2/3π) = -0.25cos(x₁)
We are not given the value of x₁, so we cannot determine the numerical
values of displacement, velocity, acceleration and phase at the time t =
2.0 s.
Ans to question no:04
The total mechanical energy (E) of a simple harmonic motion is given
E = 1/2 k A²
where k is the spring constant and A is the amplitude of the motion.
At any point during the motion, the total energy is split between kinetic
energy (K) and potential energy (U). This is given by the equations:
K = 1/2 mv²
U = 1/2 kx²
where m is the mass of the object, v is its velocity and x is the
displacement from the equilibrium position.
When the displacement is one-half the amplitude A, the displacement
is x = A/2.
Therefore, the potential energy at this point is:
U = 1/2 k(A/2)² = 1/8 kA²
At this point, the velocity is zero, so the kinetic energy is also zero.
Therefore, at this point, all of the energy is in the form of potential
U = 1/8 kA²
To find the fractions of kinetic and potential energy at other points, we
need to know the velocity and displacement at those points. However,
we can say that at the equilibrium position (when x = 0), all of the
energy is kinetic energy:
K = 1/2 mv²
Therefore, the fraction of energy that is kinetic energy is:
K/E = K/(K + U) = 1/(1 + U/K)
Substituting the value of U and K, we get:
K/E = 1/(1 + 1/8) = 8/9
Therefore, at the equilibrium position, 8/9 of the energy is kinetic
energy and 1/9 is potential energy.
At the maximum displacement (when x = A), all of the energy is
potential energy:
U = 1/2 kA²
Therefore, the fraction of energy that is kinetic energy is:
K/E = K/(K + U) = 0
Therefore, at the maximum displacement, all of the energy is potential
energy and none of it is kinetic energy.
Ans to question no:5
The equations for the two simple harmonic motions are:
x₁ = 0.05cos(10 + 2πt)
x₂ = 0.06cos(10 + 2πt)
where x₁ and x₂ are the displacements of the two motions, and t is time.
Since the two motions are in the same direction and have the same
frequency, we can combine them using the principle of superposition to
find the equation for the resultant oscillation, x.
The principle of superposition states that the displacement of the
resultant oscillation is the sum of the displacements of the individual
oscillations at any given time.
Therefore, we have:
x = x₁ + x₂
x = 0.05cos(10 + 2πt) + 0.06cos(10 + 2πt)
Simplifying, we get:
x = (0.05 + 0.06)cos(10 + 2πt)
x = 0.11cos(10 + 2πt)
Therefore, the equation for the resultant oscillation is:
x = 0.11cos(10 + 2πt)
Ans to question no:6
To find the equation of the resultant oscillation, we need to add the
three rotating vectors associated with the three simple harmonic
The equations for the three simple harmonic motions are:
x₁ = A cos(ωt)
x₂ = A cos(ωt + φ)
x₃ = A cos(ωt + 2φ)
where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is
the phase difference between the motions.
We can represent each of these motions as a rotating vector in the
complex plane, where the real part is the displacement and the
imaginary part is zero.
For the first motion, the rotating vector is:
z₁ = A e^(iωt)
For the second motion, the rotating vector is: z₂ = A e^(i(ωt+φ))
For the third motion, the rotating vector is:
z₃ = A e^(i(ωt+2φ))
We can add these three vectors using complex addition:
z = z₁ + z₂ + z₃
z = A e^(iωt) + A e^(i(ωt+φ)) + A e^(i(ωt+2φ))
z = A ( e^(iωt) + e^(i(ωt+φ)) + e^(i(ωt+2φ)))

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