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Food is crucial for every citizen around the globe, living without the necessity of nourishment is
unconceivable for the vast majority of us. Indeed, since the foundation of our town Huntsville, food
has always been a crucial aspect for our daily lives, being one of the primary sources of reunion
between residents.

Nevertheless, due to the fast urbanization Huntsville has been suffering over the course of the last
years, more TNCs had been setting up on the area. McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken are only
two examples of the countless new food chains. I am certain you have gone to enjoy one of their
cheap meals at least one time since their opening! But eating out sporadically does not present a
main problematic, the complication arises when a high percentage of our community base their daily
diet on these meals. This is our reality nowadays!


An increase of possibilities of having heart diseases

Studies that had been carried out by highly skilled doctors, prove that the daily intake of high
quantities of saturated fat, can lead to heart related problems. One example is atherosclerosis, a
problem in which atheromas are formed in the arteries, obstructing the blood flow and can result in
hearts attacks.


Even though fast food is extremely tasty for most of us and can satisfy our appetite, it doesn’t
contain the required quantities of vitamins and nutrients for the body to fully function. In a long-
term run, it might bring varying consequences, vitamin k1 deficiency is a common one, as it is
substance mainly found in green leaf plants. What is more, some deficiencies may not possess a
major threat to your life, but the sum of them can lead to undernourishment. This will certainly have
a serious impact on your health!

But don’t panic! There is still light under the tunnel.


Raise awareness in your family

To change your eating habits can be a hard process. But it can be much harder if you are in an
environment which stills consume junk food daily. That’s why I strongly recommend making at least
your close-knit family conscious of what they are consuming and giving their body. I do not suggest
restricting anyone, but instead, try adding new healthy food to your common meals. What is more, it
will might strengthen your family bonds.

Organize yourself
The best option to improve your diet us to have healthy food easily available on your fridge. There is
no doubt that unhealthy products are much effortless to prepare, in many cases you only must press
some buttons on your phone screen, and in the time frame of 10 minutes, you will have a hot meal
on your doorsteps awaiting to be eaten. But for your body this will be hardly beneficial. Try
dedicating some time to your weekly shopping at a grocery store and supermarket, choosing food
that can be prepared and stored on the fridge to be consumed on the course of the week without
entailing any difficulty.

I am sure, that with perseverance and tenacity we will confront this obstacle as a community. Do not
give up!

Food has always. The legend recounts that every Sunday the founding fathers of

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