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NAME: Vishal Thoutam ID: 0484825 DATE: 9/29/22 PERIOD: 6

Biomes and Ecosystems NOTES

Habitat: a “site” or place where an entity creates its home. A habitat meets all the ecological

circumstances an organism needs to endure. For an animal, its habitat includes everything it

needs to find and gather food, select a mate, and successfully reproduce.

Ecosystem: a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather

and landscape, work together to form a zone for life to exist.

Population: a subset of individuals of one species that occupies a particular area and in

interbreeds. The boundaries of a population are easy to establish for some species but harder for


Community: a group of actually or potentially interacting species living in the same location,

which are bound together by a shared environment and a network of influence each species has

on the other.

Biome: a major community of plants and animals with similar life forms and environmental

conditions, including numerous communities and is named for the dominant type of vegetation.

Niche: the role an organism plays in a community, encompassing both the physical and

environmental conditions it requires and the interactions it has with other species.

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