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HSE Assignment



ME- 08-A

Submitted To:
Dr. Talha Irfan Khan

Submitted By:
Ali Hassan 190501072

Dated: 18/02/2023

Problem Statement: - Describe an accident event from your experience and analyze it
with respect to HSE point of view and state what ac ons or precau ons would have had
prevented that accident.

The event occurred at an oil and gas rig of Mari Petroleum Company Limited. It occurred
while a floorman was working on the rig floor and the draw-works was conduc ng a li ing
opera on that involved li ing drill pipes. During this opera on, the sheave from the crown
block, which is a cri cal component in the li ing system, fell on the floorman, causing his
hard hat to break and resul ng in his immediate death.
From a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) point of view, this accident is a clear example
of a failure in the rig's safety systems and procedures. The inves ga on of this accident
would need to iden fy the root cause of the incident and highlight any gaps in the safety
management system to prevent similar events from happening in the future. It's essen al to
review the exis ng HSE policies, procedures, and standards in place and evaluate their
effec veness.
To prevent this accident from happening, several ac ons and precau ons could have been
1. A hazard iden fica on and risk assessment of the li ing opera on should have been
conducted before star ng the opera on to iden fy any poten al hazards, such as the
risk of falling objects or human error.
2. A pre-li inspec on of all equipment should have been performed to ensure the
equipment was fit for purpose, and there were no defects that could have resulted in
an accident.
3. A thorough communica on protocol should have been established and
implemented, ensuring that the floorman was aware of the li ing opera on, the risks
involved, and the necessary safety precau ons.
4. Proper personal protec ve equipment (PPE) should have been provided and
enforced, such as a hard hat that was strong enough to withstand the impact of the
sheave falling.
5. The opera on should have been con nuously monitored to ensure that the li ing
was within the safe working load of the equipment, and the li ing opera on was
being conducted safely.
6. Regular safety audits should have been conducted, and correc ve ac ons should
have been taken to address any iden fied gaps or non-compliance with safety
regula ons.
In conclusion, this accident highlights the importance of a robust HSE management system
and the need for proper safety procedures and protocols to be in place and enforced
con nuously. The lessons learned from this incident should be shared, and the necessary
correc ve ac ons should be taken to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future.


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