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Group: Phạm Thị Kim Huệ

Phạm Lê Nguyệt Anh

         Đỗ Nhật Quyên



Choosing a career is an important decision that can lead to lasting satisfaction and

happiness. To understand how they form their decision, we utilize career construction

theory (CCT). CCT examines how people manage work-related transitions and states that

people form a decision to look for a new job based on past experiences and their

adaptation to these experiences (Savickas, 2013). Stumpf et al. (1983) indicated that

career exploration involves four aspects: the direction of career exploration (environment

versus self), the method (random versus systematic), the extent (frequency and amount of

the information), and the content of career exploration (the focus of the exploration). In

recent years, an English certificate is obligatory for any job so by that English teaching

has become a well-known career. However, many individuals do not know what courses

to learn in order to become good English teachers. Language skills courses, pedagogical

psychology courses, and MOS certifications are one of the important courses that each

individual must master to become an English teacher.


 First of all, once you start work teaching in English you need to keep on improving your

own language skills. Language skills courses contain four basic skills: Listening,

Reading, Speaking and Writing. To understand a student's opinion, you need to listen to

them and give them your response using speaking skills. To convey knowledge, you must

have a wide range of vocabulary, resulting from reading books, documents, and other

sources. Your students need to be able to understand what you say and trust your

grammar. As an English teacher, each must have foundation basic knowledge before

being able to transmit knowledge. After being learned and trained well, teachers can have

teaching knowledge to instruct learners. Sometimes teachers don’t get helpful feedback

from their managers about this to support them to improve. Richards and Rodgers (2001)

asserted that teachers have beliefs about language learning and these helped them get a

special approach to language teaching. Teacher needs to develop the skills of teaching

various approaches in his/her teaching methods in the classroom and then strategies are

applied English language teaching is entirely based on creativity and explores various

thoughts that a learner brings in the classroom. Ball and Lampert (1999) claimed that

multiples of evidence, time, and perspective: Revising the study of teaching and learning.

Teaching well also means learning well to some extent, and teachers‘belief will
subconsciously push teachers to adopt different teaching-learning methods. Brophy and

Good (1986) indicated that teacher behavior and student achievement.

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