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Scventh Semester (Mcchanical Engineering) (CGS)

10870 - Machine Design And Drawing - II :7 ME 0l
l'. Pages : 2 AT - 2408
Time : Four Hours ll,llllllrlllll Max. Marks : 80

Notes : l. All question carry equal markr.

2. Answer two qucstioD from Section A and two question from Section B.
3. Due credit will be given to neatness alrd adequate dimensions.
4. Assume suitable data wherevcr necessary.
5. Design data book is permitted.
6. Use ofpsn Blue/Black inl/rcfill only for uriting book.


I a) Desigo the rigid flange coupling (made ofCI) to connect the shafts transmitting 65 kW at t0
630 rpm. Pcrmissible stesses, Given are
t shaft, ker, bolt = 48MP4 lcj = I lMPa orCI = l0MPa o" (key) =120MPa
Also checke shaft, key, flange & bolts for difl'erent lype of failures.

b) The turning moment diagram ofan engine is drawn to the following scale. T-m lmm = 7N- l0
m & Cralk algle I rnm 1 .4o. The areas above & below the T-m line are in order 200, I 75.
130, 180, 85, 190 & 130 mm2 Determine mass of flIrheel if etgine runs at 2200 rpm.
Cs = 0.00,1 Rim of flywheel contributes 82% Eass. Thickness of rim is half of its width
Dctermine rims width & thickness if its diameter is 400 mm fl!.wheel material densitv is
7250 klmr.

a) A shaft is supponed by hao bearings placed 500 mm apart pully A is mounted at 120mm 16
dght to thc lefl hand bearing having diameter 160 mm. This pully drivcs the compressor
placcd horiz.ontally. Belt tensions passing over pully A are I 600 N & 700 N. Another pully
B of340 mm dianreter is plaacd at l30mm to the leli ofright hand bearing and is driven by
a otor placedjust below it. tension ratio per belts passing over A ard B saEe. Pemissible
shear & bending stresses for shaft material are 50 MPa and 65 MPa respectivdly. Deiemine
dia of sbaft.

b) Disouss the bending strcsses induced in thc pin of bolt used in llexible bush ph type I

3. a) Find the $idth ofthe flat belt necessary to transmit I I kw to pulley of300 mm diameter, l5
Pully rotales at 1500 rpm and p between belt & putley is 0.22. A Angle ofcontact is 215'
and m&\imum ter$ion in the belt show not exceed 4100 N. Density of belt material is 950

b) What is the cffect ofviscosity, temperatue, diameter, bearing presstre on the 5

peIlolmance ofthe Joumal bearing.


AT - 2{06 1 P.T.O
.l a) Joumal Beding for centrifugal pump is to be designed for a load of7000 N. Diamclcr of l6
shaft is 72 mnr rr-hich nnx at I 100 rpm. Operating temp. oflubricatirg oil is 70"C and
ambient tcmpcrature is 30"C. Bcaring is not unventilated and heat dissipation is on the
basis of housing, Determine
i) Amouirt oflubdcating oil required per hour iftemperahre is to be lowercd by 10"
(t, = l0')
ii) Amount ofcooling rccluired
iii) Oil film thickness. Spccific heat ofoil is 1900 JikgfC.

b) What is the effect ofgroove angle an performance ofv-belt. I

sEc'r'toN - B
5 a) A pair of straight teeth spur gears required to transmit power 21.6 kW. velocitv ratio is 2 16
and speed ofpinion is 200 rpm. Distance herween shafti ma] bc rak(-n as 650mm. Teeth are
20" snrb. Static stresses fb! gear matedal may be taken as 65MPa- Face width is 10 limes
the module. Find the module, face width and ro ofteeth on gea$. Also check the gears for
wear had if oes = 630MPa and E = 2.2 x 105 N /mm2 Pinion as l8 leeth.

b) What is equivalent numhcr ofteeth in helical gears. 4

6. a) A pair ofcast iron bevel gears comect tn'o shalls right angles. Pitch diameters ofpinioa 16
and gear are 85 mm and I 15 mm respectively. The tooth profilc ofgear teeth is 20'involute.
Tecth are generated. Static stcsses for both gears is 68 MPa. Pinion tlal1smits 3.6 kW at
1200 rpm. Face width is I-l3. Find module & no ofteeth on each gcars also check the gears
tom sl?tnd point of*car. Surface endurance limit is 610 MPa and modules ofelasticity is
b) What is significancc ofpitch line velocily 4

7 a) State thc tunclionoflbllowing in IC Engine 1

i) Piston rings ii) Ribs
iii) Piston pin il) Piston skirt

b) Design a piston for single acting 4-stroke engine. l6

. Cylinder bore = 120rnm. Strote= l40mm
. Ma-rimum Gas pressure = 4.6 N/mm2
. .
IMEP = 0.82 N/mm2 Mechanical Efli cierrcy =79Yo
. Fuel co$umption = 0.16 kg,tsP/hr
. '
HCV of l'uel" 42000 kJ&g Speed - 2200 rpm.
8. a) Four stroke diesel engine ha-s following spccification 12
Break power = 8.5 ks
Speed = 1420 rpm
IMFP - 0.52 N'mm)
Mechanical efliciency' = 827o
Determine bore, length of cylinder, thickness of cylinder and size of stud.

b) Discuss the various sresses developed in connecting rod. 3

c) List different types ofGovemess. 3

_.r.T - 2408

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