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The Pre Supervision Form 2020/2021

Name of Teacher : Santi Siregar

Subject : PPKn Class : XB
Date : 10 March 2022

0 1 2 3

1. Determining the purpose of the lesson V

2. Determining the standard for achievement V

3. Determining the indicator for reaching the standard V

4. Determining the teaching materials V

5. Determining the time allocation V

6. Determining the teaching method V

7. Determining the activities during the lesson V

8. Determining the assessment method for the lesson V

Score Achieved = 24

Maximum Score = 24 Classification:

Percentage = 100 % ...................................

A : Excellent : 86% - 100%

Suggestion :
B : Good : 76% - 85%
C : Average : 56% - 75% _______________________________________
D : Need Improvement : <= 55% _______________________________________

Teacher, Supervisor,

______________________ Suyanti

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