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1.) The picture shows that babies have enormous heads in relation to the size of their bodies.

As a child gets older and grows taller, the proportions of the body change. The limbs and
trunk grow steadily, but the head does not grow much bigger. Instead, it’s getting smaller
as the person grows.

2.) The physical development begins at the top with physical growth in size, weight, and
feature differences, then gradually works down. Then an infant will develop. They were
able to control the muscles in their neck, followed by the muscles in their upper body,
upper legs, lower legs, feet, and then toes. That is why most infants will crawl, stand
supported, stand, walk supported, and then walk independently. In addition, physical
development begins from the center of the body towards the extremities. Thus, the spinal
cord develops first, followed by the shoulders, elbow, wrist, and finally the fingers.

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