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Practical 14 :

Create a vision statement and enabling mission statements

for digital marketing small scale enterprise

What is vision :
In the context of an organization, a vision is a statement that outlines
its aspirations and long-term goals. It represents the organization's
desired future state, describing what it wants to achieve, where it
wants to be, and how it wants to make a positive impact on its
stakeholders and society as a whole.
A vision statement is typically inspiring, forward-looking, and
ambitious, and it communicates the organization's purpose, values,
and priorities. It helps align the efforts of all stakeholders towards a
common goal, and it serves as a guide for strategic decision-making
and resource allocation.
What is mission :
In the context of an organization, a mission is a statement that
describes its purpose, core values, and primary objectives. It
represents the organization's reason for being, defining what it does,
how it does it, and who it serves.
A mission statement is typically action-oriented, specific, and
measurable, and it communicates the organization's fundamental
reason for existence. It helps guide the organization's strategy,
decision-making, and resource allocation, as well as its day-to-day
operations and culture.

The vision of a digital marketing enterprise is to become a leading
provider of innovative and effective digital marketing solutions that
empower businesses to achieve their growth objectives in the online

Following are the different vision statements for digital marketing

startup business :
- To become the leading provider of digital marketing services
that help businesses increase their online presence and reach
their growth objectives.
- To empower small and medium-sized businesses with innovative
and effective digital marketing solutions that drive brand
awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth.
- To be the go-to digital marketing agency for businesses that
value creativity, quality, and measurable results.
- To transform the digital marketing landscape by using cutting-
edge technologies and best practices to deliver exceptional
value and customer satisfaction.
- To build a community of loyal and satisfied clients by providing
personalized and customized digital marketing strategies that
exceed their expectations.
- To make digital marketing accessible and affordable for
businesses of all sizes, while delivering a high standard of quality
and excellence.
- To establish ourselves as a trusted partner for businesses seeking
to navigate the complex and dynamic digital landscape and
achieve sustainable growth.
- To foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous
learning that enables us to deliver best-in-class digital
marketing services to our clients.

The mission of a digital marketing business is to help businesses
achieve their growth objectives in the online space through
innovative and effective digital marketing strategies.
Following are the different mission statements for digital marketing
startup up business :
- To provide customized digital marketing solutions tailored to the
unique needs of each client.
- To continuously stay updated with the latest digital marketing
trends and technologies, and implement them for the benefit
of our clients.
- To foster a collaborative and transparent relationship with our
clients, ensuring their active participation in the digital
marketing process.
- To consistently deliver high-quality and measurable results that
drive business growth and success for our clients.
- To build a team of passionate and skilled digital marketers who
are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction.
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