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The British Isles








1- Fill in the blank with the names of the countries and their capital cities.
2- Complete the sentences below :
Edinburgh is the Capital of ...................................... . / The Capital of Northern Ireland is .......................... .

What is the Capital of ............................... ? It is London. / Where is Glasgow ? It is in ............................... .

The Capital of Wales is ......................... . / Dublin is the Capital of ................................................................ .
1 - Read the texts and underline in red all the countries mentioned and in blue all the nationalities.

m e is Ju lia a nd I am from S Hey ! M y n
ame is Sa
M y na ey live rah. I was
n ts a re S c o tt ish but now th USA, in Ne
w York Cit
born in th
My pare from y , so I a m
E n g la n d . M y best friend is Now, I live American
in London, in Australi
! a with my
e is Canadian parents.
Canada, so sh

Hello ! M
y na m e
a nd I come from is Priyan
Hi ! M y name is John in India.
B o th m y
ka a n d I
w a s b or
ish , from the Rep p a r e n ts n
Wales. My mother is Ir b e c a u se
I've lived
are India
n but
d m y D a d w a s born in Wale am also
in the U
K fo r 15
of Ireland an a British
y e a r s, I
, just like me !
so he is Welsh

2- Link each country to the correct nationality, each nationality to the correct phonetic transcription.

Wales Scottish ['brɪtɪʃ]

Ireland Australian [əˈmerɪkən]

Canada British [welʃ]

India Irish [kəˈneɪdiən]

Scotland English ['ɪndiən]

The United Kingdom Welsh [ɒˈstreɪliən]

The United States Indian [ˈaɪrɪʃ]

Australia Canadian [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]

England American [ˈskɒtɪʃ]

Under each flag, write the name of the country.

............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................


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