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Recording on William’s birth.

Hi, I am Nathan Payet, I’m a reporter for the BBC and today is the diffusion of « Born to be king »,
a special report for the birth of William Windsor, the grand-son of her majesty the Queen.
So first of all, this baby was very long awaited because he will be a heir to the throne so everybody
wanted to know simply if he will be a girl or a boy just to know if British people will have another
Queen on the throne. Then he will be a direct heir so he will be the 3rd most important member of
the royal family. That’s why this birth is so important for the british monarchy.

So since january 1982, since the announcement of pregnancy of Diana, all the medias just talked
about one key question : where the baby will be born ? Of course the Queen and the Princess of
Wales were locked in argument because the Queen insisted that the heir of the throne should be
born at Buckingam Palace but Diana wanted definitly to have her baby in hospital.

It finally took place at St Mary’s hospital in June, the 21st, 1982. Prince William was born, he was
the first direct heir to the throne to be born outside of Buckingam Palace. In fact he was sort of
blondish, weight 7 pounds and was the most british monarch since James I according to the
genealogists. For Diana and his husband Charles it was a such difficult day because they passed 16
hours on the room before delivery but it ends well.

From our part, the press learned the information that Diana will give birth in St Mary’s hospital the
same morning, at 5am by a communiqué. We had directly informed the population but after
thinking we may don’t do it but it was done. So many peopole went to the hospital, cluching union
jacks and picnics. They set a camp and were ready to wait here for hours until they will see the new
father get out of the maternity ward. There were also a lot of journalists which were here, ready to
film and ask questions to prince who has just become dad. He finally came out after 16 hours.
Everyone wanted to be as close as possible espacially because their were no crowd barriers so some
people had touched the Prince. One girl had even kissed him. Then he has been harassing by the
press but he took time to reply to everyone.

So now the baby is born and is doing well. He got out of the hospital this morning with Diana and
Charles. It will be very hard to him to grow up simply like every child because he will, during his
whole life by tracked by paparazzi. Moreover, he will have a huge pressure as a heir to the throne.
So now we just have to look him grow up and wait the moment when he will be King. We will wait
for other informations but if you want to keep informed on a day-to-day basis you are at the good
place. Don’t forget to folow us on social medias.

That was «Born to be King» an exclusive report for The BBC. Thanks for your listening.

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