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BBC Learning English

Unit 6 / Session 1 / Activity 1

Feedback Summary
Excellent! You scored: 6 / 6

1) How many Harry Potter books did author JK Rowling write? 7

Correct. JK Rowling wrote 7 Harry Potter books.

2) In the 2012 Olympic Games, which Olympic race did Usain Bolt win - and set a new Olympic record? 100 metres
Correct. Usain Bolt won the 100 metre race at the 2012 Olympics. He ran it in 9.63 seconds – and set a new Olympic record.

3) What did Roald Amundsen do in 1911? He walked to the South Pole.

Correct! Roald Amundsen walked to the South Pole in 1911.

4) Which of these teams did not qualify for the 2014 Football World Cup in Brazil? Peru
Correct! Peru did not (didn't) qualify for the 2014 Football World Cup in Brazil.

5) How many gold medals did American swimmer Michael Phelps win in his Olympic career? 18
Correct: Michael Phelps won 18 gold medals - over 4 Olympic games before he retired in 2012.

6) Where did the famous violinist, Vanessa Mae, finish in a skiing competition at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014? Last
Correct: Vanessa Mae finished last in a skiing competition at the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014.

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