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Chapter 7: Present Continuous Tense

Teacher: Good morning, John. Today, we're going to learn the present continuous tense. Listen and

Teacher: I am studying English now.

Student: I am studying English now.

Teacher: She is watching TV at the moment.

Student: She is watching TV at the moment.

Teacher: Good. Now, let's try some negative sentences. Listen and repeat.

Teacher: I am not playing tennis right now.

Student: I am not playing tennis right now.

Teacher: He is not working today.

Student: He is not working today.

Teacher: Good. Now, let's try some questions. Listen and repeat.

Teacher: Are you studying English now?

Student: Yes, I am.

Teacher: Is she watching TV at the moment?

Student: Yes, she is.

Teacher: Good. Now, let's try some negative questions. Listen and repeat.

Teacher: Aren't you playing tennis right now?

Student: No, I'm not.

Teacher: Isn't he working today?

Student: No, he isn't.

Teacher: Excellent. Now, let's practice some more sentences with the present continuous tense.
Listen and repeat.

Teacher: They are playing football at the park.

Student: They are playing football at the park.

Teacher: We are having a party tonight.

Student: We are having a party tonight.

Teacher: Very good. Now, let's try some questions and answers with the present continuous tense.
Listen and repeat.

Teacher: What are you doing now?

Student: I am studying English.

Teacher: What is she doing at the moment?

Student: She is watching TV.

Teacher: Are they playing football at the park?

Student: Yes, they are.

Teacher: Great job, John. You're doing really well. Keep practicing and we'll move on to the next
chapter soon.

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