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Day 1: Setup your demo project

0 Create a project & add tasks

Setup a sample project but make it as realistic as possible. You'll demo this project for your team on Demo
The end date for your project is automatically set and based on the due date of your project's final task.

See how to setup a project

0 Set dates & add notes

Include start and end dates for your tasks. Add the task requirements, goals, and any helpful info in the Not

See how to set start and end dates

0 Group related tasks

Grouping tasks makes it easier for your team to understand the project. Try grouping tasks based on sprint

See how to add a group of tasks

0 Add dependencies

Dependencies represent tasks that need to be completed in a specific order. Use them to help your team kn

See how to add a dependency

0 Add color!

Color coding your project is extremely helpful. You can change task colors to represent certain teams, task

See how to change task colors

Day 2: Inviting people to your project

Upload a file

Choose a few tasks to upload a sample file--like a Word doc--in the Documents area. This gets your team in
relevant files.

See how to upload a file

Add some labels

Labels act as custom tags. You can create labels to denote priority, shared equipment, or resources.

See how to add labels

Invite people to your project

Choose a few people to invite to your project. Since TeamGantt is new to your company, give those people
project invite.

See how to invite people to your project

Assign tasks to people

Assign tasks to the people who are responsible for completing them. If you want, you can assign multiple p

See how to assign tasks

Review team workloads

Click the Workloads tab to make sure your team isn't assigned too many tasks in a single day. Deep red co
many tasks.

Learn more about workloads

Day 3: Prepare for Demo Day

Schedule a lunch & learn

Pick a day in the next week or so to hold your TeamGantt demo day. Providing lunch or snacks is a great w
energized during the meeting.

Add a checklist

Checklists are great for tracking smaller to-dos that are associated with the main task. Select a task and ad

See how to add a checklist

Create a project health report

These reports are great for showing management and teams which tasks are on time, running behind, and

See how to access your project health report

Review the Calendar & My Tasks view

Not everyone on your team wants to look at a gantt chart to see their tasks. That's why we have the My Tas

See how to access calendar view

Order food for the meeting & review items to cover

We recommend reviewing: gantt view, my task, task details, and calendar. We highly recommend working i

Demo Day: Be sure to cover these points

Explain how TeamGantt benefits the team

Reduce confusion, improve efficiency, hit deadlines more often, less stress, fewer check-in interruptions, fe

Demo My Tasks, assignments, & progress updates

Demo Calendar view & Workloads

Hands-on practice

Set a recurring team check-in

as realistic as possible. You'll demo this project for your team on Demo Day.
omatically set and based on the due date of your project's final task.

See how to add tasks

r tasks. Add the task requirements, goals, and any helpful info in the Notes field.

your team to understand the project. Try grouping tasks based on sprints or teams (development, marketing,

need to be completed in a specific order. Use them to help your team know which tasks to begin first.

ely helpful. You can change task colors to represent certain teams, task types, and more!

r project

mple file--like a Word doc--in the Documents area. This gets your team in the habit of knowing where to find
n create labels to denote priority, shared equipment, or resources.

ur project. Since TeamGantt is new to your company, give those people a 'heads up' before you send the

responsible for completing them. If you want, you can assign multiple people to a single task.

re your team isn't assigned too many tasks in a single day. Deep red colors may indicate a person has too

Unlock Workloads for FREE with a 30-day Premium Trial


o hold your TeamGantt demo day. Providing lunch or snacks is a great way to get your team excited and

aller to-dos that are associated with the main task. Select a task and add a checklist to it.

g management and teams which tasks are on time, running behind, and overdue.

Unlock Project Health Reports for FREE with a 30-day Premium Trial

Tasks view

o look at a gantt chart to see their tasks. That's why we have the My Tasks and Calendar view. Test them out

Unlock Calendar view for FREE with a 30-day Premium Trial

& review items to cover

ew, my task, task details, and calendar. We highly recommend working in hands-on practice time too.

these points
nefits the team

cy, hit deadlines more often, less stress, fewer check-in interruptions, fewer incidents of having too much to do.

nts, & progress updates


Unlock Board & Calendar views for FREE with a 30-day Premium Trial
Helpful Resources
Unlock advanced features FREE

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