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Joko Kendil

Once upon the time there was an old woman who lived alone in the jungle. Her husband had passed
away but they did have a child. She was weak in fulfill her life. She had to find the fire wood in the jungle,
then she sold them in the market to get her food. Although she was in poor, but she never approved
moreover she worked hard in her old age. She was kind to other.

One night, the old woman slept and she dreamt. The dream told that she was hit a moon in the
afternoon, she was scared and she run away but the moon did not leave her go. She woke up in her
scary. She was worried about the meaning of her dream. She went on getting the meaning of her dream.
To lose her scary, she went to Jungle to collect some fire wood and sold them in the market.

Getting the market, she rolled out her wood on the ground, the lucky was to her. All was sold out. She
was happy. In her way home she met a crowd people among a fortune teller. She was interested to
know it. With her weak power, she came closer and asked about her dream last night that she was hit a
moon in the afternoon. The fortune teller told that she would get a baby. Hearing the explanation, she
did not believe and continue to go home.

In the way home, she thought the impossibility of getting baby, she was old and did not have a husband
anymore and also she did not have much money to fulfill her life. When getting home, she was shocked
by two men in front of her door. She asked about the aim of their arrival. They told that they gave a baby
in a pack and she could not open when they had not left her home. She denied because she did not have
much money to take care of that baby. They promised would give the want of her while the baby was by
her. they suggested her to love the baby as her son.

After two men left the home, suddenly the old woman was shocked by baby from the pack. His body was
so strange and was not liked other baby. His body was liked a cooking pot but his face was as same as
other baby. Based on the situation, the old woman called him, Joko Kendil. She was still silent in looking
Joko Kendil. She thought how she did fulfill their life in the other hand she was so old.

Year by year, Joko Kendil grew well and clever, it made the old woman loved him like her own son. He
used to help her in collecting the fire wood and carried them to the market. He planted the vegetables
and rice, and the harvest was so much. It made them life in the enough of food as two men’s promise.
Joko kendil was a gardener too.

One day, when Joko Kendil took a rest after gardening, he looked a huge ship of kingdom. He saw a
beautiful princess in there. it made Joko Kendil fell in love her. then he continued to go home and told
his incident in the garden. Her mother laughed and told that she was a princess of the Kingdom. Hearing
the Joko Kendil’s feeling made her smiled and laughed too.

Getting at the palace all the people looked at Joko Kendil’s performance, they thought that he was so
strange among them. But Joko Kendil and his mother kept calm in that situation. They passed the gate
and be allowed as one of the contest candidates. The king asked all he candidates to show the
instrument music they had, suddenly Joko Kendil read magic spell. Charming instrument music came.

All the candidates had been tested by the king but there was no having good voice, finally Joko Kendil
carried his instrument music and played it slowly so it flew the beautiful and soft sound. It made all the
people there enjoying in hearing. The king believed that it was Lokananta instrument music. And the
king chose Joko Kendil as the winner.

Based on the announcement, the winner would be married with the princess. It made Joko Kendil was so
happy, her mother was so happy too so she cried. All the people and candidates gave applause. They
were still surprised of Joko Kendil’s winning. The king gave her princess to him.

The wedding of Joko Kendil and The beautiful princess came, it was so luxurious. All the citizenry came
to take a part there. All the delicious and kinds of food and drink had been prepared by the palace. Joko
Kendil and his wife sat in front of the guests, the princess hugged him so he could not breathe and
suddenly Joko Kendil became a handsome prince. That incident made all the people was shocked. They
lived happily.

The king told that Joko Kendil was punished by his father because he broke the regulation of the
kingdom. And Joko Kendil would come back in his body when he was hugged after getting married.

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