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Casey Gabrielle B.

12 – Excellence

All about Critique Paper

To begin, what I've learned from our discussion is that a critique paper is a formal
analysis and evaluation of a text, production, or performance of another person's work
(or one's own, in the case of self-critique). This was very helpful to me. When it is done
in response to a piece of writing, it is sometimes referred to as a review, assessment, or
evaluation. A critique, much like other types of academic essays, is composed of an
introduction, in which the text that is going to be analyzed is presented, a body, in which
the text is evaluated in accordance with certain criteria, and a conclusion. Your
assessment of how well each criterion was met is supported by and elaborated upon in
the paragraphs that follow. An effective conclusion will restate the key arguments made
in the body of your paper while also providing the reader with something to ponder.

Writing more, as well as taking in and processing the critique you get on your
writing, are two of the most important things you can do to become a better writer. The
purpose of this activity is to force the writer to take a step back, carefully review their
work, make any necessary edits, and then allow the finished product to stand on its own
merits. Additionally, it is essential to evaluate the work in order to identify its strong
points as well as the areas in which it could be improved. For such, we also have
discussed different critical approaches for certain topics or works. These are as follows:
the Formalist, Reader-response, Feminist, and Marxism criticism.

Therefore, writing a critique paper gives the author a display their understanding
on the concept, study, or etc. given whilst simultaneously providing a well thought out
analysis on it. Moreover, it's also a great way to retain the knowledge gained on the
concept the critique paper is written about. Just keep in mind that it is essential that you
do not take criticism so personally, as its purpose is to assist you in learning and
growing, and it is not an attack on your abilities or character. Most importantly, a setting
like this one that is open enables us to be proactive and share our input without putting
other people's private emotions in jeopardy. The fact of the matter is that each and
every one of us, whether in the workplace or elsewhere, can derive significant
advantages from receiving criticism and feedback.

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