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Gyakorlati tanacsok A vizsgén nyelvtani és székinesismeretet méré ket feladat megoldasdra sszesen 45 perc all a rendelkezéste. Ne feledje, hogy ezen idé alatt a megoldasokat at kell mdsolnia a vilaszlapra is. Ebben a részben sz6tar nem hasznalhaté, Az elsé feladatban egy dsszeftiged sziveget taldl, amelyb6l hidnyzik 20 elem. Egy mentibol kell kivalasztani az adott helyre illé sz6t vagy kifejezést. A menti 25 elemet tartalmaz abécé sorrendben, Mindig adunk példat, ennek jele 0”. Hogyan dolgozzon a lyukas szveggel? © Olvassa el a szOveget, hogy megismerje annak tartalmét. © Nézze végig a menilben megadott szavakat és kifejezéseket. © Elészir probalja meg a mentl segitsége nélkiil a szdveget kiegésziteni. Mindig ellendrizze, szerepel-e a meniiben az a sz6, amire gondolt. Ha igen, ceruzival irja be a lyukba, a mentiben pedig irja a sz6 mellé, melyik helyre tette. © Ha nem tud egy-egy hidnyz6 elemet dndlléan kiegésziteni, menjen tovabb, s ha a szdveg végére ért, térjen vissza a problematikus részekhez. © Sokat segit, ha étgondolja, milyen sz6faja Iehet a hiényz6 elem. Ne feledje, hogy a beillesztett szénak nem csak tartalmilag, hanem nyelvtanilag is helyesnek kell Jenni. «© Hakész, még egyszer olvassa At a teljes sziveget. © Végiil megoldésait (a szavakat) irja At a valaszlapra. Erre a feladatra mAsoldssal egylitt kortilbelill 20 percet sz4njon. A miésodik feladatban révidebb lyukas szévegekkel kell dolgozni. Eztittal a hidnyz6 elemeket harom adott Iehetés¢gb6l (A/B/C) kell kivalasztani. Hogyan dolgozzon a feleletvalasztés teszitel? © A megoldisnél a fenti eljérdst érdemes kévetni, viszont elég a j6 vélaszt bekarikézni, majd a valaszlapon a megfelelé bettinél jelblni. Erre a feladatra is kériilbeliil 20 percet szanjon, aztén masolja at megoldasait. Ertékelés: Mindkét feladatban valamennyi helyes megoldésért 0,5 pont jar Maximilisan elérheté pontszdm 25. Complete the text below by writing a suitable word from the list in each space provided. There are 20 gaps but 25 words are given. Use each word once only. There is one example (0) for you. Write the correct word in the chart on your separate answer sheet. THE FLORA DANCE The people of Cornwall (the most south-westerly county in England) .... are .... (0) from Celtic stock. They are descendants of the ancient Britons, . .. (1) were forced by the Saxons into the most inaccessible parts of the island, Wales and Cornwall. The Comishman had his own language, a form of Celtic, .. . (2) the middle of the eighteenth century. .. (3) language is now dead except in numerous place-names, ..» (4) a8 Mevagissey, Polperro. The nationalism of the Cornishman, .. 8), is inj 1 seina dead A. tain Rota west of the Devon border .» ©) first a Comishman and — only by afterthought — an Englishman. Comishmen are highly aware .. . (their being different from the English. They have a history, traditions, and customs very much . (8) own. Certainly one of the (9) famous folk traditions of Cornwall is the Flora Dance. This folk dance has (10) home in the village of Helstone. On a certain day .. (11) the inhabitants of the village, except . (12) who are too old or too young (13) dance the three or four steps, gather in the market-place. (14) the village band strikes up the traditional tune of the Flora Dance, the villagers form groups as) the band and go their way dancing (16) all the houses in the village, in at the front door and out at the back. . (17) most other Cornish customs, the Flora dance (18) been commercialised lately for the tourists. (19) town or village in Cornwall now has its Flora Dance not once a year, but two and (20) three times. Read the texts below and decide which answer A, B or C best fits each space. Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet, Only one answer is correct. MAISIE McDONALD ‘An ambulance and the police were called to the home of Maisie McDonald yesterday in the centre of Glasgow. A doctor . (21) the house discovered the strangest collection of animals sharing the house with Maisie. While the ambulance (22) to the local hospital with 83-year-old Maisie, the police were trying to solve the problem of who (23) after her pets during her stay in hospital. The Head Keeper at Edinburgh Zoo had this to say. "I have never seen .. . (24) different kinds of animals in anybody’s home. Maisie has done a wonderful job and .. (25) of the animals have been neglected in any way.” . 26) our reporter: "We are making (28) from hospital. I think we .. (27) effort .. 29) - BO) to Inspector Bill Miles to keep Maisie’s pets alive until she ... consider the possibility of placing many of them with families. The others .. the 200." So what exactly did they find in Maisie’s house? The bathroom over by a goat and several ducks. A fully grown tiger was living in the attic. (31) taken - 32), . 33) a pussy cat the 200-keepers at Edinburgh Zoo reported yesterday that it was as .. and they had no trouble persuading i .. (34) into the van to go to the zoo. From her hospital bed Maisie, suffering .. .. (35) a broken leg, said: "I was cleaning out the tiger’s room this morning ... ... (36) he got too playful and knocked me (37) to drag myself out and called one of the dogs. I often send him to (38) this time I sent him with a (39) so kind to me, but I’m really terribly worried down. I .. the Post Office with a note to get things for me, . note asking for help. Everyone . (40) my pets.” | 22. | A |has speeded |B |wasspeeded | [24 | A |somany | B [suchamumber | C [suchalot_ [26 TAlsid |B lrepored SC ftold | [78 | Alreleased |B lisrolased | C [willberelased | P30. [A januke |B Jeambewken | C |wouldbetaken | AN EXTREMELY RARE ANTIQUE VASE It might be tiny, but a porcelain vase is about family’s bank account. The rare Royal Worcester vase, in fact worth £10,000. It... . (43) in Mrs. Anne Hemming’s china cabinet for 20 years after she had bought it from an antiques shop in Somerset. She had a very refined eye for antiques and was very good at ............1:. (44) things like this vase. The shop owner did not realise its + (45) Mrs, Hemming had a good idea of what it was. She (41) a big difference to one 42) for less than £20, is historical significance ... paid less than £20 .............:... (46) it. Her family didn’t know ... (47) value but when she died experts .... .. (48) called in and they told the family the vase was worth £10,000. Although China . +. (49) making porcelain for 1,000 years, the English only figured out how to make it in about 1750 and this vase is one of the earliest examples. It is due to. (50) under the hammer in an auction house next week. |_42. | A lisbought | B [bought | C [buying [ 46. [Alon |g tg Cfo Part 1 Part 2 L uu. 2, 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 1 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. Correct answers xO A|BIC A c A|BIC 21. Er 41. 2. 32. 42. 23. 33. 43. 24. 34. 44. 25. 35. 45. 26. 36. 46. 21. 31. 47. 28. 38. 48. 29. 39. 49. 30. 40. 50. x 0,5= Correct answers

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