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Krzysztof Stefan – What is 3D printing

Topic presented by author is very interesting. 3d printing is a new technology which is getting more
popular each year. Presentation shows most important techniques of 3d printing and explain the
proces of manufacturing. There are also some details about construction of 3D printers, like hot-end.

Strong points

1. Presentation plan
2. Implementing PhD thesis fragments in presentation summary
3. Subscripts to photos

Weak points

1. Not so many photos of 3d printed parts

2. No details about frame construction
3. Poor description about possibilities to use 3d printing in different industries, for. Ex medicine

What IS ANSYS - Paweł Mamala Michał Żużałek.pdf

Authors presented a comprehensive information about one of leading CAE softwares, ANSYS.
Presentation consist of history, options of computations, example experiment with computer
analysis and most important advantages and disadvantages.

Strong points

1. Presentation plan
2. History and functions of software were explained
3. Pros and cons of software introduced

Weak points

1. No real objects designed in this software, a lot of commercial companies use it for
design/analysis. Automotive parts could be a good example of possibilities
2. More literature positions may be helpful for readers
3. Some photos are very small, people may have troubles with reading

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