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Effective writing: discovering and

planning, purpose
Effective writing:
Effective writing is writing which has a logical flow of ideas and is cohensive.This means it
holds together well because there are links between sentence and paragraphs.
which is cohesive works as a unified whole and is easy to follow because it use language
effectively to maintain a focus and to keep the reader 'on track'.
You don't need to struggle with writing.In fact effective writing should be as natural as
you are writing for artistic purpose the best way to improve your writing is to use the method
of "effective writing".

Features of effective writing

The five feature of effective writing are
1. Focus
2. Organization
3. Support and elaboration
4. Grammatical convention
5. Style
1.Thesis focus:
Focus is the subject/ topic / thesis establish by the writer in response to the writing
The writer must clearly establish a focus as she/ he fulfill the assignment of the prompt.
If the reader is confused about the subject matter, the writer has not effectively
establish a focus.
If the reader is engaged and not confused, the writer probably has been effectively in
establishing a Focus.
2. Organization:
Organization is the profession , relatedness and completeness of ideas . The writer
establish for the reader a well-organized composition which exhibits a constancy of
purpose through the development of elements forming an effective beginning ,middle
and end.
3. Support and Elaboration:
Support and elaboration from extension and
development of the topic.The writer provide sufficient elaboration to present the
ideas and events clearly.
important concept in determining whether details as supportive are the concepts of
relatedness,and sufficiency.
4. Grammatical convention:
Grammatical convention involve
correctness in sentence formation,usage and machanics.
writer has control of grammatical convention that are appropriate to the writing task.
,if present, do not impede reader's understanding of the ideas conveyed.
5. Style:
Style is the control of language that is appropriate to the purpose,
audience and context of the writing task.

Effective writing Discovering

Writing as discovering
Background :
Although writing is commonly characterized as a process of discovery ,there are constrasting
conception of what this implies about the writing process.
models of the cognitive processing in writing treat discovery as a side-
effect of the processes required for effective communication and associate it with the
adaption of thought to rhetorical goals.

In this paper, l agree that these overemphasize the role of explicit thinking process in writing
at the expense of more implicit text production processes.

Following a review of research investigating the condition under which writer discourse new
ideas through writing, which I agree contradicts important features of the classical account of

The model identifies two conflicting processes in writing: an explicit planning processes
incorporating many of the feature assumed by classical models of writing,and an implicit text
production process,which operates according to connectionist processing principle.

Effective writing planning

Planning is deciding advance what to do,when to do,how to do and how is to do it.


1. Goal oriented
2. Continuous process
3. Forward looking
4. Mental exercise
5. Involve decision making

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