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Invasive species

Biomass is energy made from the decomposition of plants and animals.

Heat, movement, things that aren't digested
Secondary consumers as they eat the primary consumer which eats the









Invasive species: A species that has been introduced or is not native to the

A good invader: High dispersal or fast travel/survive in the environment/able

to live off different types of food

Controlling invasive species

Controlling invasive species once they have become established is difficult
Usually very expensive
4 main ways:
Physical control
Chemical control
Biological control
Physical control of invasive species
Controlling plants:
● Mechanical -excavation, strimming etc
● Removal of plants by hand
● Installation of growth barriers
Controlling animals
● Culling
● Trapping and hunting
● Putting up barriers or fences

Chemical control of invasive species

● Chemical control involves applying poison to eliminate invasive species
● E.g. eradication of rats on Henderson island-Use rodenticide(rat poison)
● Insecticides & pesticides to control insect pests
● herbicides(weed-killer) to control plants

Biological control of invasive species

● Uses a living organism to control invasive species
● This organism may eat the invasive species or cause it to become
● Biological control agents must be carefully assessed before release to
ensure the control species will not become invasive itself

Preventing invasive species

● Prevention is better than cure
● Preventing invasive species from being introduced somewhere in the
first place or preventing them from spreading if they do arrive,is the key
to avoiding long-term harm to ecosystems

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