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When you are at a party with people you don’t know and your friend disappears

The face you make when you went through someone you know but not enough to say
,, Hello”

When you are sitting on a toilet and you see a stranger through a crack

When you show your friend a meme and he doesn’t laugh

When you try to take a picture of somebody without noticing them

When you leave a store without buying anything

When you try to end a conversation and the other person can’t stop talking

When someone is crying and you don’t know what to do

When you say buy to someone and both of you go in the same direction

When you are eating out and the table behind you is being too loud

When someone gives you a nice compliment but you don’t know how to react to it

When you say someone and you know you follow each other on social media but
have never met and you don’t know if you should say ,,Hi”

When the only thing you know on your test is your name

When you are trying to sleep and your pet won’t be quite

When your teacher sends you a message at the weekend

Me at the window when I hear something outside my house

Me sitting with adults discussing about life

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