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Information and communication technologies

The laboratory work 23-24.

Operation with Smart-applications: Smart TV, Smart Hub, etc

Tasks /variant I/
1. Make a presentation for the theme Smart TV and Smart Hub. The new Smart TV technology is an
integrated system that greatly expands the capabilities of conventional TVs. With it, users can do
everything on the big screen that we use smartphones, tablets and computers for.

2. Мark correctly write the name of these programs






3. Divide the programs into two columns according to their application

Program for creating presentation Аnimation program

3. Fill in the blanks
*Like other domains, medical 1)__________ has adopted separate service models to acquire, distribute
and process multimedia data. Proprietary technologies, combined with incompatible or limited
2)__________ and an increasing variety of 3)______ enabling technologies are making it very complex
to integrate medical data processing 4) __________or decide about their evolution. Nevertheless, the
separate models are converging towards an integrated 5)___________ service model. Within this
context, we propose an assessment of the adequacy of emerging multimedia standards, considering their
potential relevance in 6)_______ applications. The appropriateness of selected multimedia solutions is
evaluated, according to 7)_____ requirements conditioned by spatial and temporal interaction
constraints. Identified deficiencies lead us to describe the emerging multimedia standards 8) _________
that could provide improvements. JPEG-2000, MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 are discussed, emphasizing their
important 9)___________, application scenarios and potential worth
*Multimedia System- … A multimedia system may be characterized as a 1)_______ based system for
integrated 2)_______, storage, presentation,3) _________, creation and manipulation of independent
information from 4)______ time-________ and time independent media

4. Innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment

5. Match the words to definitions.

1. Formula prefix A Default view in Excel
2. Normal view B Direction in which contents of page will print
3. Name box C Equal sign preceding a formula
4. Cell D File consisting of one or more worksheets
5. Orientation E Intersection of a column and a row
6. Workbook F Part of the Excel program window that displays
the active cell address
7. Fill handle G Clears the contents of selected cells
8. Dialog box launcher H Item on the Ribbon that opens a dialog box or
task pane
9. Drag-and-drop method I Lets you move or copy data from one cell to
another without using the Clipboard
10. Delete J Displays an alphabetical list of functions from
which you can choose
11. Formula AutoComplete K Lets you copy cell contents or continue a series
of data into a range of selected cell

Control questions:
1. What is the Smart TV?
2. What is the main difference between conventional TVs and smart TVs?
3. What are the main OS Smart TV?
4. What is Smart Hub?
5. Benefits of Smart TV
6. What is the multimedia?
7. What does the term multimedia mean?
2. The main carriers of multimedia technology
3. Multimedia – used in
1. What is Movie Maker?
4. FeaturesMovieMaker:

Tasks /variant II/

1. Match the companies to operating systems. The presence of an operating system (OS) in a TV with
Smart TV distinguishes it from an ordinary TV. Using the OS, it became possible to connect to the Internet,
which immediately increased the functionality of the TV.
Companies use different operating systems on their models:
Companies Operating system
Samsung - Android TV;

LG - Tizen;

Philips, Sony - WebOS;

Panasonic its own development

based on Firefox OS

2. Match the error value to cause of error.

1. #DIV/0! A Invalid use of a number in a formula
2. #NA B Invalid intersection of areas
3. #NUM! C Wrong type of formula argument or operand
4. #VALUE! D Invalid cell reference
5. #NAME? E A number is divided by 0
6. #NULL! F Column is wide enough to display data
7. #REF! G Formula contains text error
8. #### H A value in a formula is not available
3. Identify each of the following programs as either system software or application software, by
ticking the correct column.
System software Application software
Word processing program
Operating system
Spreadsheet program
Anti-virus utility
Programming language C+
Graphics package
Disk clean-up program
Database package
Computer game
4. Use the information from the location list in the box given below to fill in the blank of the file

C:\\Users\_________\stories\The Blue Rose

C:\\Users\Adam\_________\pencil and paper

C:\\_________\Adam\stories\Alien Tap Dancing




C:\\Users\________\stories\The Mysterious Box

_____\\__________\Sara\_________\Tea Time

5. Fill the blanks with the words from the table below. Use each word only one time.

hard drive Windows Upgraded BIOS

User essential Graphics System 8

DOS operating system

Control questions:
1. What is the Smart TV?
2. What is the main difference between conventional TVs and smart TVs?
3. What are the main OS Smart TV?
4. What is Smart Hub?
5. Benefits of Smart TV
6. What is the multimedia?
7. What does the term multimedia mean?
5. The main carriers of multimedia technology
6. Multimedia – used in
1. What is Movie Maker?
7. FeaturesMovieMaker:

Tasks /variant III/

1. Fill the blanks with the letters from the table below. The Smart Hub service is updated regularly with
the latest new services and applications. To enter the Smart Hub service, you need to press the multicolored
button with the letter " " on the remote control.


2. Fill the blanks with the words from the table below. Use each word only one time.

hard drive Windows Upgraded BIOS

User essential Graphics System 8

DOS operating system

1. The large program that controls how the CPU communicates with other hardware component is
the _______________.
2. A computer that is easy to operate is called _____________.
3. The ______________ wakes up the computer and reminds it what to do.
4. The ______________ part of the operating system is stored on ROM.
5. Important, but non-essential, parts of the operating system are stored on the computer’s
6. Disk-based operating system is also known as _____________.
7. _______________ is the most common operating system for PCs.
8. Operating systems are constantly being ___________ as technology advanced.
9. One example of a Macintosh OS is ____________.
10. A Graphical User Interface uses _____________ to help the user navigate within the
computer system.

3. Select the type of program from the table that would be best to use for each task given below.

Creating a birthday card for a friend

Creating a chart
Printing a mailing list
Finding information on pyramids
Playing solitaire
Keeping an address book
Writing an essay about your pet
Calculating of the average salaries
Writing a story about aliens
Editing a photo

Research Spreadsheet Education Database

Entertainment Desktop Publishing Graphic Editor Word Processing

4. Innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment

5. Divide the programs into two columns according to their application

Program for creating presentation Аnimation program

Control questions:
1. What is the Smart TV?
2. What is the main difference between conventional TVs and smart TVs?
3. What are the main OS Smart TV?
4. What is Smart Hub?
5. Benefits of Smart TV
6. What is the multimedia?
7. What does the term multimedia mean?
8. The main carriers of multimedia technology
9. Multimedia – used in
1. What is Movie Maker?
10. FeaturesMovieMaker:

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