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Love is too beautiful to hate, and love comes in all forms.

 Having a romantic relationship with the

same sex is not immoral; it is natural. When a person decides to marry someone of the same sex
rather than someone of the opposite sex, this is known as a same-sex marriage. In recent years,
same-sex marriage has become a more controversial topic, with many questioning whether it’s right
or wrong. Mostly here in the Philippines, many of us believe that the institution of marriage has
traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman. We should not shun this concept
anymore. The world is evolving, and we need to keep up with the times. 

Adopting a same-sex marriage here in the Philippines is not easy. There are pros and cons when it
comes to this issue. Allowing same-sex marriage would enable gays and lesbians in the Philippines to
marry the person they love and would strengthen everyone’s rights. From a human
rights perspective, extending civil marriage to couples of the same sex demonstrates respect for the
fundamental rights of equality and nondiscrimination. Moreover, people can finally be themselves
and own their individuality. Just because someone does not love a person of the opposite sex does
not make them wrong. We can love anyone we want. On the other hand, the Philippines is a heavily
religious country. Same sex marriage is not something passable in the near future since marriage is a
jurisdiction of religion, specifically here in our country where we are Roman Catholic. Also, knowing
that some Filipinos are very conservative and very religious, they discriminate against the LGBTQ
community and see same-sex relationships as a sin in the eyes of God and of the people. If you get
involved in this type of situation, you can't get away from the reality that people will judge you. 

In my opinion, same-sex marriage should be allowed and not judged. Everyone should have equal
rights in housing, jobs, and public accommodations, as well as equal access to government benefits
and legal protection, and they should be able to get married. The main arguments against same-sex
marriage are that first, most people believe that marriage is an institution between one man and
one woman. Polygamy should not be allowed if marriage is to be between one man and one woman,
and in the Muslim religion, males are allowed to have more than one wife, but this is not seen as a
problem. The LGBTQ group has the same rights as everyone else, and marriage should be one of
them. If same-sex marriage is unjust in our country, we can probably pass a same-sex union. A same-
sex union is a union of two people of the same sex under the law. In this matter, their rights as a
couple are protected under the law. If I'm not mistaken, marriage is a jurisdiction of religion.
Furthermore, the government cannot impose a religious stance on same-sex marriage because it is
within their jurisdiction. But in same-sex unions, it is under the governing body. Knowing our
circumstances, a safer and more applicable option for the matter is a same-sex union.

There is nothing wrong with what your gender is and with whom you love. But if you belong to the
LGBTQ community, it is expected that you cannot escape the reality that people will judge you and
you will experience discrimination. Most of us believed that marriage was just for men and women.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this kind of matter. There are possibilities and ways to
implement it, but one thing is for sure: same-sex marriage is not easily accepted in the Philippines,
and it is one of the issues of our country's knowing that it is one of the most questionable issues for
our upcoming presidential candidates.

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