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Creativity, innovation and development of new products

Daniel de Lira


Maritzy Cassandra Chapol Camarillo

ID: 0238019
Efficient products and organizational development behind

Can organizational barriers really have an impact on the development of effective

products? In my opinion, yes. I personally think that the article "Creating Effective Product
Development Teams or Integrated Product Teams" exemplifies the answer to this question
very well. I am inclined to believe that nowadays it is not enough just to have good
technology, practices or techniques for effective product development, since the
development teams, i.e. the personnel from different functional departments, are an
essential part of the whole in order to be able to carry them out in the best possible way.

As I mentioned earlier, how and who participates in product development is important

and something that should not be neglected or taken lightly, the organization and teams
involved can become key in the development of integrated products. For a company to have
a good organizational system it is important to identify the geographical dispersion of people
and functional departments and that these are integrated by people from different
departments, since this helps to a better flow of ideas, more balanced and broader
discussions, leading to better designs, solutions and results.

An example of the above can be seen when in a meeting the members of a team
brainstorm ideas, and it is well known that this brainstorming becomes more enriching when
there are several contributions, from different people with different points of view and
different perspectives, since it is almost certain that a marketer does not think the same as
an engineer. This is where the PDT/IPT comes in, which ends up being a team of people
responsible for the design of a competitive product and the related processes to
manufacture and support that product, with people from all disciplines that can impact
product development.

Likewise, having a good organizational structure from my point of view makes the
objectives clearer and defining and understanding the relationship of the team in this case
PDT/IPT with the organization of the product, makes the development of these easier and
more effective.

Now, the fact of having a team with members from different functional departments,
is something that must be planned or, even if it is organized in the best possible way, it is
here where you must take into account different points such as placement, which would be
to place the team in a project area; the team leader, which would be one for each team,
which would serve as president, facilitator or entertainer, to work in a balanced and directed
way; planning, where an understanding of the tasks at hand should be obtained; team

building, where it will be important to recognize and understand the barriers to be overcome
and the stages of growth to move toward effective team operation; and finally empowerment
and self-direction, where functional department managers should empower the individuals
assigned to the PDT to represent the interests of the department while the individual serves
on the team.

Something that I want to emphasize and that I consider important in any relationship
between company and collaborators, members or teams is that there is a good culture, in
which everyone feels comfortable, motivated and with clear objectives, although good work
development is not achieved from one day to the next, with good training and education this
can be achieved.

The best results are usually achieved when working as a team, otherwise,
when the members of an organization or company are not in sync, it is possible to
observe the decline in the work they develop.

Can technology be more important than team development? It is indisputable

the relevance of technology and techniques when we talk about product
development, however, these can never replace what human capital can offer, I
believe that human capital will always be the most important asset of any company
or organization, and this is not indifferent in the production and innovation of
products. It is for this reason that companies have really taken great relevance to the
members that constitute them, and in the end they are the ones who give the ideas
and develop them.

To summarize, I can say that many times the basis for a good execution in the
development of effective products, is more than anything and from my point of view the work
and development of people, teams and their members behind this work, since, although the
advances and technologies have definitely been an evolution for the manufacture of these,
the minds behind are those who have known how to execute the decisions and reach the
most effective results possible. And it is for this reason that a well-developed PDT/IPT should
be sought.
"Building Effective Product Development Teams - NPD Solutions." https://www.npd- Consulted on 5 Jul. 2021.


Parra, D. Q., Hernández, B., i Sellens, J. T., & Ramírez, J. F. (2014). La innovación de
productos en las empresas. Caso empresa América Latina. Cuadernos del CENDES, (87),
Acosta, J. M., & Vera, J. M. A. (2011). Trabajo en equipo. ESIC Editorial.

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