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April 5, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

Brittany Drake is a student teacher in two placements this semester. First, in a kindergarten classroom at
Nellie Reed in Corunna Public Schools. She is responsible for planning and teaching math, reading,
writing, social studies, and science to twenty-two students of which a couple have special needs. Her
second placement is Preschool ESCE at Louise Peacock in Corunna Public Schools. These students range
in age from 2 ½ to 5. She has anywhere from four to six students per class that she works with based on
their IEP goals. As her college supervisor through Baker College, my responsibility is completing formal
observations using the Danielson Framework for Teaching, analyzing weekly lesson plans, completing a
dialogue journal, formulating progress reports and final evaluations, and using data tools for lesson
analysis. As I reflect through all of this, I believe Brittany has the knowledge, skills, and desire to be an
outstanding teacher.
Brittany plans and implements detailed lesson plans including Common Core State Standards, resources
and materials, Big Ideas and Essential questions, objectives, sequence of activities with instruction,
formative assessments, as well as accommodations and differentiation. She successfully demonstrates her
awareness of different learning styles and adequately adjusts and differentiates assignments to meet the
varied needs of students. One of her strengths is intentionally planning transitions and embedding higher
level thinking. Her creative units are thoroughly prepared, planned, and implemented. She is innovative in
her use of technology to help students better understand content as well as engage them in learning.
In Brittany’s classes, all students are treated with respect. She exudes patience and possesses a positive
and enthusiastic personality while being a terrific influence on the classroom environment. Another area
of strength for Brittany is the rapport and relationships she builds with students. She schedules
opportunities with her students to check-in and further foster connections. She is well dressed, articulate,
and always ready with a smile and a kind word. She has bonded with other team members in both schools
and they accepted her as a strong working member of the preschool and kindergarten professional
learning communities.
I am confident that Brittany Drake will be an asset to any staff that she works with. She is passionate,
knowledgeable, and has the skills of a seasoned teacher. I would highly recommend her for any position
in which she is interested. I am glad she chose education as her profession because she possesses a strong
desire to work with and teach young people. Please feel free to contact me if you feel that I might be of
further assistance to you.

Tricia Walters

1020 S. Washington Street Owosso, MI 48867 | P: 989.729.3350 |

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