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Effective communication is considered a fundamental skill to have in the workplace and in life

for several reasons:

Builds relationships: Effective communication helps to build strong relationships with others,
both personally and professionally. It fosters trust, understanding, and respect between
individuals. I learned that smiling during interviews helped me connect more with the
interviewer/interviewee. Having a more cheerful and energetic tone of voice is highly important
as well.

Increases productivity: Good communication helps to clarify goals and expectations, which in
turn can increase productivity and efficiency. It ensures that everyone is working towards the
same objective. It helped me communicate my points more effectively and have a more
productive interview.

Resolves conflicts: Effective communication is critical in resolving conflicts and

misunderstandings. It can help to prevent disagreements from escalating and reaching a point
of no return. Good communication skills allow you to also reject people in a more professional
and impersonal manner.

Boosts morale: Good communication can have a positive impact on morale. People feel valued
when they are listened to and their opinions are taken into account. Also, giving personal
experiences and being able to connect with others personal experiences helps improve
positivity and the general outlook on life.

Enhances leadership skills: Effective communication is a key component of good leadership.

Leaders who can communicate effectively can motivate and inspire their team to achieve their
goals. Leading an interview also ties in a lot with leadership, because being a good physical and
speaking communicator is vital for the success of the interview. Additionally, I’d you’re not a
leader, it’s hard to lead an interview without seeming incompetent.

Facilitates learning: Good communication facilitates learning and development. By

communicating effectively, individuals can share knowledge and expertise with others. Adding
onto that, learning about your interviewee is a vital part of being an inetrviewer, and analyzing
the interviewee’s body language and speaking skills is not possible without good
communication from both sides.

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