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Дз, що було на 05.10.


Ex. 2(у документі ST Copy 03.10.22)

Текст читати ex. 147, запитання до тексту ex. 148.
ex. 150 (перекласти слова на англійську, слова із вправи 147)
ex. 154 (перекласти речення).

1. Choose any quote you like and give your opinion (не менше 6 речень)

151. Match the words to make word combinations.

1. to pass a. the implementation of documents
2. to maintain b. undeterred activities
3. to be associated in c. media standards
4. free public d. prerequisites
5. politicially e. standard
6. legal f. certain relations
7. to create g. burning problems
8. invariable h. accomplishments
9. to raise i. under the auspices
10. to achieve j. non-affiliated organization
11. to facilitate k. access
12. to guarantee l. foundation
13. aesthetic m. laws
14. to deal with n. the National Press club
153. Choose the correct answer.
1. Quizz programmes on TV can _____ people’s knowledge of different subjects.
a) organize b) facilitate c) back up
2. All his life he was striving to be successful in business and his major ______ was the
company he created.
a) attachments b) prospectus c) accomplishment
3. One of the responsibilities of the editor is to _____ the edition going.
a) promote b) exercise c) operate
4. There were a lot of ______ for successful implementation of this document.
a) foundation b) ground c) prerequisites
5. They usually present current ______ in the evening news programme on channel 5.
a) items b) information c) stories
6. Many ______ companies are involved in raising money to support this edition going.
a) foundation b) resources c) non-government-run
7. This channel ______ current information.
a) caters b) touches upon c) informs
8. Programmes on various discoveries, cosmic space, planets, the world of animals _____
our knowledge.
a) raise b) express c) communicate

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