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A work environment refers to the elements that comprise the setting in which employees work

and impact workers. While some items that comprise it are obvious, such as the wall treatment
or the number of indoor plants, others are more obtuse, such as company politics or a
coworker whose personality traits do not suit the company culture. Professionals working in
both full-time and part-time positions are significantly impacted by their office environment
because they have to perform their duties inside it. Usually, workers are required to adapt to
this workplace feature.
For example, the walls of your office are painted in pale green, which is a color you dislike. This
wall treatment is a part of the work environment. In this scenario, you can avoid looking at
them when you’re taking a short break from your computer screen. Similarly, the company to
which you’re applying may have a policy of using group interviews to reduce recruitment costs.
This policy is a part of the work environment, but you dislike it. In this scenario, you will have to
complete the group interview if you want the job.
The workplace environment impacts employee morale, productivity and engagement - both
positively and negatively. The work place environment in a majority of industry is unsafe and
unhealthy. These includes poorly designed workstations, unsuitable furniture, lack of
ventilation, inappropriate lighting, excessive noise, insufficient safety measures in fire
emergencies and lack of personal protective equipment. People working in such environment
are prone to occupational disease and it impacts on employee’s performance. Thus productivity
is decreased due to the workplace environment. It is the quality of the employee’s workplace
environment that most impacts on their level of motivation and subsequent performance. How
well they engage with the organization, especially with their immediate environment,
influences to a great extent their error rate, level of innovation and collaboration with other
employees, absenteeism and ultimately, how long they stay in the job. Creating a work
environment in which employees are productive is essential to increased profits for your
organization, corporation or small business. The relationship between work, the workplace and
the tools of work, workplace becomes an integral part of work itself.

Bangladesh that working environment played an important role in the employee’s job
satisfaction. A positive work environment is not only important for our physical, mental and
emotional health, but is also important for the product or service we produce for the company.
The better we feel at work, the more likely we will take pride in our work functions and be loyal
toward our place of employment.
Working environment can be divided into two components namely physical and behavioral
components. The physical environment consists of elements that relate to the office occupiers‟
ability to physically connect with their office environment. The behavioral environment consists
of components that relate to how well the office occupiers connect with each other, and the
impact the office environment can have on the behavior of the individual

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