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Work: Anastasia Russal.

March 1, Wednesday
Тема: "Вплив мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини."
Answers to Questions:

1. How much should an artist's intention affect your interpretation of the work?

● The artist's intent can influence the interpretation of a work, but the interpretation can
be different for each person, regardless of the artist's intent. The influence of the
artist's intent on the interpretation of a work can be large or small, depending on how
explicit it is in the work.

2. Do the artist’s plans and motivations affect its meaning?

● The artist's intentions and motivations can influence the meaning of a work, but it
depends on the context of the work's interpretation. An artist may have a specific
intention or motivation for creating a work, but its meaning may be understood
differently or even opposite to what the author intended. So, while the artist's
intentions and motivations may have an impact on the work, it does not always mean
that their interpretation is the only and correct one.

3. Or is it completely up to the judgment of the viewer?

● Thus, the interpretation of a work always depends on the judgment of the viewer, as
each person has their own experiences and worldview that influence the perception
of the work. While the artist's intent and motivation may be important factors, the
ultimate meaning of a work depends on the viewer's interpretation.

4. Watch a video from TED-ED "Who decides what art means?" What is your point of

● The question of who decides what art means is a complex and controversial one.
There are many different approaches to defining art, and each person can have their
own point of view on this matter. However, in general, we can say that art is a matter
of interpretation and feeling, and each person can have their own approach to
understanding and appreciating art. So, we can say that deciding what art means
depends on the individual interpretation and feeling of each person.

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