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Art is a product of man’s creativity,
imagination and expression. It takes time for
an artist to make their own art work. One
may perceive beauty on the time they saw an
artwork or on a daily basis. Not all are
considered artist but we are all spectator of
arts. We can able to differentiate the
beautiful to the ugly artwork based on the
quality the artist used. This give us role in the
field of art appreciation.

1. Categorize works of art by citing personal experiences.
2. Characterized artistic expression based on personal experiences with art
3. Characterized the assumptions of art


I. Topics
1. Art creativity, imagination and the expression
2. Assumption of art

The work of art as a creative tool is to depict the worldin a

different perspective. Each artwork have different beauty in
each own kind. The kind that the artist sees and wants the
viewers to perceive.

Art give us a role in the field of art

appreciation. An appreciation of art, one
should also exercise and develop his taste
for things that are fine and beautiful.
Learning to appreciate art no matter what
vocation or profession you have, it will lead
to a fuller and more meaningful life.

What is creativity

Creativity focuses on the process of forming

original ideas through exploration and discovery. In
children, creativity develops from their experiences with
the process, rather than concern for the finished product.
Creativity is not to be confused with talent, skill, or
intelligence. Creativity is not about doing something
better than others, it is about thinking, exploring,
discovering, and imagining. Creativity is found in the
obvious art and music, but can also be found in science
and play.

Because we think of art, music, dance, and drama

as examples of creative ideas, we may have forgotten that creative thought is found in all
aspects of a growing child’s life and can be learned from daily. Just look at how creativity shows
itself when a scientist discovers a cure for a disease, how a business owner decides to increase
sales, how the grocery clerk bags the groceries, or how a parent finds a way to entice a
reluctant child to head off to bed.

What is imagination
Art as a product of imagination,imagination as a product of art- According toAlbert
EinsteinImagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know
and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and
understand. Through imagination we can able to craft something new and something better for the
hopes of creating something for a change.Imagination produces art, in the same way that art also inspire

What is Expression
Art as expression according to Robin George Collingwood is“What an artist does to an emotion
is not to induce it, but to express it” Trough expression the artist is able to explore his own emotions and
at the same time create something beautiful out of them. Expressing emotions is different from
describing emotions, it makes people s art not a reflection of what is outside, but a reflection of their
inner selves.

Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine works of art: painting, drawing,
sculpting, musical composition, etc. Creativity ability is the skill and talent to use our
imagination to create and solve. A better artist is creative. But, you don't have to be an artist to
be creative.

What are Assumptions of arts

1. Art as universal
2. Art is not nature.
3. Art involved experience.

It is universal – Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and
continents through and through.
In every country and in every generation, there is always art.
Sometimes people feel and considered artistic are the work made before or work long time ago.
There is a wrong belief that age is not a factor in determining art, because there is this misconception
that “art is not good because it is old, but old because it is good”(Dudley et al.. 1960)

Art is not nature – Art is man's expression of his reception of nature. Art is man's way of
interpreting nature.Art is not nature because in many ways, art is not “natural”, it is an artificial
construct created by man. Sometimes it appears to be close to nature or it may even
sometimes “go beyond” nature but it always returns to the mind, heart and hands of man.

Art as experience" implies that the creation of art must be something of personal and

knowledgeable value. In this conception of art, the creator must have intimate or a subjective
link with their creation in order for both to have validity. Other than the creativity and
imagination capabilities of an individual, in order for you to actually maximize your talent and
skill and with the thought of sharing it with others Experience is important.

Time Duration: 1week (3 hours)


Interactive lecturing/ discussion on the following.
A. Why do people create works of art? (individual)
B. What is creativity?
C. Why is creativity necessary in art making?
D. When can you say that a person is creative.


Guide questions:
“Art is good because it is popular” or “Art is good because it is universal”
- Why art is universal?
- Why is art not nature
- Why does art demand involvement?

1. Insight paper: Select one from the following topics: (200 words)
a) Why is art ageless and timeless?
b) Why is art not nature?

c) Why is art involve experience?


1. What is Creativity? | Process Art and Creativity | Bright Ring Publishing, Inc. (2020).
Retrieved 22 August 2020, from
2. RyanBuer. (2019). What is Art: Introduction and Assumptions. Retrieved 22 August
2020, from
3. SolmeranoE.M,.Copyright 2019. Art Appreciation. 707 Tiaga Corner Kasipagan St.
Barangka Drive, MandaluyongCity.Booksatbp.Publishing Corporation.

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