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Work: Anastasia Russal.

February 15, Wednesday

Тема: "Видатні англійські митці. Кіномистецтво. Улюблений фільм."
Words for you:

an approval схвалення
a fiction film художній фільм
a must-see movie фільм, обов'язковий до перегляду
recognition визнання
heartwarming зворушливий
meaningless безглуздий
striking вражаючий
unfavorable несприятливий
to blend together зливатися воєдино

Ex.1, p.183

● 1. Yes, I do. I like watching films very much.

● 2. As for me, I think that watching a film is more interesting for me than reading a
● 3. Comedies films are make me laugh a lot.
● 4. Dramatic films are make me cry.
● 5. Historic films are send me to sleep.
● 6. Optimistic films are make me feel good.
● 7. Dramatic films make me buy the soundtrack.
● 8. There is a big difference watching a film on video or at home and in the cinema. I
prefer to watch films at home.
● 9. I like science fiction films because I like to look at the fantastic special effects and I
like dreaming.
● 10. No, I did not watch horror films alone, I'm afraid to watch horror movies alone.
● 11. Yes, I know the popular American expressions in of films and cinema such as
"After all, tomorrow is another day!", "Bond. James Bond" and others.
● 12. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp because I like his role in the films "Dead Man"
and "The Rum Diary".
● 13. The best film I had ever seen is a film "Peaceful Warrior". Main character is
played by Scott Mechlowicz. The director of this film is Victor Salva.
● 14. The last time I was in a movie in January this year. The film was very gripping
and exciting. Yes Idid, I enjoy it.
● 15. Yes, It is sometimes happens with me. I sometimes watch the same film more
than twice because the film makes me feel good.
● 16. I think that success of the film depends on the director, screenwriter and starry
● 17. My favorite genres are adventure films and science fiction films.

● A - interesting
● B - beautiful
● C - silly
● В - attractive
● E - meaningless

attractive, ugly, interesting, beautiful, silly, привабливий, потворний, цікавий,

meaningless красивий, безглуздий, безсенсовий

My favourite film:

● "Blame the Stars" is the story of 16-year-old Gaza, who is battling lung cancer, and
her love affair with 17-year-old Augustus Waters, who has also survived a battle with
cancer. Together they travel to Amsterdam to meet the author of Gaza's favorite
book. During the trip, their relationship strengthens, but then an unexpected turning
point occurs that causes Gaza to rethink her life and her relationship with August.

● The main characters in Blame the Stars are 16-year-old Gaza and 17-year-old
Augustus Waters. Gaza is battling lung cancer and August has already survived his
battle with cancer. They begin dating and travel together to Amsterdam to meet the
author of Gaza's favorite book.

● The movie "Blame the Stars" ends tragically. The main character Gaza learns that
her health is deteriorating and she cannot continue her relationship with August so as
not to hurt him. August dies of a recurrence of cancer, leaving Gaza in deep grief.
The film ends with Gaza reading a letter from August that he left her after his death.

● The director of Blame the Stars is Josh Boone.

● I remember an actress like Shailene Woodley played in Guilty Stars. She is an

American actress who gained fame for her roles in such films as "The Hunger
Games," "Divergent," "White Collar" and others. During her career, she has been
nominated for several prestigious film awards, including an Academy Award.

● The actors in Blame the Stars played their roles well, conveying the emotions and
moods of the characters very naturally and effortlessly. Shailene Woodley as Gaza
conveyed her character and feelings very accurately, allowing the viewer to feel her
struggle with the disease and her love for August. Ansel Elgort as Augustus
embodied the image of a thoughtful and strong guy who struggles with his past and
finds happiness with Gaza. Both actors played well together, which helped the viewer
to immerse themselves in the world of the story and feel the emotions of the

● Film: Guilty Stars is not a film with many special effects. However, some effects were
used to convey the mood and atmosphere of the film.
● There is a lot of beautiful music in Blame the Stars, but perhaps you are referring to
the song "Boom Clap" by singer Charli XCX, which plays in the final scene of the
movie. This song has a bright and energetic sound that helps convey the mood of the
main characters and the final moments of their story. The lyrics also reflect the film's
message that love may be short, but it is still worth the experience.

● Perhaps this is because the film makes the viewer feel strong emotions and
experience them together with the main characters. A story about love, life, and
death can be very touching and inspiring. In addition, the film is well filmed and
played by the actors, who conveyed the emotions of the characters in a very natural
and heartfelt way.

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