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What water service level is suited for densely populated urban areas where the population can afford

individual connections.

-Level III

Calculate the volume, in gallons, of a tank that is 75 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.

-112,200 gallons

When chlorine is added to raw water to eliminate algae and other forms of aquatic life from the water
so they won’t cause problems in the later stages of water treatment, the process is known as


What is an aquifer?

- A reservoir of ground Water

What is a Watershed?

-A land that drains or sheds water

Well yield test No. 3 revealed the following: Average of 1.5 minutes to fill a 5-gallon bucket, 1-hour well
test time, 90 minutes to recover to 90% of drawdown. What is the test pump gpm?


In which method of population forecasting, Increase in population from decade to decade is assumed

-Arithmetical increase method

Which one is not a sediment management solution


Water rates are implemented only after they are presented in a public hearing and after review and
approval by what agency?

-Local Waterworks and Utilities Administration (LWUA)

Class D Water Usage and Classification is mainly used for


Which one is a mechanized method to dig a well?


Water pressure is typically maintained within the water distribution system using pressure control
infrastructure like:

-. All of the above

The best groundwater reservoirs have

-high permeability and high porosity

In water treatment, the solids that are not separated out in the sedimentation tank are removed

- Gravity filters

Hard water contains large amounts of


pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in water. A pH level of 9 is


These are the pipes that bring the water directly to the consumers.

-Service Pipes

The process to remove the fine particles (less than 1 µm in size) that are suspended in the water.


Using the Water Balance Equation. In a watershed that is 5 km², annual precipitation was 20 cm and the
evaporation rate was 0.01 cm/d. Estimate the volume of annual runoff (m³). Assume that storage and
groundwater flux are negligible.

-817, 500 m³

If the annual average hourly demand of the city is 10000 m³, what is the maximum hourly consumption?

-2700 m³

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