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Submitted to English Education Department Faculty of Educational Sciences and

Teachers’ Training as a Partial Fulfillment to Thesis Writing







Approved by:

Supervisor I, Supervisor II,

Asri Siti Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Pd. Drs. Ruslan, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0021118901 NIDN. 0407046201

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................ii
LIST OF ENCLOSURE.....................................................................................iii
1. Background of The Study.............................................................................1
2. Formulation of The Problem........................................................................2
3. Operational Definitions................................................................................2
4. Aim of The Study.........................................................................................3
5. Significances of The Study...........................................................................3
6. Literature Review.........................................................................................3
1.1 Theoretical Framework.........................................................................3
1.2 Study of The Relevant Research...........................................................7
7. Research Procedures.....................................................................................8
1.1 Method of Research..............................................................................8
2.2 Focus of Research.................................................................................8
1.3 Setting and Participants.........................................................................8
1.4 Technique of Collecting the Data..........................................................9
1.5 Technique of Analyzing the Data..........................................................9
1.6 Step of The Research...........................................................................10
1.7 Time and Place of The Research.........................................................10
Enclosure 1. Example of Questionnaire..............................................................12
Enclosure 2. Example of Interview Guideline ...................................................13
1. Background of the Study
Nowdays, technology is taking on a large role, bringing more innovations
and creations that make the teaching and learning process more colorful. By
using technology, there are many preferences that teachers can apply to
design a teaching method.
In addition, many teachers also bring a lot of technology, such as through
mobile devices, into their classrooms to facilitate a teaching and learning
environment. For example, the use of mobile devices in EFL classrooms has
revealed several positive outcomes, such as providing access to collaborative
classroom activities for groups on speaking, writing, and listening and
enriching authentic classroom activities using mobile applications or online
sites (Godwin-Jones, 2018).
Furthermore, another technological innovation that is currently becoming
very popular because there are content or types of videos that are in high
demand, especially among young people or students, namely video vlog.
Vlog has become one of the most popular daily digital videos used by all
generations (Clarkson, 2015). It is a combination of the words 'video' and
'blog' which allows users to create, upload, and watch videos that share
lifestyle (Anil, 2016). In the past, when telling stories of experiences only
through diaries, then came the term Blog where people could write
experiences that were poured into writing so that it could be read by many
people. But along with the development of technology, the term video blog
(vlog) has now emerged where people can create blogs no longer with writing
but using a video that is shared to the YouTube channel so that many people
can watch it. Gatica-Perez (2010) states that vlog can be defined as a
communication medium in the form of online broadcasts that are created and
posted. YouTube is a video-sharing website that allows users to upload,
share, and view videos (Dean, 2008; Weinberg, 2009, 292). If you have a
YouTube channel, people can create content in vlog and then upload them to
their respective YouTube channels. Thus, teachers or students can also use
vlog on YouTube or create them in a teaching and learning environment such
as to support EFL listening and speaking learning in PLS (Professional
Listening and Speaking) courses. In this course, he often creates video
content and then uploads it to their YouTube channel. In using this method,
learning a language can be fun, creative, especially being fluent in speaking.
Furthermore, several scholars have conducted research involving vlog in
language learning which revealed some of the results. A study from Paramita
Sari (2017) found that the use of vlog can motivate students and make
students confident to speak English. Maulidah (2018) also found that vlog can
significantly improve students' speaking skills. This can increase student
motivation by providing a fun and accessible learning process. Therefore, the
video blogging survey that has been studied by the University of Technology
Amira Mohamad & Aminabibi Saidalvi (2020) Malaysia, the results show
that students have a positive perception of English vlog because vlog can
improve their speaking skills.
Based on previous studies and the phenomena experienced by students,
the researcher tried to investigate the experiences of students when they were
involved in vlog in learning English. In contrast, much of the research on
vlog tends to focus on revealing their use in language learning to improve
speaking skills. This study tries to reveal the experiences of learners in
learning English when using vlog and to find out what they learn based on
their perceptions by describing and interpreting it to have an understanding.
2. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background above, in this study, the researcher addresses
the following question, what are the students’ perception of using Vlog on
YouTube in EFL speaking classroom?
3. Operational Definitions
3.1 Students’ Perception
Perception is the result of belief and opinion based on experience to
comprehend things. Students' perception in this term refers to students'
experiences on using Vlogs on YouTube as a strategy to EFL learning.
3.2 Vlog
A vlog defines as the video component that provides to speak up through
technology in the video form to deliver information to a perceived virtual
3.3 YouTube
YouTube provides a space for anyone to make their videos and becoming
a creator of the website.
4. Aim(s) of the Research
The aim of the study is to know students’ perception toward the use of vlog
on YouTube in the EFL speaking classroom.
5. Significances of the Study
5.1 Theoretical Uses: this study contributes to existing theories on the use of
Vlogs in English language learning
5.2 Practical Uses: this study contributes to the English teachers to be
concerned with the application of technology media in developing
students’ speaking skill. The use of vlog can show the importance of
student progress, especially in speaking.
5.3 Empirical Uses: this study review previous studies on the experience of
using Vlog on the impact of improving students’ speaking skill.
However, this problem is often studied many research. Thus, this study
aims to investigate a boarder problem in use vlog.
6. Literature Review
6.1 Theoretical Framework
6.1.1 Students’ Perception
In learning English, students' perceptions are important to
support in the learning process. According to Michael (1999) that
perception is such a feeling and thinking toward things and by a
process. This means that a person can express what feelings are in
their mind. In addition, the definition of perception can be found in
Searle as cited in Blake and Sekular (2006) “Perception is what
person (students) feel about a particular thing both conscious and
unconscious, whether visual or auditory and thought that are caused
by process going on the brain”. This means that when the human
visual system first sees something such as a picture or other object,
they will think of something from the information and then perceive
what is in their brain.
On the other side, according to Forgus and Melamed (2019),
perception is "the process of extracting information on cognitive
structures and processes that determine how humans interpret their
environment". Rangkuti (2002, p.33), agrees, "Perception is defined
as a process where individuals choose to organize, interpret stimuli
received through the senses, into a meaning". Perception in this
study refers to the response to role playing to form some meaningful
information on the learning process.
Perception relates to the experience of how people perform
activities or certain objects around them. Thus, some objects
perceived by the senses become multiple reflections in which people
interpret something based on their own experience as a result of
stimuli in generating information.
Furthermore, based on the theory above, it can be concluded
that perception is the result of beliefs and opinions based on
experience to understand the things around them. In this study,
perceptions relate to students' experiences in using vog as a strategy
for EFL learners.
6.1.2 Vlog
The existence of social media can be a useful tool for media
and meaningful language learning purposes. One aspect of social
media that is useful for achieving language learning goals is the
availability of web-logging, where you have access to create vlog
(Meskill & Ranglova, 2000). Vlog stands for video blog. According
to Watkins and Wilkins (2011), a vlog is a personal journal in the
form of video and audio that is published on social media. Posting
the findings of a vlog on various media connected to the internet
network, such as Youtube (Anil, 2016). Furthemore, the current
generation is closely related to media and internet networks which
have become a necessity. Furthermore, vlog are used to convey
personal or social experiences to others (Smith & Mate, 2010). Vlog
have become a mix of self-made video blogging.
6.1.3 YouTube Channel
Youtube is a video-sharing website that allows users to upload,
share , and view videos (Dean, 2008; Weinberg, 2009, 292).
Youtube is a popular video sharing website where users can
download, watch, and share video clips for free (Annisa&S. Rouli,
Websites are credited with social media and user-generated
content development, having a channel on YouTube means being
able to create vlog content, which will later be uploaded on their
respective channels. In addition, teachers or students can also use
vlog on YouTube to create their own to involve them in the
teaching-learning process environment. In today's social media and
technological advances it is very relevant in the educational context,
where devices such as smartphones offer several platforms to help
the learning process (Kitchenham, 2011, xxi; Reid, 2010; Nielsen,
6.1.4 Vlog in EFL Speaking Classroom
English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia, but this
language has become an international language in the world. At this
time, it can have an impact on many aspects of life, one of which is
the learning system in the English education classroom. Teachers are
required to be able to develop innovative and creative learning
models. Importantly, they must be able to relate it to technology.
Talking about technology, one of the technologies that students
use to improve creativity, critical thinking, and solving complex
problems in the language learning process is vlog, because it
involves oral activities in which students are asked to tell several
stories in their lives while facing the camera, it is clear that vlogs can
be used by students to develop their communicative skills.
According to Rakhmanina and Kusumamingrum (2017), vlog
projects can help learners develop their speaking skills,
communication skills, and also their creativity. Dr. Anil (2016) also
added that vlog help improve students' oral skills because it allows
them to practice their English both inside and outside the classroom,
and they can get instant feedback from the teacher as well as watch
their friends' performances in video class.
Therefore, it is a very good idea to do a vlog project in the EFL
speaking class, especially in the PLS (Professional Listening and
Speaking) course where in this course every meeting is always asked
to make a video (vlog) such as an example of creating content about
campus tours. And so on that are uploaded to their respective
YouTube channels.
6.2 Study of the Relevant Research
The present research is relevant to several previous studies have
revealed the use of vlogs involved in teaching-learning processes. The
first study is conducted by Ahmad Farda Muzakki (2019). The study
entitled “Students’ Perception on the Use of Vlog in Improving Students’
Speaking Skill Senior High School at Solihuddin School, Songkhlaa,
Thailand.” Based on the observations and interviews, that the students
really enjoy and master the vlog in their speaking so they can speak
confidently and fluently. Students enjoy what students do in making a
vlog because they are free to speak creatively and innovatively. This
method can be effective in terms of speaking skill students.
Moreover, the second study is conducted by Muhammad Jahid
Marzuki (2019). The study entitled “The Use of Digital Vlog Media to
Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill.” His study was conducted to
investigate the students' perception toward the use of digital vlog media
in learning speaking English. His research findings show that vlog was
effective to improve the students’ speaking skill, and the students gave
positive perception in learning speaking by using digital vlog media.
6.3 Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework is the basic form of this research. The
conceptual framework shows the situation of using vlog on YouTube by
the students in the EFL classroom learning process. During the learning
process, students create video content in the form of vlog which will later
be uploaded to the YouTube channel. This research will be conducted at
Siliwangi University. The researcher focused on the use of vlog in the
EFL speaking classroom (PLS) learning. Students were asked to find out
their perception of the use of vlog in the EFL speaking classroom (PLS)
through filling out interviews.
7. Research Procedures
7.1 Method of the Research
In this study, the researcher used an exploratory case study design.
According to Yin (1984), as quoted by Zainal (2007) exploratory case
study to explore each phenomenon in the data that is the point of
attention of researchers. For example, a researcher conducting an
exploratory case study on an individual's reading process might ask a
general question, such as, "Does a student use any strategy when reading
a text?" In this case study as well, previous field research and small-scale
data collection can be carried out before the research questions and
hypotheses are raised. Furthermore, it can be used to investigate EFL
students' perceptions of the use of vlog on YouTube in PLS courses.
7.2 Focus of the Research
This research focuses on investigating the perception of EFL
students on the use of vlog on YouTube in the EFL speaking classroom
(PLS) courses at universities in Indonesia. The description will be taken
from the results of interviews with students taking PLS courses.
7.3 Setting and Participants
This research will be conducted at a university in West Java,
Indonesia. This aims to determine students' perceptions of the use of vlog
on YouTube in the EFL speaking class named the PLS (Professional
Listening and Speaking) course during semester 3 of the 2020 academic
The participants of this study were 4th-semester students in the
English Education Department of a university in West Java, Indonesia.
Three participants will be recruited based on their academic achievement,
such as low, medium and high in this study. Their age range is from 18-
19 years old. They have used vog on YouTube as a learning platform in
the PLS courses.
7.4 Technique of Collecting the Data
The data will be collected by using a semi-structured interview.
According to Bryman (2012), a semi-structured interview is a type of
interview in which the researcher has prepared a list of questions, but the
question may not follow exactly the way outlined on the schedule. The
researcher can add or delete questions that were designed in the interview
guide. In short, questions that are not included in the guide may be asked
as the interviewer notices things said by the interviewees (Bryman,
The interview was addressed to three participants of the English
Education Department students of 2020 who were currently taking the
PLS course. The interview consists of 10 main questions adapted from
Nailis Sa'adah Safitri and Ianatul Khoiriyah (2017). The process of the
interview is recorded by the researcher and the result of the interview
transcribed by the researcher to highlight the statements that focus on the
research questions of the study.
7.5 Technique of Analysing the Data
In this study, the data will be analyzed by using thematic analysis.
According to Braun and Clarke (2006), thematic analysis is an
independent qualitative descriptive approach that is mainly described as
“a method for identifying, analyzing, organizing, describing, and
reporting themes within data” (p. 79).
Thematic analysis is a flexible method that allows the researcher to
focus on the data in numerous different ways. Thematic analysis can
legitimately focus on analyzing meaning across the entire dataset, or you
can examine one particular aspect of a phenomenon in depth.
Furthermore, Thematic analysis is also useful for summarizing key
features large data set, as it forces the researcher to take a well-structured
approach to handle data, helping to produce a clear and organized final
report (King, 2004). The many forms thematic analysis can take means
that it suits a wide variety of research questions and research topics.
7.6 Steps of the Research

Steps Description

1 Finding a phenomenon based on self-experience during a PLS

course in a University in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia.

2 In order to support this research, review several literature related

to the research problems from journals or articles.

3 Determine the topic to be researched.

4 Start to compile the thesis, including the background of the

study, literature review, and research procedures

5 Conduct the thesis guidance with the supervisor

6 Examine the thesis in front of the supervisor and examiner

7 Collect the data using semi-structured interviews with partici


8 Transcribing the result of the interview.

9 Analyzing the data using the thematic analysis of Braun and

Clarke (2006).

10 Complete the thesis.

11 Thesis examination.

7.7 Time and Place of the Research

The research will be conducted from January 2022 to ......2022. The
place of this research takes place in the English Education Department at
Siliwangi University in Indonesia.

No Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug


1 Research Proposal

2 Research Proposal

3 Data Collection

4 Data Analysis

5 Comprehensive


6 Final Thesis

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