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A Skripsi Proposal

Submitted to Language Education Faculty as a partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


Sasqiaulia Salsanadhifa


English Language Education Department 

Faculty of Language Education 

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 

Approval Page

The Benefit and Challenges of Using Videos as a Teaching Media: Teacher’s

Point Of View


Sasqiaulia Salsanadhifa


Yogyakarta, October 17, 2020

Approved by:

Ika Wahyuni Lestari, S.Pd., M.Hum

The Skripsi Advisor


I hereby

NAME : Sasqiaulia Salsanadhifa

Student Number : 20170810012

Study Program : English Language Education

Faculty : Faculty of Language

University : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that this skripsi entitled ‘‘The Correlation between Effective Teacher and

Students’ Motivation in Learning English at the Class’’ is certainly my own work,

and it does not consist of other people work. I am entirely responsible for the

content of this skripsi. Others’ opinion finding include in this skripsi are quoted in

accordance with ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, September 17, 2020

Sasqiaulia Salsanadhifa

NIM. 20170810012
Table of Contents

Approval Pagei
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY.....................................................................ii
Chapter One.............................................................................................................1
Background of the Study......................................................................................1
Identification of Problem......................................................................................5
Delimitation of the Problem.................................................................................5
Research Questions..............................................................................................6
Objectives of the Research...................................................................................6
Significance of the Research................................................................................6
Organization of the Chapter.................................................................................8
Chapter Two...........................................................................................................10
Literature Review...................................................................................................10
Teaching Media..................................................................................................10
Videos as Teaching Media.................................................................................12
The Types of Video............................................................................................15
The Benefit of Video..........................................................................................16
The Challenges in Teaching English using Video.............................................18
Review of Related Studies.................................................................................20
Conceptual Framework......................................................................................21
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework.......................................................................22
Chapter Three.........................................................................................................23
Research Methodology..........................................................................................23
Research Design.................................................................................................23
Research Setting.................................................................................................24
Research Participants.........................................................................................25
Data Collection Method.....................................................................................25
Data Instruments.................................................................................................28
Data Gathering Procedure..................................................................................29
Data Analysis.....................................................................................................30
Chapter One


This chapter shows the introduction of this study. It contains the

background of the research, identification of the problem, delimitation of the

problem, research questions, and significance of the research. In the background

of the research, it presents the general information related to the researcher's topic

and the reasons why the researcher chooses that topic. In identification of the

problem , the researcher presents the problems related to the topic. In delimitation

of the problem, the researcher limits the problem. The objectives of the research,

it shows the aims of the research. The last part of this chapter is the significance of

the research in which the researcher presents benefits from this study. 

Background of the Study

Recently, one of the most popular ideas in language teaching and learning

is "The Benefit and Challenges of Using Video as a Teaching Media”. Video is an

audio visual media that displays images and sound. Currently, the use of video is

one part that is often used by teachers in teaching and learning (Sadiman, 2009).

According to Aunurrahman (2010), in this modern era, technology and

communication develop so rapidly that it changes the educational paradigm.

Teachers who are learning facilitators have been given the widest possible access

to various learning media such as videos. Thus, currently teachers can take

advantage of technology and communication as appropriate learning media.

Additionally using media such as videos ease the teachers to teach in class

because media can be accessed via YouTube so that it can support and match the

learning material.

According to Harji (2010), video gives a better contribution to the

teaching and learning process in studying English vocabulary. Locatis and

Atkinson (1990); found that application of media is to some degrees special but in

many cases, it must be guided by both common standards of learning and the

setting in which these standards are utilized, for the directions utilize of media

programs are planned intentioned to create the teaching-learning environment

more curiously and viable. Several studies suggest that there are several

advantages regarding the implementation of video. According to Daryanto (2011),

excess use of video media, including adds a new dimension to learning, presents

moving images to students in addition to accompany sound, shows phenomena

that are difficult to see in real terms. Additionally, Harmer (2001); stated that

when using video films, students do not only hear the language, but they see it

too. In addition, video film uniquely allows students outside the classroom, and it

gives the potential to create something memorable and enyoyable.

According to Devanti (2018), the use of video as a media can improve

students’ active participation and vocabulary mastery. It is proved that watching

the video that is suitable with the theme could attract students’ attention and

improve their vocabulary mastery. Previous studies have almost exclusively

focused on the advantages or the benefit of using video media in teaching and

learning English and focus on the students; However the study about the
challenges faced by teachers in using video for classroom teaching has not been

studied widely.The previous studies only focused on student development. The

previous studies used quantitative design for research. The study was conducted

using three observations focused on student development with the use of non-

subtitle videos on the first observation, then on the second observation using

video subtitles to find out how students' interests and developments and students

were more interested in using videos with subtitles so they were more likely to be

active. At the last observation, a vocabulary test was conducted to find out how

well the students were progressing.

In one of senior high schools in Bantul, Yogyakarta, several teachers

applied video media in the teaching and learning process. There were three

English teachers in this school. Currently, some teachers used video in learning

specifically for teaching and learning vocabulary for students. The researcher

argues that there may be some challenges faced by teachers in the millennial era

to further enhance and try to change teaching styles in the classroom by using

video as a media.

At the high school where the researcher took this research the teacher used

a video that was ready to use according to the material. These videos can be for

taken from YouTube directly and then it can be applied or used in the classroom.

The video taken from YouTube is an example of an animated video that can be

used by teacher in the classroom. The teacher only downloads the video and then

applies it. By using the video from YouTube, it is very easy for the teacher in

teaching in the classroom. Video is the one of the media most widely
implemented by teachers in the classroom especially for learning English for high

school students. The video media that tends to be used today are those related to

technology, such as the use of video from YouTube or film. In watching the

video, the teacher brings a laptop, projector, and speakers so that students can

watch and listen to the video clearly. However, in the application of video media

that uses technology in the teaching and learning process, teachers also face

several obstacles before or during the teaching and learning process in the

classroom. The problem can be from teachers, students, and school facilities.

Here, the researcher will further investigate the difficulties faced from the

teacher's perspective when teaching in class using video media.

Thus, in this research, the researcher wants to investigate the benefits and

challenges faced by teachers in teaching using video media in the classroom. The

benefits and challenges are the important things that teachers must pay attention to

how they react to it and overcome it. Since the use of video media must be

considered, adjusted, and prepared carefully before implementing it in the

classroom for teaching. I did this research at one of Senior High School in Bantul.

This research will be conducted at one of senior high schools in Bantul,

Yogyakarta. Moreover, the focus of this study is to find out the benefits and the

challenges in teaching using video based on teacher’s perception.

Identification of Problem

The use of media in teaching English is not new thing for English teachers,

especially in the use of video media. It can be very beneficial for teachers and

students during the teaching and learning process. However, the types of video

media vary depending on how the media are applied in the classroom and on

teacher’s considerations and school settings. What is meant by school setting

includes students, teachers, school facilities, technical problems, and the academic


The challenges in using video media can occur in certain circumstances.

How teachers prepare media video before the teaching and learning process can

be a challenge for teachers because they have to prepare video media according to

the material and needs of students. In addition, technical problems might occur in

unexpected situations when the teacher uses video as a media to teach English.

How students react to the application of video can also be a challenge for the

teacher because it will determine whether students understand the material or not.

Delimitation of the Problem

In this research, the researcher focuses on teacher’s perspectives on the

video as a media in teaching and learning English. The use of this video is one of

the challenges for teachers because teachers must change their teaching styles in

the classroom. To make this discussion more detailed, the researcher limits the

problems. Firstly, the researcher only explores the benefit of using video media in
teaching and learning. Secondly, the researcher investigates the challenges by in

using video in teaching and learning in classroom faced by the teachers.

Research Questions

The researcher has proposed the research questions for this research. The

research questions are presented below:

1. What are the benefits of using video as a teaching media based on

English teachers’ perception?

2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in using video as a teaching

media in the classroom based on English teachers’ perception?

Objectives of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the purposes of the research are presented

as follows:

1. To describe the benefits of using video based on the English teachers’


2. To investigate the challenges of using video based on the English teachers’


Significance of the Research

The research is expected to serve the benefits and good impacts. The

significance are for some parties such as the next researchers, the teachers, and the

institution. The explanation is presented below:

The next researchers. This research is expected to be one of the

references for further research. Further research can be linked to teaching media

and video usage strategies for teaching and learning. After reading this research,

the next researchers can find out the advantages and the challenges of the

implementation of using videos based on teacher’s perceptions.

The teachers. This research presents information about teacher’s

perceptions on using video in English teaching and learning process. They can get

benefit; and also face the challenges of using video based on this reading or based

on their own experience in teaching using video. This research can help teachers

to find what videos are appropriate to be used in each class. The researcher hopes

that this research can help teachers to be more selective in choosing video as

learning media that is applied in the classroom. In addition, the researcher hopes

that teachers can develop their creativity in applying multimedia to teach students.

Finally, this research can provide new ideas for teachers in determining what

multimedia can be used in classrooms such as videos, especially in English


The institution. This research presents information about teacher’s

perceptions on the use of video in English teaching and learning process. This

research can help institutions to better assist the needs of teachers in overcoming

challenges for example in applying videos such as meeting the needs of wifi, lcd,

projectors which are more fulfilled in using video as a medium for teaching and

learning. It is hoped that this research can help educational institutions to pay
more attention to materials that must be used for teaching in the classroom such as

the media and the tools used.

Organization of the Chapter

The researcher divides this study in five chapters. The first chapter is the

introduction. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the

research methodology. The fourth chapter is the finding and discussion. Then, the

fifth chapter is the conclusion and recommendation.

Chapter one focuses on the background of the study. This study focuses on

the video as a media used by the teacher in teaching English. There are two

research purposes of the study. The first purpose is to describe the advantages of

using video. The second purpose is to investigate the challenges of using video.

This study also has several advantages and positive contributions to teachers, the

next researchers, and the institution .

Chapter two explains the theories relating to video used by teachers to

teach English in high schools and above. It also explains English learning in

Indonesian schools. Then, the researcher mentions the use of video media in

English classes. This study also mentions the type of audio-visual media that can

be used by teachers to teach English. This chapter also explains the challenges

that teachers might face in using video media, such as limited school facilities,

lack of time, teachers have little experience and inadequate internet access. In
addition, this chapter explains how the strategy the teacher will use in using video

media in the learning process.

Chapter three explains the methodology chosen in this study. The

researcher describes that interviews and observation will be used as the data

collection. The participants and the setting of this study are described in chapter

three. Then, it explains how the researcher will gather the data in the data

gathering procedure. It also describes how the researcher will analyze the data.
Chapter Two

Literature Review

This chapter discusses the literature review related the use of video in

teaching and learning. In the literature review, several theories related to this

research are presented. The theories discuss the definition of video as a teaching

media, the types of video media, the advantages or benefit of using videos, the

challenges in implementing videos. In addition, the researcher also presents

review of related studies and conceptual framework.

Teaching Media

Sunayotaiwo (2009) the role of the media is divided into two. In the first

example, the media are used as learning aids, here the media are used exclusively

to enhance or enrich teacher presentations. Second, the media are used as learning

system. According to Morris (1962), the function of technology media is to equip

teachers through their effectiveness in the classroom. Educational media are both

tools for teaching and avenues for learning, and their function is to serve these

two processes by increasing clarity in communication, diversity of methods, and

strength in appeal.

Video movies. Movies provide a wonderful opportunity for students to

gain background understanding to combine with their own understanding about a

story or concept. Movie features can help students connect to new information

they may have not had background in and adapt their new thoughts, images, and
feelings to the text at hand (Gambrell & Jawits, 1993). According to Rankin

(2003), WatchRead-Watch-Read (W-RW- R) method in which students will build

some background of the text, make predictions, watch part of the movie, read

more of the text, confirm understandings, make more predictions, watch more of

the movie, and continue reading the text. Luo, J.J (2004) in his study examined

the influence of DVD movies on students’ listening comprehension. Nine films

were incorporated into the class curriculum over the entire school year. The

DVD’s were the main materials of the course, supported by specially designed

additional activities. Instructional activities included story-telling, picture

description and open-ended questions for group discussion on topics retrieved

from the movies.

YouTube Video. The use of YouTube in an effective way of supporting

learning. YouTube helps students to learn by providing alternative views and

opinions on subjects, variety in delivery mechanisms, and the use of every day

examples to illustrate points (Tan & Pearce, 2012). According to Eick and King

(2012), video engages the students and increases their interest and understanding.

Following analysis of survey responses concluded that the videos helped to keep

students’ attention, generated interest in science, supported conceptualization

through visualization, provided students with memory cues and connections, and

clarified understanding.
Videos as Teaching Media

By using media, the students can easily understand the material.

According to Midun (2009), media give a good impact to young learners; it can

make message of the materials delivered clearly; this can make the learners active

in teaching learning process including motivating the learners and letting them

study by themselves based on their interest and ability.

Wu et al. (2002); examined the effective use of videos on the Internet and

recommended several directions and approaches that stressed the effectiveness of

using videos in education. Additionally, the research reviewed various approaches

and mechanisms to stream videos and their applications. However, many

researchers have observed the influence of interactive television and video-based

media on students and teachers. Whithaus and Neff (2006) found that teachers can

use videos as a Web-based mode of teaching and gave them the opportunity to use

videos as a means of learning. In addition, videos can produce interactivity

between students that supports social pedagogy. According to a study by Boster et

al. (2006), videos can affect educational achievement in a positive way. Moreover,

the study stressed that there is a lacuna in using clips or videos in class.

Additionally, the researchers indicated that video applications have a positive

influence on learners’ performance in social studies and science.Moreover,

utilizing YouTube videos in teaching is useful and beneficial for teachers who are
interested in technology for teaching purposes. According to Bonk (2009),

YouTube is considered an attractive social medium that contributes to global

education. YouTube is being increasingly used by instructors to teach the English

language. Many researchers have tried to shed light on the vital role of YouTube

videos for teaching and learning in classrooms. According to Berk (2009), the key

role of teaching language in the college classroom by using YouTube videos.

Definition of video. According to Mursyidto (2014), the media play

important role in the teaching and learning process of English. This is because the

media can offer students to use media and teaching techniques in the English

teaching and learning experience effectively and efficiently. Similar to the

description of Mursyidto, Andriyani (2017) states that the media has an important

part in the learning process; it can help students if there is uncertainty in learning.

Andriyani (2017) stated, "significantly, the role of the media will not emerge if its

use is not in accordance with the content and objectives that have been

formulated." (p. 28).

One of the most used media in English teaching and learning is video. The

term has aldo been defined that every application of media is somewhat unique

but in any cases it must be guided by both general principles of learning and the

context in which these principles are employed, for the instructional use of media

programs are designed intentionally to make the teaching learning environment

more interesting and effective (Locatis & Atkinson, 1990). They might also

present records through the experience of listening to as in audio assets, sight, as

in visual assets or through a combination of senses.

In addition, Cooper (1991) stated that video as a device of verbal

exchange and medium of records that package with messages, images, and

ambiguity and gift a wealthy content. Video may be considered as one

of good opportunity media to assist student’s interest in

the learning and teaching classroom. Similar to Cooper’s description, Harmer

(2003) stated that video can improve reenactments since it gives criticism to assist

understudies feel more realistic. Video could be a incredible medium to tell the

story. Through video, individuals can pick up a visual adjustment and the

individual association. The utilize of great video as a learning tool for the

understudies ought to suitable to instructive substance that student learned within

the educating and learning vocabulary.

Video were found and develop by Mayer in 2001. Video is a form of

multimedia that conveys information through two simultaneous sensory channels,

aural and visual (Mayer, 2001).Video needs to be evaluated because it is

important to preview the videos with the teacher goals (Tucker, 2013). Video has

come a long way as teaching and learning tool that shows and represents

information in the set of images. It is an excellent way to demonstrate the

procedure or gain an understanding of learning in action includes motivating

students, more memorable for students see the shape of language (Greene &

Crespi, 2012). Additionally video represents the language of life context. This

shows students how language is used naturally in realistic settings. Students can

see facial expressions, or gestures. Students can observe body language, how
characters react to emotional information situations that are difficult to obtain

from books or audio recordings.

The Types of Video

Using video media can create an easy teaching-learning process. There are

various types of video media for teaching English to high school students. The

explanation is presented below:

Video movies. Movie can be used as media to learn English. Harmer and

Alwasilah explained that movie can help teachers to teach students in writing skill

(as cited in Aziz & Fathiyyurrizqi 2017). Based on previous study, students often

faced some obstacles in writing English text, such as students were not able to

choose the right words, use correct grammars, gain the ideas, and arrangement

those ideas in their writing. Furthermore, Sherman and Webb (as cited in Khan,

2015) also explained that by using films, students can listen to authentic oral

communication which will help them improve vocabulary, pronunciation, voice

modulation, accent, speech, and tone . As stated by Iranmanesh and Darani

(2018), film can help students to learn idiomatic English and daily expressions so

that it can motivate teachers to combine film more to create enthusiasm for their

students in class.

YouTube videos. YouTube (YT) is one of the social online video-sharing

networks that teachers particularly welcomed with enthusiasm about its potential

to provide plenty of exposure time for English speaking (Godwin-Jones, 2007).

Teachers and students can find videos on learning subjects by searching for

Youtube videos, especially for English lessons, including YouTube videos for

high school students. Videos are selected and viewed in class with students. The

instructor can encourage students to express their initial impressions and opinions

about the video orally. Then, students' attention should be turned to all or some of

the comments posted for that video.

Documentary video. Documentary video is attempted to engage learners

directly in the video-making process. In addition, it builds the confidence of the

learner (Charge and Giblin, 1988; Marsh, 1989), encourages speech (Pearson,

1990), maximizes student participation (Phillips, 1982), can form the basis of

excellent communication activities (Allan, 1985), offers "fun, pleasure and value"

to the learner (Coleman, 1992, p.36) and offers learning experiences "much like

those that occur in the real world" (Secules et al., 1992, p.480).

The Benefit of Video

Videos are very useful for developing teaching and learning in this

millennial era. It turns out that video also provides many benefits to supplement

and learn. There are several advantages of using video in learning. The advantages

are presented as follows:

According to Paulsen (2001), the effective use of online materials may

provide positive spin-offs for learners much the same as if they were immersed in

the language and culture while studying abroad. Two important reasons cited for

such positive performance are authenticity and motivation.

Tomalin (1992) assumed, video communicates meaning better than any

other media” .The usefulness of this technology is almost universally recognized

many proponents of using video for EFL teaching maintain that it can be

successfully used for teaching culture and agree that videos stimulate students to

acquire the target culture as well as language.

Videos can make the task, situation or language being more authentic.

Video can be used to help distinguish items on a listening comprehension test, aid

in the role of recall, help to sequence events, as well as be adapted, edited or

changed in order to meet the needs of the language learner (Canning, 1998).

Being effective. The use of videos for English teaching and learning is

very effective. Wiratmodjo, and Sasonohardjo (2002), stated that the use of

instructional video media at the stage of teaching orientation will greatly assist the

effectiveness of the learning process and teaching the delivery of messages and

content at the time. Besides, the teacher has downloaded a video that will be used

in class to teach and students will study independently because here the teacher's

role is only as a student’s facilitator.

Utilizing the technology.Video media is learning that can utilize or

develop technology. Here the teacher can find relevant videos as teaching media

or make the learning videos themselves. It is known that the internet is growing

fast and is used in the education system. The relationship with this video is that

when the teacher uses a movie-based video or YouTube learning videos the

teacher will find it on YouTube and then show it to students as practical learning
material. The teacher just has to connect to the internet or WIFI at the school then

the teacher downloads the video. With this we can know that technological

developments really help teachers in the teaching process.

The Challenges in Teaching English using Video

In general, when the course applies video, the teacher says learning is

more fun and effective. Based on the prior interview, the teachers said that they

faced find it difficult to use video. One of the other English teachers explained

that they faced difficulties in teaching because of equipment that were incomplete

such as the internet connection and insufficient electronic devices like laptop and

other component such as projectors or LCDs.

There are various challenges or obstacles faced by teachers when teaching

English using video. The following paragraphs explain in more detail about the

problems faced by teachers when using video in teaching and learning English in


Limitation of school facilities. The major obstacles in using video for the

teaching-learning process are limited to high school facilities, lack of technical

support, and difficult to induce an appropriate video. The obstacles are not having

electricity in some classrooms, the projector at school is restricted, the broken

cable, the pc or laptop stuck. additionally, the electricity can be off at any time

during the class, so the video can not be played. Then, teacher had a difficult time

to find the right video to be implemented in the class (Nova, 2017). According to
Omariba, Gitau, and Ayot (2016), lack of technical support made the teaching-

learning process very tough.

Lack of teacher’s time. Learning using video might take a quite long

time. Omariba, Gitau, and Ayot (2016) stated that in using teaching

media associated with technology takes a protracted time within the process of

teaching and learning in the classroom because it requires preparation and

equipment that has to be utilized in accordance with the topics being

taught. additionally, Park and Bae Son (as cited in Mathew and Alidmat, 2013)

explained that teacher had positive and favorable attitudes in using

computer within the classroom; however, it took quite very long time.

Teachers having little experience. In International Journal of Education

and Development using ICT, the challenge that the teacher may face in using

teaching media is that the fear of technological developments and software that it

should not be ready to address (as cited in Omariba et al., 2016). Nova (2017) also

stated that teachers should attend teacher professional development program and

training to extend their competence and skill in using video or other

media associated with technology within the teaching-learning process.

Additionally, Dawes (as cited in Mathew and Alidmat, 2013) stated that the new

technologies can support in teaching-learning process, therefore teacher should

have a deeper understanding in using media to supply the effective

communication between teacher and students, like the benefits of the video as a

media. Thus, in this modern era, the teacher should have more skills and
experience related to technology such as video so that when teaching in the

classroom the teacher is ready to provide the material with the video earlier.

Review of Related Studies

This research discusses how video can be used to teach English to be more

effective. Cakir (2006) discusses the use of video as audio visual in classes

teaching foreign languages. This research used a research library, but there was no

record of where and who the researchers collected data. This study found out that

the use of video might be useful to help students developing their interest in

listening, speaking, and writing skills.

The next study was conducted by Sitti (2016) and the study focused on

ways to make video more meaningful in EFL classroom in teaching. This study

was carried out at one of Riau's Institutes.. The findings of this study show that in

the classroom, the video is of great support and gives benefit to teacher’s and

students in teaching and learning languages.  Video also eased the teacher in

teaching the In this research. Teachers must be able to choose appropriate videos

in this situation, use interactive tools and provide them with more informative and

meaningful ways.

The next study was conducted by Devanti (2018) and the study focused on

this Classroom Action Research was to improve students’ vocabulary mastery by

using video as a media in teaching and learning process. It covered four stages of
activities, they were planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting of the

action. The subject of this research was class VII C of SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Jember. In this research, the primary data were collected from the vocabulary test

while the observation check list as supporting data was taking during the teaching

and learning process. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the

video as a media of teaching English vocabulary was able to improve the seventh

grade students’ vocabulary mastery and students’s active participation. The use of

visual media was assumed to be an appropriate method to help the teacher and

students to solve their problem in teaching and learning vocabulary because using

a visual media in classroom will make the teaching and learning process more

alive and can attract the students’ attention to the lesson. Moreover, video can be a

valuable tool for supporting teacher learning.

The similarity between previous research and this research is that the

researchers have observed shows that benefit video in teaching and learning

English process. Video is very supportive and useful for teachers as teaching in

English classes. The difference between the prior studies and this research is the

focus of the study. The previous studies focus more on the benefit video based on

students’ opinion. Another difference from prior studies is that they use interview

with the English teacher to get information and data about the students problem in

the class and pre-test data. However, in this research the researcher focuses the

benefits and challenges based on teacher’s perception by using video for teaching

and learning media and also this research uses qualitative data methods.
Conceptual Framework

From the above literature, it shows there are several points related to the

application of learning management systems. First, it presents a definition of

video media. The researcher defines that video is a tool for developing learning

and teaching that is used by teachers in the classroom to be more effective and

efficient. Second, the literature shows that there are several types of videos that

can be used such as video films and YouTube Video. In addition, the benefits of

using video provide benefits for students in improving their learning. From the

literature review mentioned above, it can be concluded that the implementation of

video is generally applied in secondary schools. The final literature shows that the

teacher must pay attention to several strategies in implementing video in the


The purpose of this study is to explore the opinions of teachers about the

benefit and the challenges of using video as a teaching media in class. Those two

things still need to be investigated since it will give information for some parties

such as the teacher, the institution, and the next researchers.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


The Literature Research Aims

Definition of The Types of Benefit Challenges
Video Video

Chapter Three

Research Methodology

This chapter describes methodology which will be used in this

research. It covers the research design, research setting, research participant, data

gathering technique, data gathering procedure, and data analysis. Research design

shows the kind of approach will be used in this study. Research setting describes

where and when the researcher will do the study. Research participant explains

how the researcher chose the subject of this study. The data collection method
explores how the researcher will collect the data. Finally, data analysis discusses

the steps to analyze the data.

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to explore teachers’ perspective on the

benefits and the challenges of using video as a teaching media in one of the public

schools in Yogyakarta. The researcher will use a qualitative approach for this

research because this study is intended to find deeper information about the

benefit of using video, and the challenges based on teachers’ perspective.

Creswell stated that qualitative research is conducted from a small number of

individuals to obtain in-depth information. Creswell (2012) also mentioned that

qualitative research is suitable for solving research problems that researchers do

not know the variables and will discover.

Additionally, this research will adopt case studies to investigate

context-limited phenomena (Merriam, 1998). In this study, the researcher wants to

get in-depth explanations from the participants about their experiences and their

challenges in applying video in learning and teaching in the classroom.In this

study, the case is about the experience and the challenges in using video to teach

English lesson in class of three English teachers in using video in teaching

English in one of the secondary schools in Yogyakarta in January 2020. The

researcher chooses case studies because of the nature research problem and the

question being asked. Case study is the best plan for answering the research

questions, its strengthoutweight its limitations. The case study offers a means of

investigating complex social units consisting of multiple variables of potential

importance in understanding the phenomenon. Case study has proven particulary

useful for studying educational innovations, for evaluating program, and for

informing policy.

Research Setting

This research will be conducted in one of the senior high schools in

Bantul, Yogyakarta. There are several reasons why researcher chooses the school

as a research setting. The researcher chose this school because this school was a

reseacher school. So it is hoped that the reseacher can easily retrieve the data.

First, school facilities support the use of video during the teaching-learning

process in this study. Second this school has three teachers who teaches English

using video. This means that three teachers already have experience, information,

and knowledge in using video.

Research Participants

The participants of this study will be three teachers in a senior high

school in Bantul, Yogyakarta. All participants will be female teachers. They have

the same teaching hours of about 24 hours each week in the process of learning

English in class. To focus on selecting participants, the researcher will use

purposive sampling. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011), samples

with specific purposes are used for specific purposes. Purposive sampling will be

used since the researcher has criteria in choosing the participants. The criterion is

that teachers must already use video as a learning medium in the classroom. The

criteria for using video can also be seen from how often the teacher implements it

in the classroom, for example once a week and also the video must also match the
material in the syllabus. The teacher usually prepares the video in advance by

taking an existing or finished video via YouTube and then adjusts it to the

material in the syllabus. Taking the finished video is expected to make it easier for

the teacher.

Data Collection Method

In this study, the researcher conducted individual in-depth

interviews with three participants. Dexter stated that the interview is a

conversation that aims to get personal information, events, activities, feelings,

motivations, concerns, and can experience the world of the thoughts and feelings

of respondents (as cited in Linchon & Guba, 1985). In this analysis, the researcher

assumed that an interview is an effective method for data collection because the

researcher could obtain more detailed, deeper, and longer information. The type of

interview which will be used in this study is an open-ended structured interview.

Patton (as cited in Cohen et al., 2011) clarified that the questions already posed

and the researcher asks the participants the same basic questions. This interview

has enhanced participants' comparability but it does not make the responses

insensitive for the participants.

Then, the researcher will use open-ended things in the analysis as

schedules. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011) identified the versatility of the

open-ended object, which means that the researcher can dig in more details to

clear up misunderstandings. Then, the query formats used by the investigator are

indirect and general. The researcher will use general issues to ask participants to
find out how participants opinion to questions and get the knowledge they needed

from the participants.

In addition, the researcher will also use observation for answering

the challenges of applying video as a teaching media for teaching in class.

Observation is a complex research method that it often involves the researcher

playing a variety of positions and using a range of techniques; to gather data,

including her/his fi ve senses. Furthermore, despite the level of involvement with

the study group , the researcher must always remember her / his primary role as a

researcher and remain sufficiently detached to gather and analyze data relevant to

the problem being investigated.

The researcher will conduct the observation in this study in order to

find out the actual practice of implementing video as a media in teaching English

in the classroom. Cohen et al. ( 2011) described that observation is a research

method that explores the possibility of collecting "real" data for natural social

circumstances such as individuals, activities, behaviors, settings, Objects, and

daily tasks. This means that the observation done to confirm what the class

participants do is the same or different from what they said in the interview

before. Moreover, observation could be done more than once to see what's

happening directly in the classroom.

The method of observation that will be used in the study is very

formal observation. Observation is completed, according to Patton, because the

researcher already knows what it will find out in advance (as cited in Cohen et al .
, 2011, p. 457). The researcher wanted to make document observations or the

English Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) related to the use of videos to see

how the process of using the video was and also see how often video was used in

the classroom for teaching and learning media. This type of observation chosen by

the researcher because the researcher knew the purpose of the observation and

determined what to do in the observation. The researcher used the field note as an

observation plan based on Mulhall (2002) in order to conceptualize what occurred

spontaneously that had been objectively observed and then explain the

phenomenon. In observation, the researcher will not participate in classroom

activities. It is called as complete observer in various forms of observation

positions. Gold clarified that this category represents the observer being fully

observed and not taking part in any classroom activity (as cited in Cohen et al . ,

2011). The researcher had only one opportunity with three participant to perform

the experiment because the instructional materials were appropriate for the use of


According to Gold (1958) the role of an observer is divided into 4

types. (1) the complete participant, (2) the participant-as-observer, (3) the

observer-as-participant, (4) the complete observer. The role of an observer that

will be used for this research is the observer-as-participant. Because it is felt this

technique can help in obtaining more valid data.

Data Instruments

The data instrument which will be used by the researcher to collect the

data were interview list question, phone, a notebook, notes and pen. The

explanation is presented below:

Interview protocol. Interview protocol will be used as the researcher’s

guideline when the researcher does the interview. Besides that, the interview

protocol helps the researcher to easily ask question to the participants. The

questions in the interview protocol includes the benefit and challenges in using

video as a teaching media in class. There are six questions that related with the

use of video challenges and strategy towards for teachers in teaching and learning.

The researcher used Bahasa Indonesia in interview protocol to ease the

participants and the researcher to communicate.

Phone. A phone will be used as the researcher a tool to support the

researcher in recording the interview session. The researcher will use voice

recorder feature.

A notebook. A notebook will be used as the researcher’s tool to help the

researcher writing down important points mentioned by the participants during the

interview sessions.

Notes and pen. Notes and pen will used as the researcher’s tool to help

researcher write some important things, points and words that participants said

and to make sure that there are no important things left.

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers began collecting data by designing interview

guidelines. The researcher has prepared interview guideline. Then, the researcher

will make an appointment before meeting the participants via the Whatsapp

application. This application is useful to ensure that each schedule does not

interfere with the teacher and respect each other's privacy. After having an

agreement on the schedule, the participants and researcher will meet at the school

where the research is conducted and also the place where participants work or

teach. Because the participants are teachers, interviews will be conducted at

leisure time such as at break time, or after school ends to avoid disruption of

school activities. The researcher will use Indonesian language during the

interview because the researcher wants to prioritize each other's comfort and

wanted to avoid miscommunication.

Data Analysis

After collecting data using interviews the researcher used the field note as

observation data in order to support the findings. Then, for interview data, the

researcher transcribed the interview record. In addition, in analyzing the data, the

researcher will do some steps such transcribing, member checking, and coding.

The explanation is presented below:

Transcribing. In the transcribing the data, the researcher turns the

participants answer in to written form. The researcher will transcribe the data from

the audio-recorded interview to transcription after conducting the interview.

Member checking. Member checking wrap various kind of activities that

involved giving back the transcript of the interview to the participants. To review

the interview, the transcript that used to interpret the data. Member checking

focuses on giving back the transcript to be analysed and synthesized the data.

Alternatively, the researcher may conduct analyses of the data of the participant

and turn out the results that will place the participants test interview first


Coding. The Researchers must pick their methodology of coding and

design their analyses of data according to the research questions. Kerlinger (as

cited in Cohen et. al., 2011) defined coding as translation of question answers and

information from respondents into specific categories for analysis. Coding is a

process of identifying a passage in the text or other data items (photograph,

image), searching and identifying concepts and finding relations between them.

Cohen et. al. (2011) wrote that there are main four steps in coding which are open

coding, analytical coding, axial coding and the last one is selective coding (p. 561-

562). The explanation is presented below:

Open coding. Strauss and Corbin (as cited in Cohen et. al., 2011) argued

that an open code is simply a new label added by the researcher to a text to define

and categorize the piece of text. For this section the researcher will divide the

findings into groups. This is based on the parameters of the study, such as similar

words, similar context, etc.

Analytical coding. Cohen et. al (2011) argued that coding analytics is

more than just a descriptive application. It turns more interpretative. In this part

the researcher will continue the result from open coding to explain more and

interpret it. After that, the researcher will give the meaning into descriptive


Axial coding. Strauss and Corbin (as cited in Cohen et. al., 2011) stated

that axial coding is the collection of steps followed by the researcher, whereby

data originally segmented into small fractions of the entire text are merged in the

next way after open coding. In this part, the researcher needs to link the result

from analytical coding into larger category or point.

Selective coding. Selective coding describes the key categories of text data

which are incorporated into a theory (Cohen. Et. al., 2011). In this part the

researcher will make descriptive explanation concluded from the result of axial

coding. After that, the results show for the findings.


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Appendix 1. Interview protocol

Interview Protocol


Tentang Peneliti :

Assalamualaikum Selamat Pagi/Siang. Perkenalkan nama saya Sasqiaulia

Salsanadhifa. Saya mahasiswi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Angkatan 2017.

Tujuan Penelitian :

Saat ini saya sedang dalam proses melakukan penelitian dalam rangka bagian dari

tugas akhir (skripsi) saya tentang “English Language Education Department The

Benefits and the Challenges of using Video as a Teaching Media: Teachers’

Points of View. Penelitian saya ini dikhususkan untuk guru bahasa inggris di

SMA N 1 Sanden, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini

adalah untuk mengetahui sudut pandang guru terhadap manfaat, tantangan, dan

juga strategi pembelajaran menggunakan media video sebagai pengajaran di kelas

bahasa inggris di kelas X,X1,dan XII.

Partisipan :

Pada wawancara ini, saya meminta ketersediaan dari 5 guru bahasa inggris di

SMA N 1 Sanden untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang sudut pandang dari

pengalaman anda sebagai guru yang pernah menggunakan ataupun untuk guru

yang belum menggunakan media video dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris di

kelas. Saya, memilih anda sebagai salah satu partisipan saya karena anda bersedia

dan memenuhi kriteria partisipan saya untuk penelitian ini.

Prosedur Wawancara :

Pada wawancara ini, saya akan menanyakan sudut pandang dan pengalaman anda

dalam penggunaan media video sebagai salah satu media pengajaran dan

pembelajaran di kelas bahasa inggris.

Tidak ada jawaban benar ataupun salah. Silahkan berikan jawaban sesuai

keinginan anda dan pengalaman anda.

Saya akan merekam wawancara ini menggunakan recorder di handphone.

Silahkan jawab dengan suara yang sedikit keras untuk menyesuaiakan

Kerahasiaan anda dan jawaban anda akan saya jamin. Saya tidak akan

menggunakan nama anda untuk saya catat pada hasil wawancara nanti. Hasil

wawancara ini hanya akan saya gunakan guna memenuhi tujuan penelitian ini.

Jika anda bersedia, maka kita bisa memulai wawancara ini.

Pertanyaan Pembuka:

1. Sebelumnya, sudah berapa lama anda memakai video sebagai media

pengajaran di kelas bahasa inggris?

2. Pada saat menggunakan video ini alat apa saja yang diperlukan guru untuk

mengajar di kelas menggunakan video ini?

3. Bagaimana proses aktifitas pengajaran menggunakan video di dalam


Pertanyaan Inti:

1. Apakah keuntungan menggunakan video sebagai media pengajaran di

kelas bahasa inggris?

2. Apakah ada kesulitan atau tantangan yang anda rasakan pada waktu

mengaplikasikan video tersebut di dalam kelas jika ada apa saja kesulitan


3. Kemudian, menurut anda bagaimana cara anda mengatasi permasalahan


4. Apakah ada strategi yang anda gunakan ketika sedang mengajar di dalam

kelas dengan menggunakan media video jika ada bias tolong dijelaskan?

Penutup :

Baik, wawancara ini sudah selesai. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih banyak untuk

meluangkan waktu dan membagikan pengalaman anda kepada saya untuk

membantu memenuhi tugas saya. Partisipasi anda sangat berarti untuk saya.

Semoga, anda senantiasa dalam keadaan baik dan dilancarkan dalam hal apapun.

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