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Subjected to long hours of

organized labor in mines on

Lifestyle was totally plantations cattle farms and at Women were sexually Their land was taken by the
changed the missions they were virtually abused by European males Spaniards
enslaved by the encomienda and
repartimiento systems

Succumbed to European
diseases for which they had Hunted and killed as a They committed suicide
Indigenous communities
no immunity for example European sport. Those who abortion and infanticide in
were unable to feed
smallpox scarlet fever sought to escape were set resistance to their changed
influenza, typhoid, cholera upon and killed by dogs. situation
and dysentery
Many were killed in warfare Many fell victim to slave Destruction of the civilization of the
Some died of overwork and as they were easily defeated. trading expeditions which indigenous peoples as their cultural
activities were derided by the
starvation . They were The indigenous people took indigenous peoples Europeans no longer had a time to
overworked underfed, and fought bravely to preserve from the smaller islands and engage in their usual activities and
many were forced to give up their liberty, but they were transported them to they lost the guiding hand of their
leaders as these were defeated and
their food to the Spaniards easily defeated by superior Hispaniola to work in the place order subjugation to their
European weapons mines. European conquerors

Through miscegenation a
They were forcible new group, the mestizos was
Christianized, and their created in the region. The Had to adopt Spanish
traditional religious beliefs existence of this group language
were ridiculed complicated the population
and affected social relations

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