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Name: Bernadette A.

Perez Date: March 2, 2023

Grade & Section: 12 ABM Fayol Subject: Applied Economics


S oc i a l S c i e nc e
Appl i e d S c i e nc e
Economics is the study of how societies
Applied science is the application of produce their material wealth, distribute
scientific knowledge to the it to their citizens with the minimum
development of practical solutions to study human difficulties, and increase their wealth.
societal issues. behavior and
its A science that deals with the allocation of
In applied economics, broad consequences scarce resources to meet the unlimited
hypotheses are developed by testing, use a variety of human wants.
primarily utilizing historical data. The methods to
study of examining how theories collect and Economics is a social science because it
analyze data.
function in practice is the shorter attempts to comprehend how people of a
definition. concerned with society behave and arrange themselves in
order to achieve their individual and
the causes of
A science that applies economic theory social communal material wants and
and econometrics to specific situations problems. aspirations. It shows how the
in order to analyze prospective commodities and services produced
outcomes. utilizing the country's finite economic
resources satisfy the boundless needs and
desires of man or customer.


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