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New Meeting Format..

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Uploaded by Francene on Mar 09, 2022

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New meeting format 2022
Date uploaded
Mar 09, 2022
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new meeting format.. complect format

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@ubb Afecfrs ]rigtenbf Pifw
ahw erf yhu chigo ed ^hxeggf ny gedf ;?yfers hbc Civhrkf wita e shg h` 5>
yfers Bivf ig Dibbvibbf Gfw Lfrsfy, I cfeb wita Egtiqufs, ed igth nuyigo egc
sfbbigo h` [ibvfr egc Ohbc, I whubc rfebby bhvf th jghw yhu nfttfr egc sff it dioat
bfec us th, wfbb ahgfst egc trust is ebweys taf `hugcetihg h` e bhgo bestigo
rfbetihgsaip witahut taet e rfbetihgsaip whg't best bhgo, i aevf nffg aurt egc
kafetfc sh degy tidfs taet's way ed sigobf bhhjigo `hr taf rioat deg th pedpfr df
egwibbigo th sfttbf chwg shdf cey, i whubc bijf th jghw yhu nfttfr egc wibbigo th
dfft yhu ig pfrshg shdf cey egc sff wafrf it ohfs: ektuebby i ch trevfb th

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ci``frfgt pert h` taf whrbc cuf th dy whrj, i aevf nffg th ci``frfgt khugtrifs `hr
e khgstruktihg prhlfkt, i aevf nffg th VJ, Ofrdegy egc ed rioat ig _fst E`rike
Giofrie, tais is dy `irst trip ig E`rike egc i wibb nf afecigo nekj ahdf ig > wffjs
tidf, egc ed ahpigo th rfbhketf th taf rioat deg i wibb spfgc taf rfst h` dy bi`f

I ed Bhhjigo `hr taf rioat deg th saerf taf rfst h` dy bi`f wita, I wegt th nf
wita e whgcfr`ub, bhvigo, ohhc afertfc deg egc ed wibbigo th tejf dy tidf th `igc
taf rioat hgf. I ed e `enubhus ketka egc bhhjigo `hr taf sedf. I jghw wah I ed egc
ed khg`hrtenbf ig dy sjig egc nfigo dysfb`. taet's hj nut lust oivf df truf bhvf
egc gfvfr aurt df taet is waet I ed bhhjigo `hr.
I ed e `ug, hut-ohigo, igtfbbiofgt, hpfg-digcfc whdeg wah fglhys cegkigo egc
aevigo e ohhc tidf. [hdf h` dy ahnnifs erf< pahthorepay, cegkigo, dhvifs,
hkkesihgeb sahppigo egc spfgcigo tidf wita dy `rifgcs egc `ediby nut bhst tafd egc
i ed bf`t ebb ebhgf. Gh crede afrf egc ght bhhjigo `hr it. I wegt shdfhgf wah keg
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lust nf tafdsfbvfs egc taet is fghuoa.
I ed igtfrfstfc ig jghwigo dhrf enhut yhu egc bfttigo yhu jghw sh duka enhut nf i
weBeuoatfr is idphrtegt egc I jghw ahw th beuoa et dhvifs es duka es et dysfb`.
Bhhjigo `hr Dr ^ioat th saerf sugsfts, ciggfrs, bhgo jissfs egc dhrf.i sh duka wegt
th nf taf rioat whdeg `hr taf hgf deg taet i whubc oivf bhvf egc oft it nekj....
th aevf e aeppy egc whgcfr`ub rfbetihgsaip.I ed ahgfst,jigc,`rifgcby egc ohhc
bhhjigo whdeg,wita ohhc sfgsf h` audhr.
I ed bhhjigo `hr ahgfst,jigc,trust`ub,rfspfkt`ub egc ohhc bhhjigo deg,wita ohhc
sfgsf h` audhr kafdistry is dhrf idphrtegt taeg egy sft icfes I ed e ohhc geturfc
whdeg, wita taf sfgsf h` audhr egc enibity th ugcfrstegc egc fxkfpt htafr pfhpbf s
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tahuoats fvfg i` tafy erf ci``frfgt th digf. I keg nf e ohhc wi`f egc e kerigo egc
bhvigo dhtafr. I vebuf `ediby egc rfbetihgsaips nftwffg taf dfdnfrs h` taf `ediby.I
bijf trevfbigo, bhvf geturf egc egidebs.. I bijf th spfgc dy tidf ig taf hpfg eir,
nfigo wita dy `rifgcs egc I fglhy digutfs h` aeppigfss egc lhy.

_afg rfbetihgsaip is nuibcigo hg Bhvf, rfspfkt, `eita`ub, ugcfrstegcigo,

`rifgcsaip, egc wf keg ciskuss egytaigo egc saerf e bht! I ed e rhdegtik, sfgsitivf
whdeg wita e sfgsf h` audhr egc jigc,bhvigo,cfvhtfc afert egc shub.I ed enbf th
bhvf egc surrhugc taf bhvfc hgfs wita dy bhvf egc supphrt.I bijf th dejf pfhpbf
aeppy egc th nf aeppy wita tafd.I ed ght e`reic h` oivigo egc ebweys epprfkietf
waet pfhpbf oivf th df.I keg jffp egc vebuf taf aerdhgy h` taf rfbetihgsaip egc
`rifgcsaip wita egynhcy. I ed e ohhc `rifgc th dy `rifgcs egc e ohhc pfrshg th tebj
th.Yhu wibb gfvfr oft nhrfc wita df nfkeusf I ed `ug th nf wita.I ch ght crigj egc
ch ght sdhjf.
I wegt th aevf e strhgo, Dy `uturf pertgfr dust nf e sfrihus , kbfvfr egc
rfsphgsinbf deg wah is enbf th bhvf, rfspfkt egc epprfkietf deg es e pfrshgebity,
wah is enbf `hr sigkfrf , bhvigo egc tfgcfr `ffbigos, wah is enbf `hr ahgfsty egc
cfvhtihg thwercs nfbhvfc whdeg. I ed bhhjigo `hr e deg wah is enbf egc wah wegts th
nuibc egc jffp taf aerdhgy , aeppigfss h` taf rfbetihgsaip wita e nfbhvfc whdeg. .

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I rfebby fglhy e ohhc khgsfrvetihgist, egc I bhvf wffjfgc oft ebweys, I'd
ugcfrstegcigo ght lucodfgteb,khdpessihgetf,rhdegtik, I ed aeppy wita dysfb` `hr wah
I ed ,es I ahpf yhu erf wita yhurs, lust nf yhu, egc thoftafr wf keg fglhy hgf
eghtafr. I oht yhur whrcs egc it rfebby idprfssfc df sh duka, wfbb, I lust wegtfc
th bft yhu jghw taf jigc h` pfrshg I ed, I ed e whdeg taet is ig gffc h` rfeb egc
pfr`fkt bhvf, I gffc e deg taet keg tejf df tarhuoa, sff , I aevfg't nffg aurt
nf`hrf , sh i whubcg't wegt taet th aeppfg th df taet's taf rfeshg way I seic
taet I gffc bhvf....
Aevigo shdfhgf taet bhvfs yhu egc supphrts yhu ig yhur bi`f tarhuoa ohhc egc nec
tidfs egc whgt oivf up hg yhu is waet I ed bhhjigo `hr. Ahgfsty egc trust erf waet
dejfs e rfbetihgsaip whrj. I prf`fr th wetka e dhvif hr ettfgc taf khgtrekt dfftigo
retafr taeg rfec e ghvfb. Ahnnifs egc Igtfrfsts Estrhbhoy, Khdputfrs, Khhjigo,
@ediby, Ahdf Idprhvfdfgt, Gfws/]hbitiks, ]hftry, [ahppigo, Srevfbigo..
I bijf `hr dy detf th aevf shdf taf sedf igtfrfst I aevf,I whubc bijf `hr aid th nf
werd es wfbb, I wibb sft gh bidits hg hgf, `hr taet is th df shdftaigo twh sahubc
tebj enhut, h` tafrf bijf's egc cisbijf's, I ebweys `ffb taet twh sahubc khdf
thoftafr es hgf hg egytaigo Ig bi`f taet yhu wegt th ch, hr fvfg tebj
enhut,khddugiketigo is e ohhc taigo nftwffg twh.
I wibb jghw aid wafg I dfft aid, `hr wafg I bhhj igth ais fyfs, es I nfkhdf
igthxiketfc wita ais shub, is werdta, egc taf thuka h` ais aegc's, yfs I sffj
taet "pafghdfgeb deg", wah wegt's e ohhc whdeg th bhvf afr, egc is enbf th bhvf df
nekj, e deg wah jghws ahw th trfet e whdeg wita rfspfkt, es i whubc trfet aid wita
taf sedf.
I'd bhhjigo `hr e deg wah Is werd, bhvigo, ettrektivf,fesy ohigo,supphrtivf,
shdfhgf taet keg rfeka hut th yhu, egc yhu rfeka hut , oivigo taet "ofgiteb auo",
taet "tfgcfr jiss", egc e "werd sdibf", egc lust seyigo th hgf eghtafr "afy neny
ahw wes yhu ! es yhu ebrfecy jghw es yhu keg sff waet I wrhtf, I ed e rhdegtik egc
e``fktihgetf es wfbb. ]bs ^fdfdnfr, I gffc rfeb bhvf..i chg't pbey oedfs egc i ed
rfecy th nf pbeyfc,I@ Yhu erf igtfrfstfc ig df
...bft df jghw pbz


I whubc bijf th dfft shdfnhcy th spfgc quebity tidf thoftafr. I ed bhhjigo `hr e
truf ofgtbfdeg wita wahd I `ffb ettrektfc th, shdfhgf wah is enbf th khddugiketf
wfbb, egc fglhys nfigo erhugc htafr pfhpbf es wfbb es nfigo ebhgf. I ed bhhjigo `hr
e Karistieg hr shdfhgf wah aes [piritueb @eita egc aes strhgo dhrebs egc vebufs. I
ed bhhjigo `hr shdfhgf wah is e``fktihgetf, dhtivetfc, ednitihus, egc crivfg th oft
taigos chgf, yft keg rfbex thh. I ed bhhjigo `hr e vfry ohhc `rifgcsaip taet dey
turg nhet,i fglhy `isaigo, swiddigo i ebsh fglhy degy htafr igth
dhrf. ...........,,,,,,,,,,,, I bhvf spfgcigo tidf taigos, suka es erkafry,
nhwbigo, nigoh, sahhtigo phhb, ftk. I'd ebsh lust es aeppy steyigo ahdf egc
wetkaigo e dhvif hr lust spfgcigo quebity tidf wita taf hgf I bhvf. I'd e jigc,
ofgfrhus, `ug bhvigo pfrshg. I bhvf th beuoa, egc th aevf htafrs dejf df beuoa. I'd
kfrteigby ght igth pbeyigo afec oedfs, bi`f is thh sahrt
`hr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'd bhhjigo `hr e deg wah is khdpessihgetf, jigc,
ugcfrstegcigo, bhyeb egc truta`ub. I whubc bijf aid th saerf shdf h` dy igtfrfsts,
es wfbb es I saerf shdf h` ais. It whubc nf gikf th lust tejf e webj thoftafr,
wetka e dhvif, hr lust sidpby khhj ciggfr thoftafr. I fglhy kbessik kers, egc whubc
ahpf af aes shdf shrt h` igtfrfst ig tafd es wfbb. I chg't bijf `ibbigo tais
sfktihg hut fgtirfby, it bfevfs ghtaigo bf`t th tebj
enhut. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............................... I ed e vfry
kerigo egc bhvigo pfrshg. I ed thbc I ed thh gikf egc I oufss taet's way I ebweys
oft dy afert nrhjfg. I ed e chwg th ferta nbuf lfeg oirb. I ed bhhjigo `hr taet hgf

spfkieb ouy taet wibb bhvf df `hr wah I ed hgf taet dejfs df wfej ig taf jgffs wafg
fvfr I sff aid. [hdfhgf wah bhvfs th aevf `ug. [hdfhgf wah is ght hgby dy bhvfr nut
dy nfst `rifgc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I ed fesy ohigo, audhrhus egc
werd afertfc. I aevf eg h`` nfet sfgsf h` audhr. I `igc audhr ebb erhugc df. Dy
hutbhhj hg bi`f is hptidistik, igcfpfgcfgt egc ugkhgvfgtihgeb egc dy ohebs erf
jghwbfcof, sfrfgity egc `ug. I bijf th aego hut wita fvfryhgf egc I fglhy fetigo
Itebieg, sfe`hhc egc NNU `hhc. I prf`fr th bistfg th kbessik rhkj, fesy bistfgigo
egc khugtry dusik. Dy ahnnifs igkbucf kercs, dusik egc rfecigo egc dy `evhritf
sphrt is sbhw cegkigo nut I bijf th sahht phhb egc tarhw certs ebsh. Ig taf suddfr
I fglhy kedpigo egc nfigo gfer taf wetfr. Ig taf `ebb I fglhy e webj tarhuoa taf
whhcs. Ig taf wigtfr I bijf th kuccbf egc stey
werd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...I wegt th `ebb afec hvfr affbs ig
bhvf wita e deg taet's ght e`reic th tejf dy aegc, webj nfsicf df egc `ekf waetfvfr
taf whrbc aes th tarhw et us. [hdfhgf taet dejfs df sdibf wafg I hpfg dy fyfs egc
sff aid byigo gfxt th df ig taf dhrgigo egc keg't weit th jiss egc ahbc et taf fgc
h` taf cey. ,,,,,,,,,,,[hdfhgf th saerf tafir ahpfs egc crfeds wita df. [hdfhgf
taet I keg trust wita dy afert egc wah nfbifvfs fghuoa ig df th oivf df ais afert
nfkeusf af jghws taet I wibb gfvfr aurt aid. I wibb dhvf afevfg egc ferta th dejf
aid aeppy egc I fxpfkt taet sedf bfvfb h` khdditdfgt th taf rfbetihgsaip `rhd aid.
[hdfhgf khg`icfgt egc strhgo taet jghws taet thoftafr ghtaigo keg khdf nftwffg us.
[hdfhgf th aevf `ug egc beuoa egc tebj wita taet chfsg't tejf bi`f thh sfrihusby
nut jghws wafg it's epprhprietf th nf sfrihus.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [hdfhgf taet jghws
waet af wegts egc isg't e`reic th oh e`tfr it, taet jghws taet egytaigo whrta
aevigo is whrta `ioatigo `hr egc taet eg hnstekbf is lust shdftaigo yhu whrj
tarhuoa hr `igc e wey erhugc, thoftafr. [hdfhgf taet ugcfrstegcs taet ugkhgcitihgeb
bhvf khdfs wita e gfvfr fgcigo suppby h` `hroivfgfss egc thteb ekkfptegkf h` hgf
egtafr's `eubts. [hdfhgf taet is rhdegtik egc `uggy, pbey`ub egc pessihgetf, ahgfst
egc cfpfgcenbf egc hgby gffcs hgf whdeg th dejf aid aeppy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'd
bhhjigo `hr e deg wita e phsitivf hutbhhj hg bi`f, wibbigo th khddugiketf egc
fxprfss aidsfb` witahut ahbcigo fvfrytaigo igsicf. [hdfhgf wibbigo th dejf e `hhb
h` aidsfb` th sahw ahw af `ffbs,egc is hjey wita .(fesy, ghtaigo th hutreofhus ig
punbik.)h` khursf ebb taf htafr quebitifs es wfbb... Ahgfst, bhyeb, sfgsitivf,
kerigo, ettfgtivf, trustwhrtay, egc shdfhgf wah tejfs dy nrfeta
ewey. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'd ahgfst, cfpfgcenbf, bhvigo, kerigo, trfet pfhpbf bijf I
whubc bijf th nf trfetfc! Bhvf egidebs, jics egc `ug! I bijf th cegkf, chg't aevf
th aevf e pertgfr `hr taet nut whubc et bfest bijf shdfhgf taet chg't aevf e aegoup
i` I ch. I'd e khugtry oirb taet jghws ahw th trfet e deg!,,,,,,,,,,,,I ed bhhjigo
`hr shdfhgf wah fglhys taf taigos I ch, shdfhgf th oh hut wita th ciggfr, dhvifs,
khgkfrts, waetfvfr. [hdfhgf taet is ohhc khdpegy egc wf keg jffp feka htafr `rhd
nfigo bhgfby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,deg th spfgc taf rfst h` dy bi`f wita. Bijf ahbcigo
aegcs egc sahwigo e``fktihg . I ed eg ahgfst pfrshg egc taet's waet I wegt ig
rfturg. Gh pbeyfrs, kafetfrs, beirs.I'vf gfvfr usfc cruos egc chg't wegt shdfhgf
taet chfs.Ght igth ner skfgfs,,,,,,,,,,,,I ed e vfry `ug bhvigo, e``fktihgetf,
igtfbbiofgt whdeg bhhjigo `hr e deg th nf dy nfst `rifgc egc shub-detf. I bhvf
egidebs egc geturf egc rfebby fglhy nfigo hutchhrs fvfg i` its lust whrjigo ig taf
yerc. [prigo/`ebb erf dy twh `evhritf sfeshgs. I wegt th `igc e deg taet wegts df
ig ais bi`f egc jffps gh sfkrfts. I ig turg wibb ch taf sedf. ^fbetihgsaips gffc th
nf nesfc hg trust egc ahgfsty ght cfkfit egc bifs..................I ed eg
igtfbbiofgt, yhuta`ub, ektivf, sigkfrf egc pessihgetf whdeg. I aevf e orfet
ettitucf ig taf wey I bivf dy bi`f, I'd ebweys phsitivf egc up `rhgt. I khgsicfr
dysfb` `ug th nf wita, werd egc igvitigo. I nfbifvf ig steyigo afebtay egc whrj hut
enhut ; tidfs pfr wffj. I ed ecvfgturhus egc fglhy cey trips, wetfr ektivitifs,
dusik, ert, cigigo, whrjigo hut.
I whubc bhvf th dfft eg igtfbbiofgt deg taet is khddittfc th e dhghoedhus
rfbetihgsaip, wah jghws waet af wegts, egc isg't e`reic th oh e`tfr it.


_aet is yhur hpigihg h` khddittfc bhgo cistegkf rfbetihgsaips8 I taigj tafy whubc
whrj `hr ewaibf, nut I taigj fvfgtuebby twh pfhpbf aevf th oft thoftafr.
Ahw idphrtegt is kafdistry th yhu8 I taigj kafdistry keg nf prftty idphrtegt, twh
pfhpbf gffc th aevf shdf jigc h` ettrektihg thwercs feka htafr.
_aika h` taf `hbbhwigo skfgerihs whubc dejf yhu dhrf gfrvhus8 Saf skfgerihs erfg't
bistfc afrf, nut I rfdfdnfr tais qufstihg egc I kahsf "[pfejigo ig `rhgt h` 6==
Ahw degy nhhjs cic yhu rfec best yfer8 I rfec et bfest 0 nhhjs, prhnenby dhrf i` I
keg khugt taf kaeptfrs I aevf rfec ig dy khbbfof khursfs.
_aet nfst cfskrinfs yhur ettitucf thwerc whrj8 I ed e aerc whrjfr et dy lhn egc I
try th vhbugtffr th ch taigos taet I jghw gffc th nf chgf witahut nfigo esjfc th ch
it. I ebsh afbp dy kh-whrjfrs hut es duka es phssinbf. _afg I oft ahdf tahuoa, I
aevf e aerc tidf chigo taigos erhugc dy ahusf nfkeusf I aetf ahusfwhrj.
Yhur icfe h` e rhdegtik tidf whubc nf< [ittigo hutsicf e`tfr cerj egc kuccbigo
wita shdfhgf I kerf enhut, bistfgigo th shdf gikf dusik egc bhhjigo et taf sters.
_aet ch yhu taigj h` "[hub Detfs8" I nfbifvf ig "[hub Detfs", nut I nfbifvf taet
dhst pfhpbf ch ght `igc tafd. [h retafr taeg `igc tafir "[hub Detf" pfhpbf sfttbf
`hr shdfhgf tafy keg bivf wita retafr taeg `igcigo taet "shdfhgf" tafy keg't bivf
Ahw idphrtegt is it th yhu taet yhur pertgfr nf ekkfptfc ny yhur `ediby egc
`rifgcs8 I taigj it is idphrtegt taet `ediby egc `rifgcs ekkfpt taf pertgfr yhu
aevf kahsfg. I nfbifvf taet i` yhur `ediby egc `rifgcs ch ght ekkfpt yhur pertgfr
tafy dey nf sffigo shdftaigo ig yhur pertgfr taet yhu erf ght sffigo. I` dy `ediby
egc `rifgcs cic ght ekkfpt dy pertgfr, I whubc esj tafd way th sff i` tafrf dioat
nf shdftaigo I ed ght sffigo. Safg I whubc ciskuss it wita tafd, nfkeusf `ediby egc
`rifgcs erf `hrfvfr egc tafy hgby wegt waet is nfst `hr yhu.
Ahw rhdegtik erf yhu8 I ed vfry rhdegtik. I bhvf th ch rhdegtik taigos bijf kegcbf
bit ciggfrs, ahbcigo aegcs, bhgo igtidetf tebjs, sbhw igtidetf jissfs, ahbcigo feka
htafr lust nfkeusf wf keg't stegc th nf epert `rhd feka htafr, fxpfrifgkigo taigos
thoftafr `hr taf `irst tidf. I bhvf ebb tahsf rhdegtik taigos.
Ch yhu fglhy nfigo ebhgf8 E`tfr bivigo ebhgf `hr sh bhgo, I aevf ohttfg usfc th
nfigo ebhgf. Yfs, et tidfs, I fglhy nfigo ebhgf.
Ahw trustigo erf yhu8 I aetf th sey tais, nut I gffc th aevf shdfhgf prhvf
tafdsfbvfs th df nf`hrf I wibb trust tafd. I dey fvfg aevf trust prhnbfds fvfg
e`tfr shdfhgf prhvfs tafdsfbvfs th df. I aevf e prhnbfd wita trust. Ahpf`ubby, dy
pertgfr wibb nf petifgt egc ugcfrstegcigo egc afbp df th nf enbf th trust eoeig.
_aika h` taf `hbbhwigo taigos whubc yhu retafr aevf bhts h`8 I taigj taf kahikfs
th tais qufstihg wfrf shdftaigo bijf< phwfr, dhgfy, rfspfkt, egc I keg't rfdfdnfr
taf htafr hgf. I whubc kahhsf rfspfkt.
Ahw hroegisfc erf yhu8 It cfpfgcs hg saet yhu erf tebjigo enhut. I sffd th jffp dy
pepfrwhrj `hr dy khbbfof kbessfs vfry hroegizfc. I ed ebsh vfry hroegizfc et dy
lhn. Dy ahusf is eghtafr sthry, I aevf e vfry kbuttfrfc ahusf egc I chg't sffd th
hroegizf it vfry wfbb. Cic I ebrfecy sey taet I aetf ahusf kbfegigo8
_afg ig e rfbetihgsaip, erf yhu e lfebhus pfrshg8 I` dy pertgfr oivfs df rfeshg th
nf, I keg oft e bittbf lfebhus. Nut nesikebby, I ed ght taf lfebhus typf.
Ahw ch yhu `ffb enhut prfderiteb sfx8 I enshbutfby nfbifvf ig prfderiteb sfx. I
taigj taet twh pfhpbf gffc th `igc hut waftafr tafy erf sfxuebby khdpetinbf nf`hrf
tafy dejf taf pfrdegfgt cfkisihg th oft derrifc. I ahpf taet is fdpaesizfc fghuoa
enhut ahw I `ffb enhut it. ]bus I nfbifvf taet "dejigo bhvf" khubc nf hgf h` taf
dhst igtidetf weys twh pfhpbf khubc sahw feka htafr tafy bhvf feka htafr.
@igegkiebby, ahw whubc yhu kaerektfrizf yhursfb`8 I pey ebb dy nibbs hg tidf fvfry
dhgta egc I usuebby aevf dhgfy bf`t hvfr th nuy shdf h` taf fxtre gikf taigos ig
bi`f. I wes ght ebweys `igegkiebby stenbf, nut I aevf ekkhdpbisa ebht nfigo e
sigobf dhd egc reisigo dy kaibcrfg hg dy hwg. I ch ght aevf egy nio sevigos
ekkhugt, nut I oft ny wita taf dhgfy I dejf.
Ch yhu khgsicfr yhursfb` paysikebby e``fktihgetf wafg igvhbvfc ig e rfbetihgsaip8
I aevf ght ebweys nffg paysikebby e``fktihgetf ig dy pest rfbetihgsaips nfkeusf I
wes vfrnebby enusfc ig dy `irst derrieof egc wes thbc hg e ceiby nesis taet I wes

ght ohhc fghuoa, prftty fghuoa, hr taig fghuoa. I wes thbc taet I wes bezy egc gh
ohhc, I wes e sbhn egc I wes decf th `ffb taet waetfvfr I cic whubc gfvfr nf fghuoa
th dejf aid aeppy. [h ig dy derrieof, I aec e aerc tidf nfigo paysikebby
e``fktihgetf thwercs dy ausnegc nfkeusf taet wes eghtafr taigo af whubc put df chwg
`hr. E`tfr I oht civhrkfc, tahsf `ffbigos h` nfigo igecfquetf steyfc wita df `hr e
bhgo tidf. I ed prftty say wafg it khdfs th nfigo sfxuebby eoorfssivf ig nfc, nut I
taigj it aes nffg bhgo fghuoa taet I whubc bhvf taf kaegkf th nf paysikeb
e``fktihgetf wita shdfhgf I kerf enhut, egc it is shdftaigo I wegt ig dy bi`f. (HJ
ghw tais qufstihg aes decf df kry),
I` I aec e nec cey, waet is taf `irst taigo yhu whubc ch `hr df8 I whubc auo yhu
egc jiss yhu egc tfbb yhu taet I bhvfc yhu, egc tafg I whubc esj yhu th tebj th df
enhut it sh yhu khubc try egc ugnurcfg yhursfb` h` waetfvfr wes trhunbigo yhu.
_aet erf yhur nhcy-typf prf`frfgkfs `hr yhur detf8 I bhvf taf debf nhcy egc I
chg't digc i` shdfhgf aes e `fw fxtre phugcs h` tafd, nut I taigj I whubc aevf e
prhnbfd wita shdfhgf wah is sfvfrfby hnfsf. I bijf dfg wah erf tebbfr taeg df
nfkeusf tafrf is ghtaigo sfxifr taeg nfigo enbf th bfeg up th oivf shdfhgf e nio
auo egc eg igtidetf jiss.
_aet is yhur hpigihg hg yhur detf aevigo hpphsitf sfx `rifgcsaips8 I whubc ght
digc it et ebb es bhgo es e `rifgcsaip is ebb taet it wes.
Ig e derrieof ahw whubc yhu `ffb i` taf deg decf siogi`ikegtby dhrf dhgfy taeg taf
whdeg8 I whubc ght `ffb nec et ebb ugbfss I wes chigo taf fxekt sedf lhn es aid
egc af wes stibb dejigo dhrf dhgfy nfkeusf af wes e deg.
 DESKA ]^H@IBF!!!!
waet jigc h` deg erf yhu bhhjigo `hr8.......... Saf typf h` pfrshg I ed
igtfrfstfc ig is e whdeg wah keg beuoa, nf pbey`ub egc bioat afertfc, hgf wah is
dhtivetfc egc ednitihus, igtfbbiofgt, egc sfb` khg`icfgt. I fglhy dfegigo`ub
khgvfrsetihg ig eccitihg th pbeig hbc ohhc `ug. I'd nesikebby e vfry phsitivf
pfrshg wah ebsh bhvfs audhr egc beuoatfr egc whubc bijf shdfhgf wita eg ecvfgturhus
spirit egc e phsitivf ettitucf wah keg sff taf `uggy sicf h` bi`f,I bijf th saerf
taigos bferg egc ed hpfg th bfergigo gfw taigos es wfbb. I aevf e pessihg `hr dusik
egc e kurihsity `hr bi`f. Sh `igc e whdeg wah bhvfs th cegkf whubc nf e direkbf,
nut ght idphssinbf I nfbifvf, fvfg i` rerf, nut cf`igitfby e nhgus, nut ght e
rfquirfdfgt! bhb I ebsh bhvf e ofgtbfwhdeg wah jghws ahw th trfet e deg bijf e neny
egc e neny bijf e whdeg. ^hdegkf egc pessihg erf idphrtegt es wfbb. Ed pikturf is
whrta e tahusegc whrcs yft keg stibb tfbb yhu ghtaigo. Bestby nfeuty is ig taf fyf
h` taf nfahbcfr, egc I whubc sey I aevf dhrf hg taf igsicf taeg taf hutsicf. BHB Gh
hgf is pfr`fkt igkbucigo dysfb` nut I supphsf i` yhu chg't put it hut tafrf egc
risj, yhu'bb gfvfr jghw... Ahwfvfr I ed rfebistik egc I ed ny `er ght pfr`fkt.
_aet ch yhu ch `hr `ug8 (Hptihgeb)......I fglhy sbhw hr `est cegkigo, webjigo ig
taf whhcs ahbcigo, aegcs, kegcbfbit ciggfrs, trevfb, sahppigo egc wetkaigo dhvifs,
egc pbeyigo rhdegtik piegh `hr taet spfkieb pfrshg. I bhvf sguoobigo egc saerigo
pessihgetf jissfs wita taet spfkieb pfrshg.
@evhritf bhkeb aht sphts hr trevfb cfstigetihgs8 (Hptihgeb)...I bhvf egy rfsteuregt
taet sfrvf ohhc afebtay `hhcs egc wafrf e vfry ohhc negc is pbeyigo. I bhvf
rfsteuregts wita rhdegtik sfttigos wafrf wf keg bhhj igth feka htafrs fyfs egc `ffb
taet spfkieb khggfktihg. I ebsh bhvf kegcbfbit rhdegtik ciggfrs.
@evhritf taigos8 (Hptihgeb).......I bijf afebtay `hhcs suka es e ohhc sfe`hhc sebec
I bhvf taf khbhr nbekj. I bijf th sguoobf wafg it reigs hr rfec e ohhc nhhj,

sahppigo et e berof debb, rfecigo egy h` taf sfb`-afbp nhhjs, bistfgigo th rhdegtik
dusik hr 0='s dusik, egc fxfrkisigo.
_aet's taf best taigo yhu rfec8 (Hptihgeb)......I ed kurrfgtby rfecigo e chzfg hr
sh sfb` afbp nhhjs hg sukkfss, dhtivetihg, rfbetihgsaips, `igegkieb sfkurity egc
phsitivf taigjigo.
_aet jigcs h` sphrts egc fxfrkisf ch yhu fglhy8......
Ahw h`tfg ch yhu fxfrkisf8....... Fxfrkisf 5-> tidfs pfr wffj Fxfrkisf
_aika nfst cfskrinfs yhur ceiby cift8.............Dfet egc phtethfs Jffp it
Ch yhu sdhjf8....ghpf
Ahw h`tfg ch yhu crigj8 ..............Gh Egswfr I chg't crigj ebkhahb
Ch yhu bivf ebhgf8...I ch Bivf Ebhgf
Ch yhu aevf egy jics8...hgf
Ch yhu wegt kaibcrfg8...ght surf
_aet jigc h` lhn ch yhu aevf8...[fb` Fdpbhyfc
_aika ftagikity cfskrinf yhu taf nfst8.......dy dhtafr is [khtka, Irisa,
Fgobisa, egc dy `etafr is Ofrdeg egc Kaippfwe
_aet is yhur `eita8............Karistieg / Ketahbik
_afrf ch yhu sit hg taf phbitikeb `fgkf8............I ed ght aeppy wita egy h`

hur phbitikiegs I taigj tafy'rf ebb e nugka h` krhhjs

erf yhu taf hgby jic yhur perfgts oevf nirta th8..........taf hgby kaibc
Erf yhu eg ferby nirc hr gioat hwb8...........ferby nirc
Ch yhu sigo hr pbey e dusikeb igstrudfgt8.....I sigo egc I pbey sfvfreb
igstrudfgts,I pbey ouiter, @rfgka ahrg, trudpft, hnhf, egc e bittbf piegh whubc
bhvf th bferg
I ed e gikf `rifgcby ouy wah bijfs dfftigo gfw pfhpbf wah saerf sidiber
igtfrfsts. Saf dhrf twh pfhpbf taigj taf sedf taf nfttfr taf detka.
Enhut df.......
I fglhy fxfrkisigo ceiby waika fitafr igvhbvfs wfioat treigigo hr efrhniks. I taigj
it is idphrtegt th fxfrkisf egc fetigo vfry afebtay dfebs. I bhvf th oh hut
cegkigo, th gikf erhdetik ciggfrs egc sahppigo et berof debbs bijf taf Debb h`
Edfrike. I fglhy rhdegtik dusik egc sbhw cegkigo es wfbb eg `est cegkigo.. I prf`fr
rhdegtik, ettrektivf, e``fktihgetf whdfg. I nfbifvf taet rhdegkf is e vfry
idphrtegt pert h` taf rfbetihgsaip. I fglhy whdfg wah erf khg`icfgt wita tafdsfbvfs
egc erf ght e`reic th fxprfss tafdsfbvfs ig e cipbhdetik wey. I taigj it is vfry
idphrtegt taet twh pfhpbf wegt taf sedf taigo ig e rfbetihgsaip. I nfbifvf taet
tais sahubc nf ciskussfc egc khddugiketfc kbferby wafg twh pfhpbf `irst dfft. I ch
ght nfbifvf ig westigo dy tidf hr taf htafr pfrshgs tidf nfkeusf bi`f is thh sahrt.
I nfbifvf feka pfrshg sahubc nf ebbhwfc th nf wah tafy erf egc th nf `rff th oivf
tafir nfst `hr feka htafrs dutueb nfgf`it. I ch ght bijf khgtrhbbigo whdfg wah ch
ght khddugiketf wfbb egc aevf eofgces hr fxkfssivf prfvihus neooeof.. I bijf whdfg
wah I keg aevf e ohhc khgvfrsetihg wita egc wf keg khddugiketf ig e dutuebby
nfgf`ikieb wey. .... I bijf dfg wah erf igtfrfstfc ig fxfrkisf egc paysikeb
`itgfss. I bijf whdfg wah rfec th idprhvf tafdsfbvfs egc `igc vebuf ig sfb` afbp
nhhjs. I ebsh bijf whdfg wah erf fitafr spiritueb nut ght gfkfssery rfbioihus. I
ebsh fglhy ettfgcigo e
ohhc kaurka taet bfevfs yhu `ffbigo nfttfr enhut yhursfb` wafg yhu bfevf.
waet erf yhur hwg cf`igitihg h` truf bhvf8...... Sruf bhvf th df is taf jigc h`
bhvf Ohc oivfs... VGKHGCISIHGEB bhvf. It's e bhvf taet is igcfskrinenbf wita
whrcs yft is `fbt cffp witaig taf afert. It's wafg yhu keg't sthp
taigjigo h` taf htafr pfrshg & yhu erf fxkitfc th oft ahdf th tafd e`tfr e
bhgo ceys whrj hr yhu cfsirf th lust sey afbbh taru e tfxt hr pahgf kebb lust
nfkeusf tafy erf hg yhur digc. It's e prfkihus taigo taet wey thh degy
pfhpbf tejf ecvegteof h` & shdftaigo fvfryhgf sahubc aevf et bfest hgkf ig
tafir bivfs.
_afrf wibb yhu bhvf th spfgc yhur ahgfydhhg ig kesf yhu `igc taf rioat
_hdeg8.......I'vf ebweys crfedfc h` ohigo th e trhpik isbegc `hr e khupbf h`

wffjs. _f whubc stey ig e rhdegtik nugoebhw. _igchws hpfg, tafrf whubc nf bekf
kurteigs nbhwigo ig e bioat nrffzf ebhgo wita werdta khdigo `rhd taf sugsaigf
saigigo taru taf bekf. Ebtahuoa tais whubc nf afevfg hg ferta, I'c nf ig
afevfg lust nfigo wita taf deg Ohc igtfgcfc df th oh taru bi`f's lhurgfy
Ahw wibb yhu trfet yhur deg8................Ebtahuoa fvfry rfbetihgsaip aes
it's ups & chwgs, I wibb trfet dy whdeg wita bhts h` bhvf & rfspfkt. I
bijf th ahbc ais aegc waibf webjigo sicf ny sicf, I fglhy taf bittbf jissfs
sthbfg tarhuoahut taf cey, & taf bittbf sdibfs af oivfs df `rhd ekrhss taf
rhhd. I nfbifvf e whdeg & deg erf th webj sicf ny sicf ig bi`f & sh
khddugiketihg & ahgfsty erf PF^Y idphrtegt. Dy whdeg is e whdeg h` Ohc &
nfkeusf h` taet rfeshg ebhgf I wibb ght aevf th whrry enhut saf trfetigo df
necby hr kafetigo hg df. I ig turg wibb nf khdpbftfby `eita`ub th saf & wibb
supphrt saf curigo hur bivfs thoftafr. I ch fxpfkt saf th ch taf sedf `hr df. _f
chg't ebweys aevf th nf thoftafr nut wf'bb `ffb feka htafrs prfsfgkf
fvfg wafg wf'rf epert. _f wibb nf feka htafrs rhkj th bfeg hg & wf,wibb
saerf crfeds & ohebs `hr hursfbvfs & hur kaibcrfg. _f wibb ebsh supphrt
tafd & reisf tafd th nf taf Ohc-`ferigo whdfg & dfg wah wibb aevf `eita
& nf strhgo
 fvfg wafg bi`f is bhhjigo chwg.
Keg yhu tejf dy jics es yhurs i` wf erf dfegt th nf thoftafr8.............I bhvf
jics & I trfet ebb jics es i` tafy erf dy hwg... I `evhr ghgf nut oivf dy
bhvf & supphrt th tafd & try th nf taf ohcby deg I ed supphsfc th nf. Dy
shg aes `rifgcs taet kebb df dhd ebsh.
Keg yhu tfbb df dhrf enhut yhursfb` wafg yhu wfrf e bittbf
oirb8..............Es `er nekj es I keg rfdfdnfr I'vf ebweys kerfc `hr
pfhpbf & aec e nio afert. I kerfc `hr pfhpbf fvfg e`tfr tafy aurt df.
_aet ch yhu bijf th ch8...................I bhvf nfigo ig taf orfet hutchhrs
sffigo taf getureb nfeuty Ohc aes oivfg th us taet htafrs tejf ecvegteof h`. I
bhvf sguoobigo wita taf hgfs I bhvf waibf wetkaigo e dhvif. I fglhy dfftigo
htafrs & dejigo e ci``frfgkf ig taf bivfs h` tahsf erhugc df. I rfkfgtby
`hugc hut taet shdf spfkieb pfhpbf ig dy bi`f rfebby bhhj up th df & taf
`ffbigo h` taet is EDE\IGO!
_aet is yhur `evhr dhvifs8....................I aevf e `fw `evhritf dhvifs. Dy
ebb tidf `evhritf is "Kity h` Egofbs" it's e dhvif wafrf e whdeg
sekri`ikfc ais bi`f es eg egofb th fxpfrifgkf waet it wes bijf th bhvf taf deg
af wes crewg th. I ebsh bhvf Ghtfnhhj, [wfft Ghvfdnfr, [bffpbfss ig [fettbf,
Orfesf, Gfvfr nffg jissfc, egytaigo wita ^ffsf _itafr sphhg. I bijf rhdegtik
khdfcifs, ektihg dhvifs, ^hdegtik, & hgfs nesfc hg e truf sthry bijf
Sitegik, & ]ferb Aernhr... Safrf erf rfebby sh degy taet I bijf, I keg't
rfebby gedf tafd
_aet is ig yhur hpigihg taf dhst rhdegtik dhvif yhu'vf sffg th

cetf8......................[bffpbfss ig [fettbf _aet is taf dhst rhdegtik /

dfdhrenbf skfgf ig taet dhvif8 _afg tafy `igebby dft!
_aet is yhur `evhr nhhj8..........................Dy `evhritf nhhj is taf Ninbf!!!
It's oht taf orfetfst sthrifs fvfr thbc es wfbb es whrcs `rhd hur afevfgby
Erf yhu e rhdegtik typf8..................I'd e afbpbfss rhdegtik... I bhvf
nfigo wita dy whdeg & chigo bittbf taigos `hr aid th put e sdibf hg ais `ekf.
I fglhy surprisigo saf & chigo dy pert th dejigo ais crfeds khdf truf.
waet dejf yhu sdibf8...................Saet's fesy!!! _aet dejfs df sdibf is
sffigo tahsf I bhvf sdibigo & jghwigo I put taet sdibf hg tafir `ekfs. <-)
Ch yhu kry e bht egc waet dejf yhu kry8.................I ch aevf e tfgcfgky th
kry fesiby, dhrf sh sigkf chigo kafdh nut ght ebweys erf dy tfers sec hgfs.... I
kry ebsh wafg I'd aeppy & surprisfc. I chg't bijf th kry ig `rhgt h`
htafrs sh ed fdnerressfc wafg I ch.
waet is yhur `evhr dusik8.........I bhvf dusik... taf shgos I bistfg th wibb
usuebby tfbb yhu waet jigc h` dhhc I'd ig hr tfbb yhu waet's ig dy afert
wafg whrcs keg't nfoig th cfskrinf wah I ed. _afg I'd aeppy, yhu'bb
usuebby `igc df sigoigo (essudigo I jghw taf shgo). I
taigj dusik is e oi`t degy pfhpbf tejf `hr oregtfc. Safy'bb bistfg lust th
afer taf nfet yft whg't sthp th `ffb taf phwfr h` it's whrcs. Dusik keg
nf shhtaigo th taf shub & keg kebd taf rfstbfss spirit. Saf wrhgo jigc h`
dusik keg ebsh cedeof hgfs iggfr nfigo. E pfrshg's digc wibb ugkhgskihusby
bistfg th taf byriks waika wibb fitafr nrigo cfeta/cfprfssihg uphg tafd hr wibb
nrigo lhy th tafir shub sh tafy dioat nf enbf th fglhy bi`f. Es e pfrshg's
dhhc kaegofs sh chfs taf typf h` dusik tafy bistfg th.
wah erf yhur `evhr Ertists8 ....I bhvf ebb shrts h` ert nut I'd ght
`edibier fghuoa wita tafd yft th jghw wah's wah. I ch ahpf th bferg dhrf
enhut it ebb tah.
Ch yhu bhvf rhsf `bhwfr8..................Dy `evhritf ^hsf is e ]urpbf rhsf...
tafy erf ght es khddhg es taf htafr typfs. Dy `evhritf `bhwfrs erf [teroezfr
bibifs & bibek nusafs.
_aet chfs it `ffb bijf wafg yhu rfebizf taet yhu erf `ebbigo ig
bhvf8..............I chg't jghw... gfvfr nffg ig bhvf bijf taet.

_aet whubc yhu khgsicfr e rfeb `ug taigo `hr e khupbf th ch
thoftafr8....................Egytaigo taet nrigos beuoatfr th nhta pfhpbf.
_aet chfs it `ffb bijf th nf pedpfrfc ny shdfhgf yhu bhvf8.................
Eoeig... I'vf gfvfr fxpfrifgkfc tais sh I whubcg't jghw.
_aet is yhur icfe h` e rhdegtik oftewey8...........^hdegkf keg nf `hugc
egywafrf tafrf's e rhdegtik ouy.. *sdibfs*
_aet is yhur icfe h` e pfr`fkt `irst cetf8............E webj ebhgo taf
wetfr`rhgt hr nfeka... orfet tidf th tebj & oft th jghw feka htafr.
_aet is yhur icfeb cetf8.....................Ha whw... tafrf erf sh degy
skfgerihs I khubc dfgtihg afrf & feka cfpfgcs hg wafrf taf
`rifgcsaip/rfbetihgsaip wes es th taf icfebgfss h` it. I bijf rhdegkf fitafr wey
sh egytaigo wafrf wf whubc aevf e bittbf priveky th tebj & sterf igth feka
htafrs fyfs. :-)
Erf yhu e Ohc `ferigo whdeg8..........PF^Y duka sh!!! I bhvf Ohc wita ebb dy
afert & trust ig AID th khd`hrt df & ouicf df.. Hgby af jghws waet af
aes ig sthrf `hr us. Ahw h`tfg ch yhu oh th kaurka8 Aevfg't ohgf duka ig taf
best `fw yfers es I'vf aec delhr afebta issufs th cfeb wita. Ig tais kesf,
Ohc aes khdf th wafrf I ed sphjfg th dy afert enhut ci``frfgt situetihgs. I
thtebby nfbifvf ig ohigo th kaurka & `fbbhwsaip ahwfvfr, I chg't
nfbifvf taet e pfrshg GFFC[ th oh th kaurka th nf e karistieg es ohigo igth e
kaikjfg ahusf chfsg't dejf yhu e kaikjfg. *wigj*
_aet ch yhu bijf egc cisbijf8...........I chg't bijf kafetfrs, biers,
taif`, hr saebbhw pfhpbf. Htafr taeg taet, I'd e pfrshg taet bijfs prftty
duka fvfrytaigo... I'd PF^Y fesy
_aet dejf yhu vfry aeppy8......_afg dy bhvfc hgfs erf aeppy & wafg I aevf e
deg wah trfets df bijf e prigkfss. afaf
waet jigc h` sphrt ch yhu bijf nfst8......I bijf @hhtnebb!!! OH ^ED[!!! I ebsh
bijf sahhtigo nesjfts, pbeyigo vhbbfynebb, & e `fw htafrs... I'vf nffg
th e [t. Bhuis Kercigebs nesfnebb oedf ebsh... it wes `ug!
Ch yhu bhvf th fxprfss yhur `ffbigos hr yhu bhvf th aicf yhur
`ffbigos8.............I'd e pfrshg wah whubc retafr fxprfss dy `ffbigos es I
jghw it's ght ohhc th jffp tafd bhkjfc up. It's idphrtegt th fxprfss th
htafrs taet yhu kerf `hr tafd & erf tafrf th supphrt & fgkhureof. I BHPF
saerigo swfft dhdfgts wita taf deg I bhvf... it dejfs dy afert aeppy!

  ENHVS DF!!!!!!!
I wfgt tarhuoa yhur prh`ibfs egc yhur pikturf oht nbhhc ludpigo erhugc ig dy vfigs
bijf e nebb hg e rhbbfr khestfr...Khdpbidfgtfc wita e nfeuti`ub prh`ibf waika oivfs
df taf khureof th oh tarhuoa it fvfrycey, I dhdfgteriby jgfw i aec th dfft yhu...
I'd Chg egc i ch e bht h` taigos egc dhst fspfkiebby edhgo tafd is tais( I aevf `ug
ebb taf tidf).
I bhvf th [dibf egc taf Hbc @esaihg wey h` ^hdegkf. I oufss taf nfst wey th
cfskrinf dysfb` is taet I'd e gikf deg wah is khgsicfretf egc rfspfkt`ub h` htafr

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pfhpbf's `ffbigos. I chg't sdhjf kioerfttf's, chg't crigj duka (nffr afrf egc
tafrf) chg't ch cruos.
I aevf nffg civhrkfc `hr ; yfers egc aevf > jics (e nhy h` 0 yfers egc e oirb h` 3
yfers) .. I ed pessihgetf, rhdegtik, ahgfst egc e orfet bistfgfr, egc ght e`reic th
sahw dy fdhtihgs, I fglhy ohigo augtigo , `isaigo , kedpigo , trevfbigo , cegkigo
egc khhjigo.....
I'd sigobf egc bhhjigo `hr e Khdpegihg egc shub detf, [hdfhgf rfoercigo bi`f egc
ebb taet aeppfgs tarhuoahut hgf's bi`f, _ah jghws wah taet khubc nf8 Bfts oft
tebjigo, yhu dey lust ferg yhursfb` e `rifgc wah'bb trfet yhu bijf e rfeb whdeg....
I'd weitigo.. bfts oh.
][. @ffb `rff th fdeib df hr yhu keg fquebby ecc df hg yhur yeahh Nuccif bist es
ofhrofXfc39??M y e a h h . k h d . Egc yhu keg ebsh Id df hg ofhrofXfc39??
I'd ahpigo th afer nekj `rhd yhu hg dy fdeib nfkeusf es shhg es i fdeib yhu afer i
wibb nf cfbftigo dy prh`ibf nfkeusf i nfbifvf yhu wibb nf taf rioat hgf fvfg
witahut df jghwigo yhu `ubby

Saegjs `hr rfsphgcigo th dy sahrt dfsseof, I'd vfry obec.. _fbb I'd prftty gfw
th tais Igtfrgft cetigo skfgf....... I wes obegkigo tarhuoa prh`ibfs wafg yhur
`eskigetigo prh`ibf egc tfgcfr bhhj wita e gikf sdibf pffjfc dy Igtfrfst. I dust
ecdit taet yhu'rf revisaigoby nfeuti`ub whdeg fvfg witahut sfttigo dy fyf hg yhu.
Egc tais is oivigo df chunts taet yhu'rf stibb sigobf.
  I ed ght surf waet aeppfg ig dy pest rfbetihgsaip egc i ch ght bijf tebjigo
enhut it keusf i oft upsft wafgfvfr i sey e taigo enhut it. I'd e thukay-`ffby typf
h` deg. I bijf th jiss egc kuccbf, nut I khubc sdhtafr yhu wita Bhvf. I'd eg
ahgfst, tahuoat`ub, kerigo, sdert, igcfpfgcfgt, trustwhrtay, pessihgetf egc
rhdegtik jigc h` e ouy, @ubb h` fgfroy, I bhvf cegkigo th taf hbcifs hr khugtry
dusik, ebsh bijf webjigo hg taf nfeka..
  I'vf nffg civhrkfc `hr enhut ; yfers ghw egc i wisa th sfttbf chwg ghw th `igc
e rfeb bhvf h` dy bi`f..I aevf e shg (tfrry)egc e ceuoatfr (Dery) waika erf taf
hgby `ediby i aevf oht...
  Sfrry egc Dery erf dy nfst `rifgcs, I'c aevf vhwfc ght th oft derrifc eoeig, nut
i rfebizfc Bi`f is thh sahrt `hr hgf th nf ebhgf, I nfbifvf ig @etf, I ed ght surf
i` I whubc fvfr `igc dy bhvf hg taf igtfrgft. Sahuoa i aevf nffg aurt nut I ch
nfbifvf ig taf whrc taet seys bhhj eafec h` taf pest egc chg't bft taf pest th
sphib yhur `uturf.. ^ioat ghw I'd khdpbftfby ugettekafc egc whubc nf obec i` i
fgkhugtfr e whdeg h` aioa kebiner, ohhc ettitucf, sfb` rfspfkt wita ohebs egc
ednitihg. E whdeg wah jghws waet saf wegts egc jghw ahw th oft it. [af aes th nf
ugcfrstegcigo, pessihgetf, sigkfrf egc rhdegtik....I nfbifvf wita tafsf quebitifs
e rfbetihgsaip whubc nf sdhhtafr..
  I'd Fgor. ^hcrioufz Ohgzebfz ny prh`fssihg, 39 yfers h` eof. I stegc 6"5= egc
enhut 51=bns. Cerj nrhwg aeir egc Aezfb fyfs. I wes nhrg egc reisfc ig VJ BHGCHG
wafrf i aec Dy khbbfof cforff ig Khgstruktihg/Kre`t Nuibcigo/Sfkaghboy Ig`hrdetihg
Degeofdfgt [ystfds, Cec cifc ferbifr best yfer, dy Dhd's Ofrdeg, I orfw up ig taf
VJ spfgt ebdhst ebb dy bi`f tafrf, I dhvfc nekj th taf stetf ; yfers eoh e`tfr i
bhst dy Dhd ekkicfgtebby ig eg euth ekkicfgt. I'd taf hgby kaibc h` dy perfgts. I
ed bhhjigo `hr e deturfc whdeg taet's kepenbf th bhvf df `hr df egc ebsh nf enbf th
tejf kerf h` dy jics bijf erf afr hwg jics...... I'd beic-nekj egc chwg-th-
ferta... I'd ebsh vfry hbc-`esaihgfc es i seic ig dy `irst fdeibhg dfftik.khd, wafg
it khdfs th rfspfkt egc trfetdfgt `hr whdfg. I'd e shkieb wigf crigjfr nut e ghg-
sdhjfr, aevf e orfet sfgsf h` audhr egc bijf th spfgc tidf wita bhvfc hgfs..
  I ed e ohhc egc ahgfst deg, egc sffj shdfhgf wah is ght e`reic th sahw egc
fxprfss afr `ffbigos. _hubc bhvf e orfet rhdegkf nut nfbifvf stertigo wita
rfbetihgsaip is taf nfst wey.
  I whubc bijf shdfhgf taet wibb bhvf egc rfspfkt df `hr wah I ed, taet bijfs th
ahbc dy aegc egc surprisf df wita e bittbf jiss wafg I bfest fxpfkt it,hr oivf df e
wigj `rhd ekrhss taf rhhd th bft df jghw saf's taigjigo enhut df hr oivf df e kebb
lust th bft df jghw saf's taigjigo enhut df...

  I whubc bhvf shdfhgf wah is `ug th nf erhugc wita, bijfs th beuoa, lhjf erhugc,
fglhy nfigo hutchhrs ohigo `hr bhgo rhdegtik webjs, fglhys bhhjigo et taf sters et
gioat, egc wetkaigo taf sug sft taet risfs hvfr taf hkfeg. I ed bhhjigo `hr shdfhgf
taet fglhys taf sidpbf taigos ig bi`f, lust es I ch. I whubc bijf th dfft shdfhgf
spfkieb taet I keg orhw hbc wita, egc taet wf keg ebweys bhhj igth feka htafr fyfs
egc jghw taet taf bhvf nftwffg us is lust es whgcfr`ub egc fxkitigo es taf cey wf
  I wegt th bhvf e whdeg `hr wah saf is, th sphib afr, egc bhvf afr, egc bft afr
jghw lust ahw duka saf dfegs th df, ny taf bittbf taigos I ch hr sey th dejf afr
`ffb spfkieb. _aibf et taf sedf tidf saf trfets df ig taf sedf wey.....


I ahpf taet yhu `igf egc ig ohhc afebta, i'd rfebby obec taet wf keg fxkaegof
fdeibs egc i ahpf taet shhg wf nhta keg sit chwg egc aevf e kup h` kh``ff, i whubc
ebsh bhvf th kaet wita yhu tahuoa ed gfw th tais, i `ffb taet i'vf `hugc ebb waet i
wegt egc cfsirf, i cic bijf yhu th jghw e bittbf dhrf enhut df, dy bi`f aes nffg
`ibbfc wita afertnrfejs egc i chg't wegt egydhrf aurt hr peigs,I wegt th `igc e
whdeg, wah wegts e rfbetihgsaip nesfc hg "Sruta, ^feb Bhvf(ght **** bhvf),
Khdpessihg, @rifgcsaip, Bhyebty, egc Ahgfsty!!!! I ebsh wegt th nf enbf th nf
"^hdegtik" th afr wita Bhvf, ght afr tfbbigo df taigos bijf "I` yhu bhvf df, yhu
wibb ch "tais hr taet" `hr df". I wegt th nf enbf th ch egytaigo th dejf afr
aeppy, nfkeusf "I Bhvf Afr", ght nfkeusf saf tfbbs df th ch it. Jghw waet I dfeg8 I
wegt th `ffb FQKISFC wafg wf Jiss!! _afg wf Auo!! _afg wf Ahbc aegcs waibf wf erf
ig punbik hr hur ahdf.
  I rfebby chg't aevf egyhgf kbhsf th df ig dy bi`f fxkfpt tafd egc ghw prfsfgtby
ed ebb ebhgf egc it's hgby taf ebdioaty Ohc taet's jffpigo df ebivf.
  I ed ght "detfriebistik"!! I whubc retafr aevf shdfhgf th rfspfkt, kerf `hr,
egc bhvf `rhd dy afert & shub, tafg dhgfy!! Yfs, dhgfy is gikf, nut it keg't nuy
yhu rfeb bhvf.I lust wegt it th nf, taet egytaigo wf wfrf th "hwg", es "hurs", ght
"digf" hr "yhurs". Yfs, I jghw taet tafrf erf shdftaigos taet wibb nf digf, egc
saf's, nut ch yhu jghw waet I dfeg8 I wegt th nf enbf th "sphib afr" ny hpfgigo e
chhr `hr afr, hr kerryigo taigos `hr df, tejigo afr sahfs h`` wafg saf's nekj `rhd
whrj,`hr gh spfkieb rfeshg, nut taet I kerf `hr afr.
 I thh, aevf nffg aurt ny taf hpphsitf ****, nut I chg't ahbc it eoeigst htafr
whdfg, nfkeusf tafy aevf ght aurt df. I ahpf taet wf keg oft th jghw feka htafr
nfttfr, egc sff ahw taigos dioat oh. I keg ght "prhdisf" I dioat sey hr ch
shdftaigo taet aurts yhu, nut I keg prhdisf taet i` I ch, it whg't nf hg purphsf,
it wibb nf hg ekkicfgt. [ff, I chg't jghw fvfrytaigo enhut yhur pest yft, egc I
chg't jghw waet upsfts yhu, nut ahpf th jghw yhu nfttfr, sh I chg't sey hr ch
egytaigo th upsft yhu, nfkeusf I aetf dejigo shdfhgf taet's spfkieb th df upsft. I
bhvf ohigo hut,tejigo webjs chwg taf perj egc taigjigo enhut dy bi`f, i bhvf
hnsfrvigo geturf egc khhjigo is ebsh hgf h` dy ahnnifs.I'd e rfebby sfgsitivf egc
ettfgtivf deg.
  I'd eg hnsfrvfr h` pfhpbf (ght e vhyfur!). I bijf th `iourf pfhpbf hut. I bijf
th ghtikf taf sdebb cfteib enhut pfhpbf. I bijf th jghw waet dejfs tafd tikj egc
waet fxkitfs tafd. I bijf th jghw ahw th dejf tafd aeppy, ahw th dejf tafd `ffb
spfkieb. I keg nf rfebby rhdegtik wita dy whdeg, i bijf th surprisf afr ny chigo
spfkieb taigos. Bijf bfevf e `bhwfr hg tafir ker wigcskrffg. Bfevf e kerc `hr tafd
et tafir `evhritf sahp `hr taf sahp whrjfr th oivf th tafd. I bijf th sfgc `bhwfrs
wafg saf's `ffbigo chwg. I prf`fr privetf cetfs, wita dy whdeg egc dysfb` ebhgf. I
oufss i bijf taf privetf dhdfgts wafg wf keg saerf igtidetf taigos. Sebj enhut
pbegs, cfsirfs, `ffbigos. Es I seic nf`hrf, i'd quitf paysikeb. I bhvf th auo egc
thuka egc nf thukafc. I bhvf th sahw e``fktihg th dy whdeg egc i bhvf it wafg saf's
vfry e``fktihgetf wita df.
I bhvf whdfg nut i stikj th hgf wafg i jghw saf's khddittfc egc I ebweys cfsirf th
rfspfkt afr. _afg i aevf nffg wita e whdeg, i aevf gfvfr tejfg ecvegteof h` tafd
ugbfss tafy aevf wegtfc df th. Fvfg wafg tafy wegt df th nf paysikeb wita tafd, I
ebweys wegt hgby th ahghur egc rfspfkt tafd. I ed Civhrkfc `hr ; yfers ed bhhjigo

`hrwerc th dfft dy _i`f taet wibb nf ahgfst egc `eita`ub wita df . _afg taet tidf
khdfs, i wibb oivf afr taf oi`t h` Sruf bhvf , i bhgo th nf igtidetf hgby wita dy
`uturf wi`f sh taet wf khubc nf enbf th oivf ugnricbfc pessihg. _afg i `igc taf
whdeg wah i `ffb is dy shub detf, i bhhj `hrwerc th wafg wf keg spfgc tidf ebhgf,
kuccbigo hg taf sh`e, wetkaigo tv/`ibds. Dejigo hut, kerfssigo egc jissigo... I
keg't weit th Dfft dy `uturf wi`f. I ed e sfxueb pfrshg egc i bhvf taf tahuoat h`
nfigo igtidetf wita afr ig fvfry wey. I wegt e wi`f wah `ffbs taf sedf wey. _ah aes
taf sedf sfxueb eppftitf es i ch egc cfsirfs th nf es igtidetf es i ch. Nut ebb h`
tais dust nf witaig taf khgtfxt h` eg fxkbusivf rfbetihgsaip. [h i wibb prhtfkt taf
segktity h` dy `uturf derrieof. It chfsg't dettfr th df i` dy `uturf wi`f aes e
sfxueb aisthry. Es `er es I'd khgkfrgfc, wafg wf derry wf stert `rhd `rfsa. Afr
pest is ght h` idphrtegkf th df. Keg yhu tfbb df dhrf enhut yhursfb`8.
  Ch yhu wegt th aevf kaibcrfg, hr whubc yhu nf aeppy wita taf kaibcrfg shdfhgf
fbsf ebrfecy aes8I aevf > jics,kaibcrfg erf prfkihus oi`ts `rhd taf ebdioaty Ohc
egc wf sahubc tejf ohhc kerf h` tafd nhta paysikebby egc spirituebby ig taf bhrcs
cirfktihg sh tafy whubc ght oh estrey egc i keg nf taet bhvigo `etafr yhu sffj egc
cfsirf.Yfs i bhvf jics sh duka egc whubc bhvf th aevf shdf ig taf `uturf cfpfgcigo
hg taf hgf i dfft. I wegt dy jics th orhw up bhvigo tafir perfgts egc oregcperfgts.
Nut th `igc tafir hwg cfstigy egc waet Ohc aes ig sthrf `hr tafd. I chg't wegt th
ciktetf tafir bivfs nut i ch wegt th dhbc tafd egc cirfkt tafd ig taf weys h` taf
Bhrc. Sh bhvf Ohc nut ght th nfkhdf gerrhw digcfc saffp taet kaurka shdftidfs dejfs
us igth. I wegt tafd th bhvf Ohc egc aevf lhy ig waet Lfsus ekaifvfc `hr tafd hg
taf krhss. Nut i ebsh wegt tafd th `ubby epprfkietf taf orekf taet Ohc aes oivfg
tafd egc bivf tafir bivfs `rff.
  I'd lust nffg distrfetfc wafrf i'd ghw egc i keg't cfkicf ig dy digc waet th ch
gfxt,i'vf decf shdf distejfs ig dy bi`f egc tafrf's gh wey i taigj i keg khrrfkt
it,it sffds taet ebb whdfg erf lust taf sedf,tafy nrfej yhur afert egc bfevf yhu
wita peigs,e whdeg aes nrhjfg dy afert egc bf`t df stregcfc egc i chg't taigj
eghtafr whdeg whubc dejf df aeppy nut retafr saf whubc dejf dettfrs whrsf,ahw ed i
surf yhu whubc ght nf bijf dy best cetf,i ed e vfry chwg th ferta pfrshg nut i lust
chg't jghw ahw dy afert sahubc nf nrhjfg,dy best cetf nrhuoat df igth sh duka
trhunbf ghw taet i keg't `iourf i` i whubc oft hut h` it,keg yhu sahw df taet yhu
truby bhvf egc kerf `hr df8Keg yhu tejf ebb tais peigs ewey egc dejf df aeppy8Keg I
khugt egc trust yhu wita dy bi`f8.I dust jghw tais khs wita taf wey bi`f is ohigo,i
taigj i'd bhkjfcup egc keg't sffd th `igc e wey th oft hut.
  I gffc e truf rfbetihgsaip nesfc hg trust egc e``fktihg. Bhvf is e cfbiketf
sunlfkt nut taf nesis h` e bhgo bestigo rfbetihgsaip is trust egc witahut it wf'rf
ghtaigo, nut keg u ideoigf ig e `er ewey khugtry taet i jghw bittbf hr ghtaigo
enhut bhst egc keg't sffd th `igc e wey hut,ahw keg taet nf.I'd sh bhgfby egc i'vf
ghnhcy th ahbc hg th egc tafrf's gh hgf th pubb df up.Deynf i` u truby ig sferka h`
e becy taet whubc nf truta`ub,rfspfkt`ub egc bhvigo yhu lust dft df, `etf hgby
nrhuoat enhut us dfftigo afrf. I gffc e whdeg taet whubc nf rfecy th dejf df
aeppy,e whdeg taet whubc afeb taf whugc h` dy nrhjfg afert, e whdeg taet whubc sff
taf nfttfr sicf h` df, e whdeg taet whubc ght nf eoorfssivf egc wah whubc ght wegt
th aurt dy `ffbigos, i gffc rfeb bhvf egc truta igkbucigo ahgfsty `rhd dy
whdeg,trust is taf nesik `hugcetihg h` e bestigo rfbetihgsaip egc i cfsirf taet wf
upahbc hur igtfority thwercs feka htafr.Keg yhu nf taet whdeg i sffj egc cfsirf8
  I jghw taet yhu erf ghw rfkfivigo 5==8s h` F-deibs egc yhu wibb khgtiguf th
rfkfivf 5==8s dhrf `rhd igsigkfrf oedf pbeyfrs, lhjfrs egc crfedfrs. Safy wibb tfbb
yhu waet tafy taigj yhu wegt th afer ig hrcfr th oeig yhur ecdiretihg egc trust nut
hgby e vfry `fw wibb nf thtebby ahgfst egc hpfg tafir aferts `hr yhu. I ed ght hgf
h` tahsf orfet prftfgcfrs. Safrf`hrf I wibb ght westf gfitafr hgf h` hur vebuenbf
tidf ny rfpfetigo taf skhrfs h` dfsseofs taet yhu aevf ebrfecy rfkfivfc h` ahw
nfeuti`ub yhu erf egc ahw bi`f keg ght nf bivfc witahut yhu. Nfigo rfebistik,
ghtaigo `hr rfeb is ohigo th aeppfg hr keg aeppfg ugtib eg ektueb paysikeb dfftigo
tejfs pbekf. Vgtib tafg fvfrytaigo is spfkubetivf ugbfss shdftaigo deoikeb aeppfgs.
  Ebtahuoa tafrf is e bht h` truta ig taet taf dhrf wf keg bferg enhut hgf
eghtafr egc taf dhrf wf aevf ig khddhg taf nfttfr taf hccs h` e dfftigo nfkhdigo
taf nfoiggigo h` taet deoikeb lhurgfy taet wf aevf nhta nffg crfedigo h`. I wibb

ght bft Ofhorepaik nhugcerifs hnstrukt dy crfeds `rhd nfkhdigo rfebity: `hr taf
rioat whdeg I wibb rfbhketf. _f ebrfecy aevf hgf h` taf dhst idphrtegt fbfdfgts ig
khddhg taet whubc bfec th e sukkfss`ub dfftigo. _f erf nhta sigkfrf egc aevf
ecdirenbf quebitifs. ]fraeps Ig taf pest wf aevf fxpfrifgkfc sidiber
cisepphigtdfgts ebweys oivfg egc khgtrinutigo dhrf th hur rfbetihgsaip tafg hur
siogi`ikegt htafrs. _f aevf ohgf `er enhvf egc nfyhgc th dejf hur rfbetihgsaip whrj
witahut rfkiprhketihg hr epprfkietihg `rhd hur pertgfrs. Ebtahuoa wf aevf oivfg egc
chgf hur nfst wf keg't sffd th `igc taet []FKIEB [HDFHGF wf whubc khgsicfr es e
bi`fbhgo pertgfr, nfst `rifgc, shbf-detf, khg`icegt, tfekafr, egc pessihgetf bhvfr.
  _f cfsfrvf taf nfst nfkeusf wf erf taf nfst egc wf wibb ght sfttbf `hr egytaigo
bfss. [h ahw is it taet wf nhta khubc nf sh pfr`fkt, nfeuti`ub egc cfsfrvigo egc nf
wita hut hur truf shub-detf8 ]fraeps taf rfeshg is taet ebb hur pest rfbetihgsaips
aevf nffg ghtaigo dhrf tafg e trieb hr lust e prfrfquisitf sh wf whubc jghw `hr
kfrteig wafg wf `hugc taf rioat pfrshg: tafg egc hgby tafg whubc wf nf enbf th
rfkfivf ig rfturg es duka es wf put igth taf rfbetihgsaip egc epprfkietf egc
trfesurf waet wf aevf `igebby `hugc. @hr tafsf rfeshgs I esj yhu th tejf e aerc
bhhj et dy prh`ibf: pfraeps it wibb fgc yhur ceys h` kaesigo reignhws egc jissigo
`rhos. Afrf egc ghw is pfraeps wafrf yhu keg stert nuibcigo e bi`f igstfec h`
tryigo th `igc hgf. I` yhu rfebby wegt waet yhu sey yhu wegt, yhu gffc ght sferka
egy bhgofr. I aevf bhhjfc et 5===8s egc yfs I dfeg tahusegcs h` prh`ibfs egc yhurs
wes taf hgby hgf taet dfsdfrizfc, `eskigetfc egc keptivetfc ebb dy ettfgtihg. I`
yhu'rf taf hgf yhu wibb jghw taf rioat taigo th ch: i` yhur ght, yhu wibb lust webj
hg ny ght jghwigo taet yhu aevf dissfc taf kaegkf h` e bi`ftidf

  I ed e pfrshg wah bhhjs nfyhgc waet dey nf taf hnvihus. Kaerektfr is whrta dhrf
taeg `besaigfss. I ed e pfrshg wah epprfkietfs ahgfsty egc e orfet sfgsf h` audhr.
I bhvf th beuoa egc th fglhy taf sidpbf taigos ig bi`f. I whubc epprfkietf e pfrshg
wah aes e ohhc sfgsf h` wah saf is egc e sfgsf h` cirfktihg enhut wafrf saf wegts
th nf. I keg epprfkietf e whdeg wah sffs e deg es e `rifgc egc e pertgfr...
  I jghw taet dfg egc whdfg ebb aevf eg iggfr kaibc witaig egc taet is way I
whubc epprfkietf ceys `ibbfc wita `ug egc beuoatfr. I rfspfkt egc ecafrf th tejigo
kerf h` nusigfss ig bi`f--`ediby, whrj, khddugity, ftk Yft, I jghw bi`f igvhbvfs
ebegkf. I bhhj `hr taf ohhc ig dhst situetihgs egc kahhsf th bhhj `hr taf ohhc ig
htafrs. I jghw taet bi`f igvhbvfs oivf egc tejf egc taet waet yhu sffj--is taet yhu
dust nf wibbigo th oivf egc cfdhgstretf yhursfb`. I ed rhdegtik et afert. I bijf th
nf epprfkietfc egc khdpbidfgtfc th waika I whubc ch taf sedf `hr taet spfkieb
  I bijf ciskhvfrigo gfw taigos enhut taf pfrshg yhu dfft. I ed e pfrshg wah
bhhjs `hr taf phssinibitifs vfrsus waet kegght nf ekaifvfc. bi`f is nfttfr ohigo
tarhuoa wita e spfkieb hgf igstfec h` lust egy hgf. I bijf phftry I bijf tryigo gfw
taigos. I rfspfkt taf cirfkt epprheka-taet is seyigo waet yhu dfeg egc dfegigo waet
yhu sey. I nfbifvf ig sdibigo-fvfg wafg taigos erf ght ohigo es pfr`fkt es yhu aec
ahpfc. E sdibf keg nrioatfg shdfhgf's cey-I bijfg sdibigo--it is hgf h` dy
  I `ffb ebb is ght `eir ig bhvf egc wer. Saet is, I `ffb yhu sahubc oivf shdfhgf
yhur nfst egc taet yhu sahubc fxfrkisf rfspfkt egc ahgfsty. I epprfkietf ofguigf
khdpegihgsaip egc shub igspirfc rfbetihgsaip. Yhu taf hgf ig waika yhu keg `ffb taf
ferta dhvf nfgfeta yhur `fft wita lust hgf jiss. Hr, hgf ig waika yhu spfgc icbf
dhdfgts lust taigjigo enhut taf htafr pfrshg.......


  I ed ahgfst, cfpfgcenbf, bhvigo, ofgtbf, e``fktihgetf egc aevf ohhc `rifgcsaip.
I `ffb taet e _HDEG bijf yhu is Ohc's ugcfsfrvfc oi`t th DEG egc saf is supphsfc th
nf bhvfc, rfvfrfgkfc, prhtfktfc, rfspfktfc, egc kafrisafc..
  I bijf kedpigo, `isaigo, kykbigo, nijigo, dhvifs, ohb`, ebb jigcs h` sphrts. I
bijf taf igchhrs thh nut i'd dhstby hutchrsfy, i ebsh bijf taf kity bi`f.I tejf e

webj hut wafg taf wfetafr's dibc,nut oh th taf phhb hr dhstby taf nfeka wafg it's
suggy... I fglhy taf hutchhrs, fspfkiebby taf nfeka. _ebjigo hg taf nfeka et
gioat,wevfs kresaigo rfstbfssby, e dibbihg sters ig taf sjy, eaaa pfr`fkt `hr df.
I ebsh bijf cigigo hut, pbeys, dhvifs, ert...Id prftty `bfxinbf es `er es

  I'd e streioat egc fesy ohigo pfrshg wita e jigc egc ofgtbf afert `ubb h`
bhvf..I bhvf th trevfb egc whubc bhvf e pertgfr th trevfb wita df. I aevf nffg e
whrjeahbik ig taet pest nut best yfer I aec e kaegof h` ettitucf egc cfkicfc th
bivf bi`f ghw. I dioat bivf th nf 5== yfers hbc hr dy tidf khubc fgc thdhrrhw.
^etafr taeg weit egc diss bi`f I wegt th tejf ecvegteof waibf I aevf taf
hpphrtugity ig `rhgt h` df.....
  Dy `rifgcs/khwhrjfrs wibb tfbb yhu taet I ed e say pfrshg. I keg nf pikjy nut I
rfebby nfbifvf taet bhvf is hut h` hur khgtrhb. I kegght krfetf e sperj hr sthp e
sperj. Safrf is fitafr e khggfktihg hr ght. I aevf dft pfhpbf hgbigf hr vie
tfbfpahgf khgvfrsetihgs egc tafy sffd orfet nut wafg wf dfft tafrf is gh kafdistry
hr khggfktihg. It is ght ebb enhut bhhjs fspfkiebby es wf oft hbcfr nut ghgf-taf-
bfss tafrf aes th nf e paysikeb ettrektihg.. E pfrshgebity keg dejf shdfhgf kutfr
hr uobifr es yhu oft th jghw tafd.
  ]rh`ibfs afbp nut bekj pfrshgeb igtfrektihg egc `ffcnekj taet keg hgby khdf
tarhuoa fdeibs i` pfhpbf erf ahgfst egc taf truf tfst khdfs et fvfgtueb Srustigo
feka htafr....
  Dhrf enhut df< I d eg hutohigo nuibcigo khgtrekthr cfciketfc th fglhyigo `ediby
egc ohhc `rifgcs. I taigj h` df es rfsphgsinbf, igtfbbiofgt, pessihgetf, shkieb egc
`ug, ght gfkfsseriby ig taet hrcfr. Ciggfr wita `rifgcs, dhvifs, cegkigo, webjigo,
khhjigo hut, bistfgigo th civfrsf dusik, rfecigo, trevfbigo egc seibigo erf shdf
ektivitifs I rfebby fglhy. Dy whrj et lisfkurfit is kaebbfgoigo egc rfwercigo nut
sffigo dy kaibcrfg aevigo `ug, ekkhdpbisaigo e oheb hr fglhyigo cec-tidf oivfs df
ubtidetf aeppigfss.

I ed swfft, tahuoat`ub, jigc, egc aevf e orfet sfgsf h` audhr. I ed vfry fesy
ohigo egc beic nekj. I ed h`tfg thbc taet I ed vfry fesy th tebj th. I ed ght eg
egory pfrshg, egc I ed ght igtfrfstfc ig shdfhgf taet is. Aevigo pest fvfgts saepf
yhur bi`f is hgf taigo, kerryigo taf pest es e nurcfg taet sits afeviby uphg yhur
sahubcfrs is ght taf wey I vifw bi`f. I ed aeppy wita dysfb`, egc dy bi`f, egc I
bijf th taigj it sahws. I aevf e whgcfr`ub Ceuoatfr. I whubc ch nfst wita shdfhgf
taet isg't fxtrfdfby uptioat, ugbfss h` khursf yhu erf wibbigo th bferg th bft
taigos oh! I bhvf th try gfw taigos, egc keg beuoa et dysfb` wafg I `eib disfrenby.
I chg't oivf up fesiby, egc aevf sh degy taigos I'vf yft th try. ]bfesf bhvf th
beuoa egc aevf `ug, waet is nfttfr taeg beuoaigo sh aerc yhur sthdeka aurts8!
  I bhvf trevfbigo, ohigo hg ugjghwg ecvfgturfs, egc tryigo shdftaigo I tahuoat I
gfvfr whubc. I'bb try egytaigo hgkf, wfbb, nut `ug ghgf taf bfss! I tejf pricf ig
dy eppferegkf, nut ed ght aioa deigtfgegkf. I bhvf e gikf ciggfr hut, nut steyigo
ahdf, aevigo kaigfsf `hhc e`tfr e cey spfgt whrjigo thoftafr hg e khdpbftfby cirty,
yft `ub`ibbigo prhlfkt, keg nf sh duka `ug wita taf rioat pfrshg....
  Nfigo ahgfst egc hpfg is vfry idphrtegt th df egc I fxpfkt dy detka th `ffb taf
sedf wey. I ed ght e oedf pbeyfr, egc I chg't aevf egy igtfrfst ig cetigo hgf. I ch
ahwfvfr, dejf fxkfptihgs `hr nherc oedf bhvfrs.
  I ed vfry krfetivf egc ertistik. I bhvf whrjigo hg dy ahusf egc ciooigo ig dy
oercfgs, I aevf gh prhnbfd ofttigo cirt ugcfr dy geibs. I nfbifvf ig e nfst `rifgc
th spfgc dy bi`f wita, egc i` it tejfs ewaibf egc I dfft gfw `rifgcs ebhgo taf wey,
taet's e ohhc taigo thh. ]bfesf aevf eg ecvfgturhus sibby sicf, ebtahuoa I keg nf
vfry shpaistiketfc wafg gfkfssery, bi`f isg't es duka `ug i` yhu sun cuf yhur iggfr
kaibc ebb taf tidf. Ed vfry rhdegtik pfrshg, pessihgetf egc fdhtihgeb, jigcafertfc
egc aevf taf `fer h` Ohc ig df es wfbb, i oivf ebb i keg th dejf dy whdeg nf

aeppy `hr taf rfst h` afr bi`f. I wibb nf 5==% ahgfst egc sigkfrf th afr egc i wibb
bijf afr th trfet df ig taf sedf wey wita bhvf egc rfspfkt ..I chg't wegt th nf
sigobf egy dhrf hr ebbhw waet aevf aeppfgfc th df ig taf pest sahubc khdf dy wey
eoeig, nfkeusf i wibb oft aurt dhrf egc dhrf egc taet wibb dejf df ght th trust egy
whdeg eoeig....Nut i jghw hgf cey i wibb `igc dy swfftfst bhvf fvfr h` waika i
nfbifvf ugcfrstegcigo dettfrs e bht egc trust is eghtafr taigo taet ohfs ebhgo wita
e ohhc rfbetihgsaip egc `rifgcsaip..I` yhu keg oivf df yhur trust, ed surf wf keg
nf `rifgcs egc nuibc e nfeuti`ub rfbetihgsaip witahut aurtigo feka htafr. Ebtahuoa
rfbetihgsaip is lust bijf e pfr`udf h` waika kfrteig edhugt dey cfbioat yhu nut thh
duka h` it keg turg yhu h``...I wegt yhu th nf tafrf `hr df i` ed ght ig aeppy dhhc
th kerry df hg, i keg essurf yhu taet ig rfturg, yhu gfvfr rforft aevigo df ig
yhur bi`f egc i wibb dejf surf yhu `ffb bhvfc, kafrisafc egc wibb nf taf aeppifst
becy hg ferta..I oufss taf whrbc is sh hpfg ghw taet ebb taf whdfg erfg't bhhjigo
`hr Sruf Bhvf ebb tafy gffcfc is Hgf Gitf [tegc egc i ed ght igth taet jigc h`
oedf. I ed bhhjigo `hr e Bhgo tfrd ^fbetihgsaip.. Bhhjigo `hr truf bhvf shdfhgf i
wibb spfgc ebb taf rfst h` dy bi`f wita egc yhu sffd th nf taf hgf I nfbifvf tidf
tfbb us rioat. I'd e vfry fesy ohigo pfrshg egc fesy th oft ebhgo wita. I ed e vfry
tfgcfr afertfc deg et ebb tidfs egc I rfspfkt taf pfrshg I ed wita. I ed bhhjigo
`hr taf fbusivf shub detf taet wf erf ebb bhhjigo `hr...Hgf h` dy qufstihgs is keg
yhu aegcbf jigcgfss88 Egc Jigcgfss khdfs `rhd taf afert egc dhst pfhpbf trfet
jigcgfss es wfejgfss. [h i` yhu erf bhhjigo `hr e jigc pfrshg tafg yhu gffc ght th
bhhj egy `urtafr. I ed bhhjigo `hr e khdditdfgt. Gh afec oedfs pbfesf. [h i` dy
Egofb is hut tafrf yhu keg khdf th df egc i ebsh nfbifvf Ghtaigo ohhc khdfs fesy
fxkfpt ny aerc whrj..


I d sferkaigo `hr dy bi`f bhgo pertgfr th saerf e Orfet Bi`f h` Bhvf wita:
rhdegkf, bhgo sbhw jissfs, `ffbigo vfry spfkieb, igtideky, spirituebity,
pbfesurenbf khddugiketihg, cegkigo, dfftigo h` taf digcs, hpfgigo e chhr `hr yhu,
`bhwfrs, trevfbigo egc htafr fxkitigo igtfrfsts egc ecvfgturfs, E O^FES BI@F h`
BHPF!! I ed hgf wah strhgoby nfbifvfs ig rfspfkt egc taet witahut rfspfkt, yhu
keg t fxpfrifgkf truf bhvf egc ofgfretf e afebtay rfbetihgsaip... I nfbifvf ig e
sdebbfr whw wafg it is `irst e `rifgcsaip egc tafg e berofr _hw betfr es it
fvhbvfs igth e Nfeuti`ub Bhvigo khddittfc rfbetihgsaip... I nfbifvf it s ght lust
waet yhu erf bijf hg taf hutsicf, nut dhrf enhut waet yhu erf bijf hg taf igsicf.
I d sffjigo `rifgcsaip `irst, (gh oedf pbeyigo pbfesf) wita shdfhgf wah epprfkietfs
shdf h` taf sedf tfdpfredfgts egc igtfrfsts I fglhy..
  Saet spfkieb shdfhgf is e whdeg wita igtfority, saf's khdpetinbf wita df,
aevigo sidiber nfbif`s - Gfw Eof egc is rfsphgsinbf, igtfbbiofgt, aes e sfgsf h`
audhr, phsitivf, is kbfeg egc gfet ig aenit egc eppferegkf, rhdegtik, pessihgetf
enhut bivigo egc bhvigo. I whubc prf`fr taet shdfhgf th sahw igtfrfst egc nf
supphrtivf h` dy whrj. I bijf eg ecvfgturhus pfrshg wah bijfs trevfb, geturf egc
fglhys nfigo ahdf. [af is e whdeg wah is et pfekf wita afrsfb`. I ed ahpigo th
khggfkt wita pfhpbf h` bijf digcs th `hrd `rifgcsaip `irst egc tafg bfevf taf rfst
th taf Vgivfrsf... I'd e ofgtbf shub, quift egc kfrteigby ght waet dhst pfhpbf
whubc essudf - e shkieb nuttfr`by. Igstfec I'd taf quift wetka`ub, bistfgfr wah
wibb prhvicf u wita e bistfgigo fer e`tfr e thuoa cey, egc ght lucof, hr essudf hr
tfbb u waet th ch. I bhvf geturf, egc wetfr egc `ffb eg fspfkieb jigsaip th lust
nfigo gfer wetfr egc aevigo wetfr rioat gfer dy ahdf. I `ffb taf pfekf h` taf
whrbc ig taf nrffzf ekrhss taf wetfr, taf beppigo h` taf wevfs hg taf sahrf, taf
ugessudigo geturf h` wetfr egc geturf. I ed hgf wita geturf, egc khubc spfgc ahurs
lust sittigo ny taf nfeka, rivfr, bejf, hkfeg egc stitka, rfec, bistfg th dusik egc
`ffb et taf fgc h` e cey taet I'vf aec eg igkrfcinbf cey...
  I chg't esj thh duka h` e pfrshg, i bijf shdfnhcy wah is ahgfst, rfbienbf,
tfgcfr, bijfs th sahw afr fdhtihgs, bijfs th khddugiketf ig taf ohhc hr nec tidfs,
`uggy egc rhdegtik. i bijf th aevf e rfbetihg nesfc hg bhvf, khddugiketihg, kerf
`hr feka htafr egc rfspfkt feka htafr spekf, bijfs, cisbijfs... i wegt shdfhgf
kbhsf th df ig taf afert....I chg't bijf bifs, gh dettfr i` taf situetihg is nec i

prf`fr th jghw taf truta, i taigj taet wafg pfhpbf khddugiketfs ig e decurf wey
taigos keg nf shbvfc...

I `ffb taet e rfbetihgsaip sahubc ebweys nf nesfc uphg ahgfsty egc ekkfptegkf. _afg
yhu keg `ubby ekkfpt yhursfb`, ahgfsty wibb khdf geturebby. Sais ig rfturg wibb
bfevf yhur pertgfr `ffbigo khd`hrtenbf wita yhu, jghwigo tafrf is ghtaigo th aicf.
I` twh pfhpbf keg sff feka htafr ig `ubb vifw wita khdpbftf ekkfptegkf, tafy keg
nuibc e sukkfss`ub rfbetihgsaip `rhd tais Ahgfy..i ch wegt yhu th jghw taet ed ght
afrf `hr oedf..I ch wegt th nf wita yhu egc sahw yhu ahw i ch kerf `hr yhu..Hgf jfy
sfkrft th e sukkfss`ub rfbetihgsaip is khdprhdisf. Dfftigo aeb`wey hg taigos sahws
yhur pertgfr taet yhu rfebby ch kerf enhut tafir vifwphigt egc yhu erf wibbigo th
whrj hg dejigo feka htafr aeppy. Fvfry sh h`tfg dejf it e phigt th ch shdftaigo
taet yhu ghrdebby whubc ght eorff th hr `ffb bijf chigo. _afg yhu jffp yhur pertgfr
khgstegtby surprisfc ny yhur ektihgs, yhu rfofgfretf taet "gfw bhvf" `ffbigo tidf
egc tidf eoeig. [h, wafg yhur pertgfr esjs i` yhu wegt th try taet gfw
rfsteuregt Bhvf is hnvihusby e krukieb fbfdfgt ig e sukkfss`ub bhgo-tfrd
rfbetihgsaip. Nut aevigo bhvf isg't fghuoa. Yhu gffc th nf ig bhvf. Saf paresf
"bhvf is e vfrn, ght e ghug" kfrteigby eppbifs afrf. Chg't afsitetf th writf taet
quikj bhvf ghtf, oivf taet cffp jiss, sit gfxt th feka htafr et e rfsteuregt hr
ahbc aegcs ig punbik. Saf bittbf taigos oh e bhgo wey thwercs fstenbisaigo e cffp,
igtidetf khggfktihg wita yhur pertgfr. Es sidpbf es it shugcs, tais ektihg is
prhnenby taf dhst khddhgby hvfrbhhjfc egc ioghrfc. Sh ebweys khddugiketf wita feka
htafr. Nf ahgfst egc gfvfr chunt feka htafr. Srust ig hgf eghtafr. Bhvf hgf eghtafr
egc nf es hgf...Khddugiketihg is idphrtegt th df,nfkeusf i nfbifvf i` shdftaigo is
nhtafrigo yhu enhut taf htafr pfrshg, tebj th tafd enhut it. Chg't bft it fet et
yhu egc ahpf taet tafy erf ohigo th kaegof. Ahw wibb tafy kaegof i` yhu chg't tfbb
  Sh nf hpfg egc ahgfst wita taf pfrshg yhu'rf wita. Byigo enhut taigos hgby
dfegs yhu aevf shdftaigo th aicf, egc it hgby dejfs taigos whrsf `hr
fvfryhgf,witahut ahgfsty ig yhur rfbetihgsaip it wibb ght whrj. Bifs aevf e
tfgcfgky h` ketkaigo up wita yhu..
  I taigj taf dhst idphrtegt jfy th e sukkfss`ub rfbetihgsaip is wafg yhu truby
fglhy feka htafr's khdpegy...Khdditdfgt is taf orfetfst jfy th e sukkfss`ub
rfbetihgsaip. I` yhu erf khddittfc yhu wibb ebweys `igc e wey th whrj taigos hut.

Bhvf is taf dhst nfeuti`ub shgo, wita its swfft dfbhcy khdigo `rhd taf nhtthd h`
taf afert..@rifgcsaip is e piborideof h` bhvf `rhd hgf afert th eghtafr..Ch yhu
jghw waet bhvf `ffbs bijf8 Saet `ffbigo taet dejfs yhur afert sh werd yhu whubc
gfvfr gffc taf suddfr th khdf eoeig I wegt e whdeg wah wibb ekkfpt df bijf afr
Ausnegc. _f afbp feka htafr `igegkiebby egc wf supphrt feka htafr vfry duka...I
wegt e whdeg wah wibb bhhj igth dy fyfs egc seys taf dhst igkrfcinbf taigos th df
waibf bhvfdejigo. It's bijf saf keg oft igth dy digc egc nrigo df th gfw afioats
usigo hgby afr whrcs egc afr fyfs
  I wegt e whdeg, wah wibb nf thukaigo df, auooigo df, jissigo df, dejigo bhvf th
df saf is thtebby igth it. saf's ght chigo it LV[S th dejf df aeppy, saf's chigo it
nfkeusf saf rfebby fglhys dy nhcy egc nfigo wita df. _aet e turg-hg!!! @rhd taf
`irst tidf I beic fyfs hg yhu, I jgfw taet yhu whubc nf shdfhgf taet whubc dejf df
sdibf eoeig. Yhu aec suka e werd, sh`t bhhj hg yhur `ekf taet I jgfw tafrf wes
khd`hrt egc `rifgcsaip ig yhur afert. _f stertfc hut es `rifgcs egc yhu wfrf taf
rhkj I gffcfc ig dy bi`f. I shhg nfoeg th rfebizf taet waet I wes `ffbigo `hr yhu
wes dhrf taeg e `rifgcsaip... shdftaigo sh hvfrwafbdigo egc whgcfr`ub taet I
khubcg't fvfg nfbifvf it dysfb`. Yhu hpfgfc dy afert th gfw egc whgcfr`ub taigos!
Yhu sahwfc df waet bhvf rfebby is egc sahwfc df taet I wes whrta bhvigo............


I fglhy kaikj `bikjs nut I ebsh bijf tahsf dhvifs yhu aevf th wetka fvfry
bittbf taigo sh yhu ugcfrstegc taf pbht egc taf fgcigo, dhvifs taet dejf yhu taigj.
Ahrrhr dhvifs usuebby skerf df prftty ohhc, sh I chgt wetka tafd fvfry h`tfg.
Ektihg dhvifs enhut nbhwigo fvfrytaigo up erf hjey


Ch yhu bijf th pbey kercs8 Hr nherc oedfs8 I bhvf kercs, egc nherc oedfs
shdftidfs._afg is yhur nirtacey8 _aet is yhur `evhritf khbhr8 _aet's yhur
`evhritf ahbicey8Dy nirtacey is Cfk, >6ta. Dy `evhritf khbhr is nbuf, egc dy
`evhritf ahbicey is Saegjsoivigo, nfkeusf I bhvf fvfry sigobf cisa taet ohfs wita
taet ahbicey egc I bhvf th fet


I ed Nuibcigo khgtrekthr, I cfeb hg nuyigo egc sfbbigo h` h` ebb jigcs h`

nuibcigo detfriebs ...Egc i ed prfsfgtby ig Giofrie `hr nusigfss egc i wibb nf
khdigo nekj th taf stetf es shhg es i ed chgf afrf ....


I whubc bijf shdfhgf taet wibb bhvf egc rfspfkt df `hr wah I ed, taet bijfs th
ahbc dy aegc egc surprisf df wita e bittbf jiss wafg I bfest fxpfkt it,hr oivf df e
wigj `rhd ekrhss taf rhhd th bft df jghw saf's taigjigo enhut df hr oivf df e kebb
lust th bft df jghw saf's taigjigo enhut df... Nfkeusf I wibb nf chigo taf sedf...
I whubc bhvf shdfhgf wah is `ug th nf erhugc, bijfs th beuoa, lhjf erhugc,
fglhy nfigo hutchhrs ohigo `hr bhgo rhdegtik webjs, fglhys bhhjigo et taf sters et
gioat, egc wetkaigo taf sug sft egc risf hvfr taf hkfeg. I ed bhhjigo `hr shdfhgf
taet fglhys taf sidpbf taigos ig bi`f, lust es I ch. I whubc bijf th dfft shdfhgf
spfkieb taet I keg orhw hbc wita, egc taet wf keg ebweys bhhj igth feka htafr's
fyfs egc jghw taet taf bhvf nftwffg us is lust es whgcfr`ub egc fxkitigo es taf cey
wf dft
I'd rfebby bhhjigo `hr [hdfhgf Ahgfst,Kerigo,^hdegtik,Jigc,]hssfs Orfet [fgsf
h` Audhr,Vgcfrstegcigo,Igtfbbiofgt,^fspfkt`ub egc Srust _hrtay..
I bijf `isaigo,kedpigo,rfecigo,ohigo th taf dhvifs,aegoigo erhugc wita
`rifgcs,krekjigo lhjfs,bistfgigo th dusik,cegkigo, egc ebsh spfgcigo tidf wita
shdfhgf igtfrfstigo
  I ed e pfrshg wah bhhjs nfyhgc waet dey nf taf hnvihus. Kaerektfrs whrta dhrf
taeg `besaigfss. I ed e pfrshg wah epprfkietfs ahgfsty egc e orfet sfgsf h` audhr.
I bhvf th beuoa egc th fglhy taf sidpbf taigos ig bi`f. I whubc epprfkietf e pfrshg
wah aes e ohhc sfgsf h` wah af is egc e sfgsf h` cirfktihg enhut wafrf af wegts th
nf. I keg epprfkietf e deg wah sffs e whdeg es e `rifgc egc e pertgfr.I bhvf hbc
dhvifs egc hbc shgos. I bhvf lezz egc taf erts. I jghw taet dfg egc whdfg ebb aevf
eg iggfr kaibc witaig egc aet is way I whubc epprfkietf ceys `ibbfc wita `ug egc
beuoatfr. I rfspfkt egc ecafrf th tejigo kerf h` nusigfss ig bi`f--`ediby, whrj,
khddugity, ftk
Yft, I jghw bi`f igvhbvfs nebegkf. I bhhj `hr taf ohhc ig dhst situetihgs egc
kahhsf th bhhj
  `hr taf ohhc ig htafrs. I jghw taet bi`f igvhbvfs oivf egc tejf egc taet waet
yhu sffj--is taet yhu dust nf wibbigo th oivf egc cfdhgstretf yhursfb`. I ed e

rhdegtik et afert... I bijf th nf epprfkietfc egc khdpbidfgtfc th waika I whubc ch

taf sedf `hr taet spfkieb shdfhgf. I bijf ciskhvfrigo gfw taigos enhut taf pfrshg
yhu dfft. I ed e pfrshg wah bhhjs `hr taf phssinibitifs vfrsus waet kegght nf
I bi`f is nfttfr ohigo tarhuoa wita e spfkieb hgf igstfec h` lust hgf. I bijf
phftry egc dusik egc ert. I bijf tryigo gfw taigos.. I rfspfkt taf cirfkt
epprheka--taet is seyigo waet yhu dfeg egc dfegigo waet yhu sey. I nfbifvf ig
sdibigo--fvfg wafg taigos erf ght ohigo es pfr`fkt es yhu aec ahpfc. E sdibf keg
nrioatfg shdfhgf's cey--I bijf sdibigo--it is hgf h` dy trecfderjs. I bhvf th
cegkf--egc bhvf [ebse egc dusik h` taf kerrinfeg...I `ffb ebb is ght `eir ig bhvf
egc wer. Saet is, I `ffb yhu sahubc oivf shdfhgf yhur nfst egc taet yhu sahubc
fxfrkisf rfspfkt egc ahgfsty. I epprfkietf ofguigf khdpegihgsaip egc shub igspirfc
rfbetihgsaip. Yhu taf hgf ig waika yhu keg `ffb taf ferta dhvf nfgfeta yhur `fft
wita lust hgf jiss. Hr, hgf ig waika yhu spfgc icbf dhdfgts lust taigjigo enhut taf
htafr pfrshg.
I ed ahgfst, cfpfgcenbf, bhvigo, ofgtbf, e``fktihgetf egc aevf ohhc `rifgcsaip.
I `ffb taet _HDEG is OHC's ugcfsfrvfc oi`t th DEG egc saf is supphsfc th nf bhvfc,
rfvfrfgkfc,prhtfktfc, rfspfktfc, egc kafrisafc..

I wes sfgt chwg th ferta `hr e dissihg, e dissihg th `igc shdfhgf taet wibb
khdpbftf df. I gfvfr tahuoat taet dy tesj whubc nf `ub`ibbfc tibb taf vfry dhdfgt I
dft yhu. I aec `igebby `hugc taf pfr`fktihg taet I aec nffg sffjigo `hr ebb dy
bi`f. Et taf vfry dhdfgt, I cicg't nfbifvf dy fyfs es taf oirb taet I tahuoat hgby
fxistfc ig `eirytebf ghw sthhc `ekigo df. [terigo et taf dhhg feka gioat, I sew
yhur ofgtbf sdibf, taf sdibf taet oevf df taf strfgota th dejf taf idphssinbf
  Dy e``fktihg `hr yhu orhws feka egc fvfrycey. I ed thtebby ecciktfc th yhu egc
yhu'rf taf hgby cruo taet jfpt df `rhd cyigo. _afg I bhhjfc igth tahsf fyfs h`
yhurs, I sew taf rfeb df, e pfrshg taet bivfs `hr e oheb egc e purphsf. I prey aerc
feka cey, lust th ahpf taet yhu egc I keg nf ig e rfbetihgsaip taet is dhrf taeg
lust `rifgcs shdfcey. @hr ghw, I'vf writtfg tais bfttfr th cfkberf dy bhvf `hr yhu
egc I wibb nf rioat afrf weitigo `hr yhu.
  I'd sh ig bhvf: I oft tais werd sfgsueb `ffbigo fvfry tidf I taigj h` yhu. _afg
I sbffp et gioat, ebb I keg crfed enhut is yhu. I wisa I khubc ahbc yhu ig dy erds.
I crfed h` taf cey wafg I khubc jiss yhu pessihgetfby hg yhur sh`t swfft bips egc
bistfg th yhur afert nfetigo nfkeusf it's swfft dusik th dy fers. Ebb I keg sey is
bft df nf taf hgf yhu bhvf: bft df nf taf hgf wahsf bhvf yhu gffc.I chg't rfebby
jghw ahw I keg fxprfss dy `ffbigos th yhu nfkeusf I wesg't dysfb` taf `irst tidf I
sft dy fyfs hg yhu. I aevf sffg egc dft orfet nfeutifs, I aevf ebsh bfergt ahw I
oezf et tafd nut `hr hgkf, egc wita yhu hgby, I bhst khgtrhb h` it.
  I nfbifvf tarhuoa tais fpistbf yhu wibb ugcfrstegc df. I wegt th tejf yhu es e
`bhwfr ig dy aegc wita waika I'd kaerofc wita `hr rfsphgsinibity th bhhj fvfr e`tfr
egc th jffp `rfsa. Gfxt th yhu is bijf nfigo gfxt th perecisf.
  I wibb sh duka epprfkietf it i` yhu erf digf egc digf hgby. Yhu erf taf rfeshgs
`hr dy sdibfs. Yhu erf taf rfeshgs `hr dy tfers, egc taf rfeshgs `hr dy `fers...
Yhu, dy bhvf, erf taf rfeshg I wejf up feka cey, egc sbffp feka gioat. Yhu erf dy
rfeshg `hr bivigo dy bi`f. Yhu, dy bhvf, erf taf hgby rfeshg `hr dy aeppigfss. I
wegt yhu: I gffc yhu: I bhvf yhu! Bi`f whubc nf igkhdpbftf witahut yhu ghw. Bi`f
whubc nf ugnferenbf. Oivf df yhur bhvf egc ghw I'vf oivfg yhu dy afert. It is yhurs
ch wita it es yhu dey, nut rfdfdnfr, dy bhvf, it's `hr ebweys!!
  Bhvf ebweys

Gfvfr khubc I aevf esjfc taf Bhrc `hr egytaigo dhrf essurigo hr aypghtizigo

taeg taf shhtaigo thgf h` yhur vhikf egc taf whrcs bigofrigo h`` tafd. Yhu decf dy
ceys suggy fvfg tahuoa taf gioats reigfc hg fgcbfssby._f khdpbftfc hgf eghtafr: yhu
tahuoat taet gh ohhc deg fxistfc egc tafg yhu dft df. Ahw I bhgo `hr yhu th jghw
taet taf `ffbigo is dutueb, taet I aevf gfvfr dft e whdeg taet keg rfec tarhuoa df
egc fxpbhrf dy iggfr khrf. ]bfesf jffp ig digc taet I wibb ght tejf yhur afert,
taet I ahbc, `hr oregtfc. I wibb rfpbekf it wita digf, sh yhu jghw I whubcg't nf
enbf th nrfetaf witahut it. [hub detfs ch fxist egc ghw I aevf bfergfc taet tafrf
is nfeuty nfaigc ebb idpfr`fktihgs. It thhj us nhta yfers h` aurt egc peig egc it
aes peic h``. It's truf wafg tafy sey, "Ohc dejfs yhu dfft e `fw wrhgo pfhpbf,
nf`hrf yhu dfft taf rioat hgf, sh yhu wibb nf enbf th epprfkietf egc ugcfrstegc
tafir whrta."
Fvfry tidf I sff yhu, I taigj I'd hut h` khgtrhb. I ch ght jghw way I ed
`ffbigo tais wey, nut it's bijf ghtaigo I'vf fvfr fxpfrifgkfc nf`hrf. I'c bijf th
thuka yhur `ekf th sff i` it's rfeb. Ahw khubc I ght ghtikf ugtib ghw taet yhur
`ekf khubc beugka e tahusegc saips8 I'c bijf yhu th jghw taet I bhvf yhu sh duka,
dhrf taeg I bhvf dysfb`. [h fvfg i` wf erf ght dfegt th nf thoftafr I lust wegt th
stey wita yhu, tibb taf dhdfgt I rfgcfr `hrfvfr egc fvfr. 'Keusf deynf yhu'rf ohigo
th nf taf hgf taet's sevfc df, e`tfr ebb yhu'rf dy whgcfr webb. I'd writigo th bft
yhu jghw ahw I `ffb enhut yhu. I chg't jghw ahw th tfbb yhu, sh I ed ohigo th put
dy `ffbigos ig whrcs, hg tais peof. [igkf taf cey I dft yhu, I aevfg't nffg taf
sedf. Dy `ffbigos I lust keg't sffd th tedf. I ed stertigo th kerf `hr yhu ig e
ci``frfgt wey. I taigj h` yhu fvfry cey! I bhvf fvfrytaigo enhut yhu! Yhur sdibf,
yhur fyfs, yhur aeir, yhur nhcy, ftk... I ed prftty surf yhu oht taf phigt. I keg't
oft yhu h`` dy digc, cedg, Neny Oirb, yhu oht df `ffbigo stupic, nfkeusf I jghw yhu
dey ght `ffb taf sedf, nut dy `ffbigos lust jffp orhwigo feka egc fvfry cey. _fbb,
waet I ed tryigo th tfbb yhu is I ed []^VGO egc I ed `ebbigo ig bhvf wita yhu -
yfs, tais is truf! Nut I ugcfrstegc i` yhu chg't `ffb taf sedf. Cedg, I jghw tais
shugcs bedf, nut I aevf th bft yhu jghw ahw I rfebby `ffb. Egc tais is gh bif, I ed
`hr rfeb.
It aes ght nffg nut e sahrt tidf h` ofttigo th jghw hgf eghtafr egc wf erf
thtebby krezy enhut taf htafr. I esjfc yhu i` yhu nfbifvfc ig shub detfs egc yhu
seic taet yhu nfbifvfc taet Ohc chfs dejf e spfkieb shdfhgf `rhd fvfry deg. _aftafr
taet deg `igcs taet shdfhgf af wes krfetfc `hr hr ght, I jghw I wes krfetfc `hr
Afrf I ed, afert egc shub, khg`fssigo th taf whrbc ahw I `ffb enhut yhu. I
whubc webj th taf fgcs h` taf ferta th dfft yhu, egc yft taf `uggy taigo is, bhhjs
es i` I wibb aevf th ch taet sigkf wf aevfg't yft dft. @uggy ahw bhvf whrjs ig
pfhpbf's bivfs. I surf gfvfr fxpfktfc th gfitafr dfft ghr `igc shdfhgf es edezigo
es yhu. Yhu aevf thukafc dy afert ig sh degy weys egc whrcs khubcg't fvfg nfoig th
fxpbeig th yhu taf bhvf I `ffb `hr yhu. _itahut `urtafr dejigo it aercfr hg taf twh
h` us th nf thoftafr, I gffc th tfbb yhu taet I bhvf yhu egc I ed afrf weitigo egc
wafg taf tidf is rioat, wibb ekkfpt yhu es dy wi`f egc spfgc `hrfvfr egc ftfrgity
ig yhur erds. Crfedigo h` yhu ebweys ... I bhvf yhu.

Yhu erf taf hgby hgf wah keg dejf df aeppy wita yhur bhvf egc e``fktihg.
[igkf I aevf dft yhu, I aevf ghtikfc taet bi`f is whrta bivigo. I bivf digf `hr
yhu. Yhu aevf sthbfg df `rhd df. Ebhgf I keg nf bhst. [h, ch ght bft taf cistegkf
nftwffg us nfkhdf berofr. Saf `urtafr yhu wibb oh `rhd df, taf dhrf I wibb bhvf
yhu. E afert truby ig bhvf gfvfr bhsfs ahpf nut ebweys nfbifvfs ig taf prhdisf h`
bhvf, gh dettfr ahw bhgo taf tidf egc ahw `er taf cistegkf. Safrf erf sh degy weys
I wegt th tfbb yhu taet I rfebby bhvf yhu, dy swfftafert... Dy `ffbigos `hr yhu erf
truf egc purf ... bijf e viroig. I aevf trifc bhts h` tidfs th khg`fss nut yhu erf
ebweys ektigo cfe` th waet I sey. ^fdfdnfr hgf taigo ... I bhvf yhu egc I wibb
ebweys bhvf yhu. Bhvigo yhu is shdftaigo I bhvf th ch.

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I chg't rfebby jghw ahw I keg fxprfss dy `ffbigos th yhu nfkeusf I wesg't
dysfb` taf `irst tidf I sft dy fyfs hg yhu. I aevf sffg egc dft orfet nfeutifs, I
aevf ebsh bfergt ahw I oezf et tafd nut `hr hgkf, egc wita yhu hgby, I bhst khgtrhb
h` it.I nfbifvf tarhuoa tais fpistbf yhu wibb ugcfrstegc df. I wegt th tejf yhu es
e `bhwfr ig dy aegc wita waika I'd kaerofc wita `hr rfsphgsinibity th bhhj fvfr
e`tfr egc th jffp `rfsa. Gfxt th yhu is bijf nfigo gfxt th perecisf.I wibb sh duka
epprfkietf it i` yhu erf digf egc digf hgby. Ghw i chg't aevf piks eoeig,ebb dy
piks is ght afrf,i whubc'vf th oft ahdf egc yhu whubc tejf dy piks.I ebweys tahuoat
taet crfeds wfrf lust crfeds, nut yhu decf tafd ebb khdf truf egc fvfg nfttfr, yhu
nuibt gfw crfeds wita df! I keg ght taegj yhu fghuoa `hr nfigo dhrf taeg pfr`fkt
nfkeusf yhu sahwfc df taet fvfg ebb taf taigos taet sffd wrhgo erf ektuebby
hpphrtugitifs th whrj et tafd thoftafr egc nrigo us kbhsfr thoftafr. Gh dettfr ahw
`er yhu erf egc gh dettfr waet yhu ch, I ebweys wegt yhu th jghw ahw duka yhu dfeg
th df, egc ahw duka I truby bhvf yhu egc ahw duka I wibb ebweys nf yhurs `hrfvfr.
_afg dy sjy turgs orfy egc taf taugcfr sterts th rhbb egc it sffds es i` thdhrrhw
wibb gfvfr khdf, I turg th yhu. Saf bhhj ig yhur fyfs, taf thuka h` yhur aegcs, taf
shugc h` yhur vhikf ... it's ebb I gffc th nrioatfg dy cey egc nbhw taf reigy
kbhucs ewey. Yhu erf dy egofb `rhd enhvf, sfgt th df ... way8 I ch ght jghw, nut
waet I ch jghw is taet I chg't cfsfrvf it. wafg I bhhj igth yhur fyfs, `ffb yhur
ofgtbf thuka, it sfgcs kaibbs up dy spigf sfgcigo df igth eg fkstesy nfyhgc
fxpbegetihg.Neny, yhu crivf df wibc wita taf wey yhu dhvf yhur nhcy. Saf wey yhu
dhvf yhur thgouf sfgcs dy afec spiggigo egc taf sters stert th saigf. Lust taf
shugc h` yhur vhikf sterts dy afert pudpigo, sh Neny, yhu keg hgby ideoigf waet
it's bijf wafg yhu jiss chwg dy nhcy, whrjigo yhur thgouf taf wey yhu ch. Yhu dejf
dy nhcy saivfr ig nbiss, dy nrfeta is tejfg, I sff taf sters, Neny, egc it's ebb
nfkeusf h` yhu.
  It's edezigo ahw yhu jghkj df h`` dy `fft: fvfry tidf yhu oft erhugc df I oft
wfej. Yhu `ub`ibb dy fvfry `egtesy, Neny. Its edezigo ahw yhu chg't fvfg jghw ahw
duka yhu crivf df wibc.Crfed Dejfr, dejf dy crfeds khdf truf thgioat. I` I kbhsf dy
fyfs wibb yhu ahbc df tioat, ebb gioat8 _ibb yhu nf afrf ny dy sicf wafg dy gioats
erf khbc egc bhgfby8 _ibb yhu put yhur bhvf hg df waika I krevf sh cffpby8 I keg
ght ideoigf dy bi`f witahut yhu. Yhu erf fvfrytaigo igsicf h` df taet I wisa I
khubc nf egc sh duka dhrf. I bhhj et dy bi`f nf`hrf I jgfw yhur bhvf, egc I chg't
jghw ahw I fvfr survivfc.
  Nut, es I seic nf`hrf, yhu erf dy egofb, dy direkbf. I gfvfr jgfw taet shdfhgf
bijf yhu wes hut tafrf, lust weitigo `hr df th `igc tafd. _fbb, I `hugc yhu, Neny,
egc ghw taet I aevf yhu, I'd gfvfr bfttigo yhu oh!nenf, lust khg`icf ig df yhur
cffpfst `ffbigos, tfbb df yhur `egtesifs egc tafy saebb nf `ub`ibbfc. I wibb ch
egytaigo it tejfs th dejf yhu aeppy nfkeusf taet is taf hgby taigo taet dettfrs th
df egydhrf. Yhu erf pfr`fkt ig dy fyfs, egc tafrf is enshbutfby ghtaigo taet I
whubc fvfr kaegof enhut yhu. I jghw taet gh hgf is pfr`fkt, nut nenf, ig dy fyfs
yhu erf. It bfevfs df edezfc yft nbfssfc th aevf `hugc shdfhgf es spfkieb es yhu sh
  Nenf, I'd ohigo th nf sittigo afrf weitigo: weitigo `hr taf cey I wibb sff
yhu .... E bittbf cistegkf nftwffg us is ohigo th crivf df krezy, nut it'bb ebb
whrj hut lust `igf. [h, I wibb lust nf weitigo tibb taf cey wf wibb nf thoftafr.
  I bhvf yhu,
  Auos, dissfs, egc nuttfr`by jissfs,

5. _aet is taf shkih-fkhghdik nekjorhugc h` yhur `ediby8
  .Dy cec wes eg igtfrgetihgeb nusigfss deg, Af trevfbs e bht egc ebsh cfebs wita
idphrtetihg egc fxphrtetihg h` kers. Dy dhd is e paerdekist.._f ebb bivfc ig Bhgchg
>. _aet is yhur bfvfb h` igtfbbiofgkf8
  I taigj taet I aevf enhvf evfreof igtfbbiofgkf: I wes taf `irst stucfgt ig dy

kbess h` aioa skahhb hut h` 1 stucfgts. I nfoeg stucyigo et taf ugivfrsity nf`hrf
orecuetigo `rhd aioa skahhb, nfkeusf I aec fxkfbbfgt orecfs. I bijf th bferg gfw
taigos, igtfbbiofgkf is idphrtegt th df.
;. _aet is yhur `hrdeb fcuketihg8
  I ettfgcfc taf ugivfrsity `hr 3 yfers. I stucifc khdputfr skifgkf, nut I cic
ght orecuetf. I bf`t taf skahhb th nfoig th whrjigo ig taf khgstruktihg igcustry.
3... _aet erf yhur vfrneb enibitifs8
  I taigj taet I aevf enhvf evfreof enibitifs h` khddugiketihg, nhta writigo egc
vfrneb, egc I fglhy igtfrfstigo khgvfrsetihgs.
6. _aet ch yhu fxpfkt feka pertgfr th prhvicf ig taf derrieof8
  Ohc decf taf deg prideriby th prhvicf taf igkhdf egc taf prhtfktihg `hr taf
ahdf egc taf `ediby, egc I taigj taet taf whdeg is decf th khgtrhb egc ouicf taf
dettfrs h` taf ahusf egc th prhvicf taf igstruktihg h` taf kaibcrfg, nut feka
pertgfr keg afbp taf htafr pfrshg ig tafir `ediby rfsphgsinibitifs.
0. _aet erf yhur vifws enhut taf cistrinutihg h` phwfr igsicf taf `ediby8
  Ohc decf taf deg th nf taf bfecfr ig taf `ediby, nut tafrf erf degy erfes wafrf
taf whdeg keg aevf dhrf khdprfafgsihg egc ugcfrstegcigo taeg taf deg, sh saf
khgtrinutfs afr icfes th aid, egc af bistfgs th afr rfeshgigo.
?. Ahw degy kaibcrfg ch yhu wegt8
  I aevf ebweys taigj enhut aevigo e kaibc, nut I taigj it whubc nf gikf th aevf
e kaibc, hr kaibcrfg i` saf stibb gffcs dhrf, wita taf whdeg wah bhvfs df egc bivfs
ebb h` ais bi`f wita df.
1. _afg sahubc e `ediby nf nfoug8
  I wegt th weit shdf dhgtas nf`hrf aevigo kaibcrfg sh I keg fglhy duka tidf
ebhgf wita dy wi`f.
9. _aet erf yhur vifws hg taf kerf h` kaibcrfg8
  ]erfgts sahubc nf taf pridery ig`bufgkf `hr kaibcrfg, ght taf skahhb, gfitafr
taf `rifgcs, gfitafr taf tfbfvisihg ghr taf dhvifs. I nfbifvf taet kaibcrfg sahubc
rfspfkt ecubts, egc kaibcrfg sahubc afbp ig taf dettfrs h` taf ahusf. Saf kaibcrfg
egc taf perfgts sahubc nf kbhsf th feka htafr wita ohhc khddugiketihg feka cey.
5=. _aet is yhur phbitikeb paibhshpay8
  I prf`fr taf khgsfrvetivf bews taet erf sidiber th taf khddegcdfgts ig taf
Ninbf, egc I prf`fr bfss igtfr`frfgkf h` ohvfrgdfgt ig pfrshgeb bivfs.
55. _aet erf yhur vifws enhut sdhjigo, ebkhahb egc cruos8
  I taigj taet tafsf taigos erf ofgfrebby gfoetivf nfkeusf ig aioa vhbudfs tafy
cedeof taf nhcy, nut I bijf th crigj shdf wigf `rhd tidf th tidf, egc I wegt th
fglhy tais wita dy wi`f.
5>. Ahw duka khgtekt sahubc hkkur wita ig-bews8
  E`tfr taf wfccigo e khupbf sahubc dejf tafir hwg cfkisihgs egc taf ig-bews
sahubc ght igtfrvfgf wita tafsf cfkisihgs. Hkkesihgeb visits erf ekkfptenbf, nut
ght hg e `rfqufgt nesis.
5;. _aet is yhur sfgsf h` audhr8
  I ed e aeppy pfrshg egc I bijf th beuoa egc th fglhy bi`f.
53. Ahw pugktueb erf yhu8
  I ed ofgfrebby hg tidf, nut et tidfs I ed betf.
56. Ahw cfpfgcenbf erf yhu8

  I try th nf vfry rfbienbf egc th deigteig dy prhdisfs. I vebuf taf truta ig

dysfb` egc ig htafrs.
50. _aet is yhur cfsirf `hr igtideky egc yhur vfrneb enibity th nf igtidetf8
  I aevf e strhgo cfsirf `hr ebb `hrds h` igtideky egc I taigj taet I aevf taf
enibity th oivf e bht h` igtideky, paysikebby egc vfrnebby.
5?. _aet is taf rhbf h` khg`bikt egc ahw th rfshbvf khg`bikt ig derrieof8
  Khg`bikt is e tidf wafg > pfhpbf keg spfej tafir hpigihgs egc ugcfrstegc hgf
eghtafr nfttfr, nut taf khg`bikts sahubc nf ciskussfc pfekf`ubby, shdftidfs ig e
ci``frfgt fgvirhgdfgt. Safrf sahubc ght nf taf khg`bikts ig taf nfcrhhd, nfkeusf
tais is e spfkieb segktuery h` bhvf egc aerdhgy `hr taf derrieof.
51. _aet is taf nfst wey th aegcbf egofr8
  Et tidfs it is ohhc th aevf e pfrihc h` rf`bfktihg egc dfcitetihg nf`hrf
ciskussigo taf tafdfs h` egofr, et tidfs it is ohhc th writf chwg yhur `ffbigos th
ciskuss wita yhur khdpegihg.
59. Ahw sahubc `rifgcsaips wita taf htafr sfx nf aegcbfc8
  Saf ausnegc egc taf wi`f sahubc ght aevf egy nfttfr `rifgcs taeg feka htafr,
tafy sahubc nf nfst `rifgcs wita feka htafr, egc tafy sahubc ght aevf `rifgcsaips
wita taf htafr sfx ugbfss epprhvfc ny taf htafr pertgfr.
>=. _aet is taf quegtity h` taf priveky ig taf derrieof8
  Degy taigos h` taf derrieof sahubc nf privetf th pfhpbf hutsicf taf derrieof,
nut taf pfhpbf ig taf derrieof sahubc nf kepenbf h` saerigo ebb wita hgf eghtafr.
>5. _aet is yhur bfvfb h` ednitihg8
  I ebweys try th nfkhdf nfttfr egc th etteig taf phtfgtieb taet Ohc oevf th df.
I ch ght whrj th nf rika, I whrj th nf khd`hrtenbf egc th aevf bhvf egc pfekf ig dy
>>. _aet erf taf ohebs h` yhur bi`f8
  E pfekf`ub egc bhvigo derrieof is taf orfetfst ohebs ig dy bi`f. Bhvf is taf
dhst idphrtegt taigo ig taf bi`f.
>;. _aet erf yhur ettitucfs enhut nhcy wfioat8
  I wegt dy wi`f th deigteig e afebtay wfioat egc th deigteig afr nhcy egc ig
kbfeg egc ohhc khgcitihg. I prf`fr e sdebb hr nio whdeg wah is afebtay. I aevf
gfvfr nffg hvfrwfioat egc I igtfgc th jffp dy nhcy sizf ig prhpfr prhphrtihg.
>3. _aet erf yhur `eita egc nfbif`s egc spiritueb prf`frfgkfs8
  I aevf nffg e stucfgt h` taf Ninbf sigkf I wes e kaibc. Khddugiketihg wita Ohc
sahubc nf e ceiby prihrity `hr feka pfrshg, egc ebsh taf khupbf keg saerf ig tafir
cfvhtihg th Ohc wita hgf eghtafr. Ebtahuoa I ch ght ettfgc kaurka sfrvikf fvfry
wffj, I whubc bijf th ch tais wita dy wi`f. I ed e Karistieg, I chg't digc i`
saf's e karistieg hr ght nut saf sahubc jghw waet's rioat.
>6. _aet is taf prhpfr edhugt h` kaurka ettfgcegkf8
  ]fraeps hgf tidf hg taf wffjfgc, egc deynf e stucy h` taf Ninbf hgkf feka wffj,
nut I taigj taet pfrshgeb cfvhtihg is dhrf idphrtegt taeg kaurka ettfgcegkf.
>0. _aet sahubc nf taf spiritueb igvhbvfdfgt h` taf `ediby8
  I taigj taf `ediby sahubc stucy taf Ninbf thoftafr egc ebsh es igcivicuebs.
>?. _aet erf yhur ahnnifs egc igtfrfsts8
  Fxfrkisigo, pbeyigo egc bistfgigo th dusik, bfergigo, dfcitetigo, khhjigo egc

  >1. _aet typf h` dusik ch yhu bijf8

  I bijf ebb jigcs h` dusik fxkfpt reps nut dy `evhritfs erf Ohspfb, khgtfdphrery
Karistieg, rhkj, lezz.
>9. _aet is yhur bfvfb h` fgfroy `hr paysikeb ektivitifs8
  I whubc wegt th aevf shdf typf h` paysikeb ektivity feka cey wita dy wi`f: I
ahpf taet wf keg fxfrkisf thoftafr.
;=. _aet is taf idphrtegkf h` sfx8
  It is vfry idphrtegt `hr nhta pertgfrs th nf setis`ifc khdpbftfby sfxuebby egc
th deigteig e aioa bfvfb h` ettfgtihg th taf sfxueb gffcs h` taf htafr pertgfr.
;5. Ahw duka igkhdf sahubc nf spfgt egc sevfc8
  Dhgfy sahubc nf sevfc `hr fdfrofgkifs egc ebsh `hr prhlfkts egc spfkieb
;>. Ahw sahubc dhgfy nf essiogfc `hr kbhtafs, veketihgs, ftk.8
  Safrf sahubc nf sahrt-tfrd egc bhgo-tfrd `igegkieb ohebs `hr taf `ediby, waika
igkbucf usigo shdf dhgfy `hr kbhtafs,
  veketihgs, fgtfrteigdfgt, ftk.
;;. Ahw duka dhgfy sahubc nf oivfg egc th wahd8
  Dhgfy keg nf oivfg `hr oi`ts hr `hr fdfrofgkifs nut ght th deigteig th htafr
dfdnfrs h` taf `ediby.
;3. Ahw duka risj sahubc nf tejfg wita igvfstdfgts8
  Pfry bittbf.
;6. _aet is yhur ettitucf thwerc kbfegbigfss h` taf ahdf, taf kbhtafs, taf
nhcy, ftk.8
  I epprfkietf kbfegbigfss ig fvfry espfkt. I ch ght bijf e bht h` kbuttfr ig

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taf ahusf.
;0. _aet is yhur ettitucf thwerc pfrshgeb afebta8 (
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