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Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550

Research Article

A Systematic Review of Environmental Sustainability in Veterinary Practice

Maria K. Koytchevaa, Leah K. Sauerweina, Tracy L. Webbb, Stacey A. Baumgarnc,
Sadie A. Skeelsd, Colleen G. Duncane,*

Keywords: A B S T R A C T
sustainability A transition toward environmentally conscious business practices is underway in many sectors. For health-
care, the topic is both concerning and tragically ironic as hospitals have substantial environmental footprints,
which are now known to contribute to significant health problems that the system itself was designed to
clinic treat. The human medical field has been proactive in taking steps to reduce waste and carbon emissions by
identifying best practices to minimize such impacts. Characterization of needs and gaps has been addressed
through reviews of the literature regarding environmental sustainability in the context of human hospitals.
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
Our objective was to replicate methods used in a recent review of environmental sustainability in human
Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
hospitals to summarize information available to clinical veterinarians. Two search algorithms were used
across 8 databases, however only 3 peer-reviewed opinion articles specific to veterinary medicine were iden-
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of
tified. These papers included 1 on anesthesia and 2 on production animals. Interestingly, all articles were
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA written by United Kingdom-based authors and none were specific to companion animal practice, the largest
sector in the veterinary industry in the United States. Results of this review highlight need for research and
Facilities Management, Colorado State
communication that supports veterinary clinics in adopting more environmentally sustainable practices. Pro-
University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
posed starting points informed from research in other sectors, including 5 physical themes of energy effi-
Veterinary Teaching Hospital Library, Colorado
ciency, water, waste, sustainable procurement, and transportation, and human behavior changes on the
State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
individual, group, and organizational levels, are discussed. Additional work is needed to support veterinar-
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and ians and other animal health professionals to practice medicine in a way that upholds the veterinary profes-
Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and
sion’s oath to promote the health of animals, the public, and the environment we all share.
Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University,
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

Introduction human healthcare are estimated to be between 1%-5% of the total

global impact.8 In the United States (U.S.), this figure approaches 7%,8
There is increasing discussion on the role of veterinarians in miti- and the indirect health impacts of these emissions have been esti-
gating the animal health impacts of climate change.1-5 Broadly recog- mated to be equivalent to the tens of thousands of patients who die
nized as the greatest global public health threat of the 21st century, annually in U.S. hospitals due to preventable medical errors.9 Efforts
health professionals need to be able to respond to climate change to address the environmental and subsequent patient impacts of cur-
both by addressing the health concerns of their patients as well as rent healthcare practices include professional societies, curriculum
reducing the ecological footprint of that care.6,7 Recent studies illus- reform, calls to action, and the emergence of solitary sustainability-
trate the strong interest from clients, clinical staff, and both current oriented private practices.
and future veterinarians to be engaged in the topic of climate change. Work on best practices for sustainability in human healthcare sys-
In a recent survey of pet owners, the majority of clients wanted to be tems has been informed by a growing body of literature and reviewed
informed about how their veterinary clinic reduces its environmental to identify gaps, evidence-based practical shortcomings, and research
impact and were willing to pay more for sustainable veterinary serv- needs pertaining to climate change mitigation techniques in the health-
ices.4 Concordantly, veterinary students, clinic staff, and graduate care sector.10 Similar information synthesis and gap analysis efforts
veterinarians have stated a strong belief in the negative animal and within the animal care sector are needed to support veterinary person-
human health impacts of climate change and a need for additional nel in their efforts to minimize their environmental footprint. The objec-
education on the topic.1,2,5 Veterinary students and practicing veteri- tive of our work was to systematically characterize the currently
narians have expressed great interest in learning ways to reduce their available research on veterinary hospital environmental sustainability
own environmental footprint, particularly how to promote environ- as compared to the human health sector in order to identify any signifi-
mental sustainability in offices, clinics, and hospitals.1,2 In order to cant gaps. The results of this project can be used as a baseline upon
meet this need, evidence-based and affordable sustainability practi- which to develop a targeted, impactful research agenda that informs
ces relevant to veterinary medicine should be accessible to all veteri- sustainability guidelines for veterinary clinics.
nary students and professionals.
The human health industry has a substantial environmental foot- Materials and Methods
print, and there is strong support for finding ways to deliver human
health care in a more sustainable way. Environmental impacts, quan- A systematic literature review was performed in accordance with
tified using indicators including greenhouse gas emissions, from methods used in a recent review by McGain and Naylor10 on sustain-
ability in the context of human hospitals in order to facilitate the
*Corresponding author. comparison between human and animal hospitals. The search algo-
E-mail address: (C.G. Duncan). rithm used in the human hospital paper was adapted to the original
1938-9736/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550

search algorithm by keeping identical search terms, except that “hos- Library, and King’s Fund Library. None of the 32 results were specific to
pitals” was changed to “veterinary hospitals” and expanded to be veterinary medicine, and, after reviewing the 32 abstracts, 31 were
more inclusive of veterinary equivalents to “hospital.” The final excluded because they did not fit the inclusion criteria of being relevant
search algorithm used the terms “veterinary hospital” OR “veterinary to environmental sustainability in veterinary hospitals. The full text of
clinic” OR “veterinary practice” OR “veterinary center” OR “veterinary the remaining study was thoroughly evaluated. This article was a labo-
hospitals” OR “veterinary clinics” OR “veterinary practices” OR “vet- ratory study on the chemistry and adsorption of chloramphenicol,11
erinary centers” AND “sustainability” AND at least 1 term from “green which was excluded for being beyond the scope of clinical veterinary
OR environment OR architecture OR energy OR water OR travel OR practice. Consequently, the McGain and Naylor (2014) comparative
life cycle assessment OR waste OR recycling OR reusing OR reprocess- study, modeled after a review presented in human hospitals, generated
ing OR psychology and behaviour.” Databases used were consistent 0 results relevant to veterinary hospitals.
with those in McGain and Naylor (2014) including PubMed, Engi- The refined search (Fig. 2) yielded a total of 443 results from the 8
neering Village, Cochrane Library, and King’s Fund Library. The date searched databases. Following the removal of duplicates, the
range of the search was January 1, 1990, the same starting date as the abstracts of 243 articles were reviewed. Of these articles, 199 did not
human hospital review, to June 19, 2020. Inclusion and exclusion cri- meet the inclusion criteria of being relevant to environmental sus-
teria for the initial search were kept identical to those presented by tainability in the context of veterinary practices. Common themes
McGain and Naylor (2014) to provide a direct comparison. Included noted in the excluded articles were climate change impacts on infec-
studies needed to pertain to environmental sustainability in the con- tious and vector-borne diseases, livestock management contributing
text of veterinary hospitals and had to either state new findings or to climate change, antimicrobial and drug resistance, policy and
present the most current review regarding a topic. Any methodology advocacy, global conservation and ecology, and recommendations for
or study design was accepted. Studies were excluded if they were pet travel. Of the remaining 44 articles, 15 were excluded based on
commentary or advocacy writing, studies with outdated sustainabil- publication type including books, conference proceedings, disserta-
ity practices, or studies that were encompassed in broader or more tions or theses, interviews and opinion pieces, magazine articles, and
recent literature reviews. newspaper articles.
Out of concern that the search criteria used in McGain and Naylor The remaining 29 peer-reviewed journal articles underwent full text
(2014) may not include other terms relevant to the veterinary litera- review and thematic classification. General topics included anesthesia
ture, a second search algorithm was created to retrieve a broader recommendations, pharmaceutical management, practice recommen-
range of literature relevant to veterinary medicine and sustainability dations, and sustainability in food animal production. Of these, 26
topics. The new search algorithm kept the initial search string as a articles were excluded as they were not clinically relevant, focused on
foundation and expanded upon the search terms and databases used pharmacovigilance (as seen in the McGain and Naylor (2014) compara-
to encompass a wider range of potentially pertinent literature. Addi- tive literature search), used a non-environmental definition of “sustain-
tionally, the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the second search ability” (e.g., economic or human resource sustainability), or pertained
were updated to be more inclusive of work in this area. The algorithm to calls for action in relation to policy and education reforms. The final 3
required that variations of the words “veterinary” AND “environmen- peer-reviewed journal articles that matched the inclusion criteria fell in
tal OR sustainability” were included in the title or abstract of the 2 categories: anesthesia and practice recommendations12 and livestock/
search results and that at least 1 of the terms “LEED OR green* OR food animal production.13,14
architecture OR energy OR eco-friendly OR water OR travel OR life Jones and West (2018) published a peer-reviewed scoping review
cycle assessment OR waste OR recycling OR reusing OR reprocessing about environmental sustainability in veterinary anesthesia. They
OR psychology and behavior” were included anywhere in the studies. discussed the contribution of agents used in veterinary anesthesia,
The databases from the McGain and Naylor (2014) comparative such as nitrous oxide and isoflurane, to emissions and ozone destruc-
search, consisting of PubMed, Engineering Village, Cochrane Library, tion.12 Methods proposed to mitigate the negative effects of anesthe-
and King’s Fund Library, were included to provide a reference point sia on the environment included the need for carbon sequestration to
for assessing the ability of the refined search to locate more applica- capture the anesthetic gases by means of filters on endotracheal
ble articles to the veterinary field. In addition, CAB Abstracts (EBSCO), tubes or by gas reservoirs on anesthesia machines, replacing general
Environmental Science Database (ProQuest), Web of Science (Clari- anesthesia with complete intravenous anesthesia, and reducing flow
vate Analytics), and Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) were included rates to offset these climate impacts. The authors highlighted several
to search a broader body of literature relevant to veterinary medicine additional ways veterinary clinics can minimize their environmental
and environmental science. No date restriction was set for the search impact, including waste segregation, using reusable equipment and
start date, and all articles published up to June 19, 2020 were surgical textiles, reducing pharmaceutical waste, refining the sterili-
included. The inclusion criteria required that studies needed to per- zation process to decrease water consumption, and implementing
tain to environmental sustainability and climate change in the con- rechargeable batteries in mobile anesthetic units. A final recommen-
text of veterinary hospitals, practices, or clinics. The included studies dation from this article was to integrate telemedicine into practice to
were peer-reviewed journal articles that provide scientifically backed decrease emissions related to travel.12 This article was published in
suggestions to making clinical veterinary establishments more sus- the journal 'Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia' by veterinary
tainable in routine clinical practice. Any peer-reviewed methodology anesthesia experts based in the United Kingdom who took an empiri-
or study design was included. Articles and studies that were not rele- cal, well-referenced approach to supporting their opinions.
vant to environmental sustainability and climate change in the con- Statham et al (2017), and Green et al (2011), published peer-reviewed
text of veterinary practice or that did not provide suggestions of opinion pieces discussing the role of food animal veterinarians as advo-
sustainability practices were excluded. Articles that were not peer- cates for sustainability through promotion of herd health.13,14 Two meth-
reviewed journal articles were also excluded. Results from the ods were proposed for a veterinarian to promote proactive herd health:
McGain and Naylor (2014) comparative search and the subsequent assigning nutritional recommendations that reduce methane emissions
refined search were compared and thematically assessed. and the downstream effects of potentially toxic pharmaceutical and die-
tary supplements and using genetic techniques to ensure sustainability in
Results reproduction and fertility efforts within the herd, thereby creating a
more productive population and reducing forced culling.13,14 Both articles
The McGain and Naylor (2014) comparative search identified a total were published in a British journal, 'In Practice,' and used a well-refer-
of 32 results (Fig. 1) from PubMed, Engineering Village, Cochrane enced approach to support their opinions.
M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550 3

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the McGain and Naylor (2014) comparative literature review. This diagram demonstrates the number of initial search results and the screening process
used to finalize relevant articles to be included.

Discussion hospitals, and further expanded to include veterinary terminology,

only 3 veterinary opinion articles were identified as compared to
The results of our study highlight the paucity of published work 49 empirically referenced articles on environmentally-friendly
guiding the development of objective environmental sustainability hospital design, energy, water, travel, procurement, waste, and
guidelines specific for veterinary practitioners. Using methods staff behavior implementations in the human hospital literature
consistent with those applied in a recent review of human from a search conducted 7 years prior.10 The final 3 articles focused
4 M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of refined literature review. This diagram includes the number of initial search results compared to the number of final articles that met the inclusion cri-
teria for the literature review. The screening and selection process used to narrow results to the final included articles is indicated. Studies are broken down by article type and the-
matic category.

on anesthesia and the veterinarian’s role in food animal opera- Kingdom. The discordance of opinions by country, notably the U.S.,
tions. The lack of resources pertaining to small animal general on the role of veterinarians addressing climate change has been
practice is particularly relevant given that 75% of U.S. private prac- previously reported.1 The present study reaffirms the need to miti-
tice veterinarians practice either companion animal exclusive or gate this disparity. Efforts are needed by veterinarians around the
companion animal predominant medicine.15 Interestingly, all 3 of world to further support the health of the animals, people, and
the identified articles were written by authors from the United planet that we seek to protect.
M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550 5

Despite the identified gap in available literature on sustainability planting drought-resistant plants to limit exterior landscaping water
in veterinary practice, resources from other related sectors can help needs and minimizing laundry water use needs with efficient, eco-
guide veterinary clinics to make meaningful changes until more sec- friendly machines.17,18 In addition to current green washing machine
tor specific information is available. Literature from human hospitals, options, recent technological advances of ozone laundry have dem-
environmental engineering, building design, and human behavior onstrated its environmental and economic benefits through success-
change research that did not meet the inclusion criteria for our veter- ful decreases in water usage, energy consumption, and chemical use
inary-focused review can still be used to develop recommendations relative to traditional detergent-based laundry.29
relevant to the veterinary medical field. From these and additional Waste: Veterinary waste management strategies have significant
scoping reviews10 we have identified 5 physical themes and three overlap across multiple sectors, including agriculture, laboratories,
levels of behavioral changes that can be used as a starting point for and pharmaceutical companies that handle various types of waste. As
veterinary clinics interested in implementing change. a result, the most effective waste management strategies for veteri-
nary practices revolve around safe, appropriate waste reduction and
Physical Changes ensuring proper waste disposal. The first step is reducing the poten-
tial for waste creation by purchasing products that contain less pack-
Energy Efficiency: Given its massive contribution to greenhouse gas aging, purchasing reusable alternatives instead of single-use
emissions, energy is a critical theme for veterinary clinics to address. disposable products when available and appropriate, and purchasing
Healthcare-derived energy consumption in developed countries is esti- recycled-content products.16,17,19,21,30-32 Waste generation can also
mated to account for nearly one-fifth of all public-sector consumption.10 be decreased in necessary daily clinical activities, such as cleaning,
Building design and the often more expensive first costs of high-perfor- treatments, and surgery. Environmental Protection Agency and other
mance, energy-efficient equipment may present obstacles for veterinary third-party certified green cleaning products and reusable spray bot-
clinics, but electing renewable energy, such as solar electricity, shows tles create a smaller amount of hazardous waste byproducts.19,33
promising long-term cost effectiveness and is beneficial to the reduction Implementing proper waste-disposal training and green cleaning
of harmful greenhouse gas emissions.16-19 Other lower emissions tech- protocols for staff helps reduce the negative effects of unavoidable
nologies may include ground source heat pumps or combined heat and waste byproducts contaminating air quality and water
power and cogeneration technology to capture thermal energy.10,17,19 sources.18,19,21,22 Pictograms at waste stations can be an effective
While combined heat and power and cogeneration systems are often approach to keep staff cognizant and updated on proper waste dis-
deployed in large buildings, corresponding in size to the hospital level, posal practices.19 Reusable sharps containers can reduce transporta-
they are not necessarily applicable to the majority of smaller veterinary tion emissions, manufacturing costs, and single-use plastic waste.21
clinics. Thermal regulation in buildings can be managed to aid in reduc- Additionally, green printing practices, such as double-sided printing
ing energy consumption by seasonally adjusting thermostats, installing and decreasing toner use, in conjunction with digitization of medical
automated or timed thermostats, routinely monitoring for leaks in air records and invoices, minimize paper waste.18,19,21,24 Surgical practi-
conditioning, allowing for night ventilation, regularly replacing filters in ces can be made less wasteful by creating custom eco-friendly surgi-
ventilation systems, and using ceiling fans instead of air conditioning cal packs that use less materials, focus on reusable components, and
when possible.10,16-21 To further increase efficiency of indoor tempera- reduce the use of environmentally-detrimental components, such as
tures, window technology can be modernized by providing adequate cotton.30,32 The global accumulation of hazardous anesthetic byprod-
insulation, installing double-paned windows, reducing thermal bridg- ucts in the atmosphere can be decreased by using more environmen-
ing, and installing blinds to allow for natural light and shade as tally-friendly anesthetic gas alternatives, using total intravenous
needed.17-20 Though natural light in clinics should be optimized as a anesthesia and regional anesthesia instead of general anesthesia
substitute for artificial light whenever possible, other sources of artificial when permissible, and avoiding pre-emptive drawing up of medica-
light such as light emitting diodes can significantly reduce energy costs tions to minimize sedative agent waste.12,21,34,35,36 Although beyond
and related emissions.16-20,22 Furthermore, installing motion sensing, the scope of this review, references are available to help practitioners
day-light sensing, or lighting controls in common areas will reduce elec- make informed choices surrounding use of anesthetic gases, which
tricity use and cost. Equipment affecting building plug loads, such as undergo minimal metabolic change during their clinical use and have
radiology machinery, computers, and other electronic devices, should varying degrees of greenhouse gas potency.36 In terms of medical
be powered down at night to reduce stand-by electricity consump- equipment, reusable devices have been found to be more environ-
tion.21 Meters can be installed to monitor electricity use, and environ- mentally-sustainable than their disposable alternatives.21,30 When
mental sustainability audits can be conducted to identify and evaluate single use items are unavoidable, recycling, re-processing, and dona-
emission sources.18,19 tion programs can be considered as an alternative when
Water: Recommendations for water efficiency and conservation appropriate.10,16,17,21,24 Finally, employee-generated food waste can
as a theme were generally very limited across the scientific literature be decreased by implementing composting. Recycling programs and
due to the simplicity of existing strategies for reducing water use, promoting reusable meal containers, water bottles, and utensils are
which may have decreased the perceived need for technological also effective landfill diversion strategies.10,16,17,19,22,24
innovations.10,19 Furthermore, water is often a smaller utility expense Procurement: Procurement strategies have a direct impact on a
compared to energy, which lessens the robustness of its return on clinic’s sustainability performance. Reviewing monthly expenditures
investment.23 The most common water use reduction suggestions allows a practice to identify opportunities where they can directly
were installing flow restriction devices on faucets, using low-flow influence the life cycle impacts of a purchased good or service
toilets, maintaining proper plumbing and pipes to prevent water loss through an environmental, social, and economic approach.37 In order
through leaks, and harvesting and recycling rainwater for sustainable to make environmentally conscious product purchases, veterinarians
re-purposing.10,16,17,19,22,24 Installing water saving retrofit kits on should evaluate product supply chains from sourcing and
older autoclaves or purchasing new eco-friendly autoclaves, manufacturing to product packing and transportation. Prior to order-
decreases tempering water sterilizer consumption by 90% and has ing products, one should comparatively assess an item’s life-cycle
the potential to save over 60,000 gallons of water per year.25-27 Sig- assessment (LCA) data, which traces the environmental impact of
nificant water savings can also be made by streamlining the surgical energy use and pollution beginning with resource extraction and
scrubbing process. Switching from an ‘elbow-on’ tap operating sys- ending at product disposal.10,21,30,32 Holding companies accountable
tem to a leg-operated tap was found to save 5.7 liters of water per in creating more environmentally-sustainable products and encour-
scrub.24,28 Other innovations that were found to be effective included aging sales representatives to be transparent with LCA data will
6 M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550

provide the veterinarian with insight into how much waste is gener- financial incentives.17-19,39 More specifically, financial incentives
ated when purchasing any specific item.17,19,32 The Accountability, prove to be helpful on the individual level by rewarding staff who
Consistency, and Transparency (ACT) Environmental Impact Factor use alternative transportation methods or carpool.39,44
Label is at the forefront of this movement.38 ACT-certified lab prod- Group: At the group level of teams within clinics, it is most effec-
ucts provide transparent environmental impact data based on energy tive to provide collective and comparative group feedback. Providing
and water use, manufacturing and packaging, and end-of-life dispos- comparative performance assessments regarding minimizing energy
ability that is viewable to the consumer and allows for sustainable use between groups of employees results in overall increased
purchasing.38 As it is difficult for individual veterinarians to obtain resource conservation and an inclination towards staff being more
and compare relevant product data, the veterinary profession should knowledgeable regarding this topic.39 Group problem-solving,
encourage common product suppliers to provide LCA data and incen- environmentally-oriented values, and teamwork are successfully
tivize these suppliers to move toward increasingly sustainable practi- encouraged by incentivizing a team as a whole when they meet their
ces. goals, rather than solely emphasizing individual responsibility.39,44
Transportation: Another area where veterinarians can actively Financial incentives are also effective at the group level by retroac-
reduce carbon emissions is through transportation. If a veterinary tively rewarding staff when shared clinic resources are deliberately
practice has control over building construction or location, a major conserved.39,44 Building community around shared values, such as
consideration should be accessibility to public transportation and environmental sustainability, in the veterinary profession may also
bicycle routes for clinic staff.16,22 Businesses that provide employee be beneficial in generating overall staff wellbeing.1
incentives for workplace travel, such as free or discounted public Organization: At the organizational level, consisting of upper
transportation passes, have the greatest increase in public transport management and corporate support, considerations for evaluating
use.10,16-19,22,39 If public transportation is inaccessible, car share or environmental sustainability include the overall infrastructure of the
carpooling systems among employees can serve as an effective practice, management support, and organizational culture.17,39 The
alternative.10,16,17,19,22,24,39 Similarly, if a veterinary practice is infrastructure of veterinary practices may vary drastically, from aca-
mobile, ambulatory, or requires client home visits, it is recommended demic teaching hospitals, to leased spaces within shopping centers,
to have a company-sponsored electric or low emissions vehicle for to mobile practices. In order to successfully implement impactful
fleet travel.17,22 Veterinary practices should consider promoting change, the organization should determine the largest, controllable
alternative forms of transport by providing maps of accessible bike aspects of their environmental footprint that are feasible to alter.
trails and considering financial incentives such as zero-interest loan Individual clinic considerations include clinic size, number of
repayment programs for bicycle purchase.10,17,19,22,39 Offering bicycle employees, geographic location, utility consumption, and accessibil-
racks and increasing electric charging stations can further encourage ity to alternative forms of transportation or waste management pro-
alternative or low emissions transportation.17,19 Lastly, utilizing tele- grams balanced with realistic financial and time restrictions.39,44
medicine or teleconferencing services can be an efficient alternative Moreover, support from management and overall organizational cul-
for client consultations and professional association conferences that ture allows staff members to have clear communication regarding
eliminates the need for travel.10,16,17,19,21,24,40-42 Living car-free and collective values in relation to positive environmental
reducing airplane travel have been shown to be 2 widespread, high- performance.39,44 With these categories in mind, veterinarians or
impact actions that can substantially decrease annual personal emis- practice managers should conduct an all staff meeting regarding
sions and enact systemic sustainable change, making these critical environmental sustainability goals within the practice and map out
areas to target.42 When air travel is unavoidable, purchasing carbon how they will effectively improve their pro-environmental behaviors
offsets can counterbalance the negative environmental impacts as as individuals, as a team, and as an organization.
they help finance projects that reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in
other sectors.43 Conclusions

Behavior Change Collectively our review highlights the opportunity to support veteri-
nary clinics’ ability to function in a way that minimizes their environ-
When implementing sustainability in veterinary practice, one must mental footprint. Given that this study contains an extensive literature
consider pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors of the participating review and extrapolates information using outside research from
staff and the encompassing organization. Opportunities for behavior related fields, the study had several limitations. First, the literature
change transcend all physical domains described above and can occur review on sustainability in veterinary practices only focused on peer-
at many levels. In a review by Young et al from 2015, an ‘employee pro- reviewed papers, thereby excluding any available non-academic litera-
environmental behavior’ framework was created to assess several, vari- ture on the topic. Since evidence-based practices were extrapolated
able qualities by their ability to influence workplace sustainability per- from fields outside of veterinary medicine, sustainability recommenda-
formance.39 Behavior change metrics can be performed by assessing tions from human hospitals may not be applicable to all forms of veteri-
increases in goal-oriented, pro-environmental outcomes. For example, nary practice. The veterinary profession is very diverse in practice type;
measuring the amount and frequency of recycling behaviors within a therefore, in-hospital recommendations may not be applicable to large
clinic. From this research, there are 3 main categories within a veteri- animal or mobile veterinarians. Furthermore, some recommendations
nary practice where behavior can be modified: the individual level, the may be difficult to implement in buildings where electricity and water
group level, and the organizational level. use data are not metered per leased space or where the veterinary ten-
Individual: At the individual level, employees can increase envi- ants do not have operational control over certain energy or water using
ronmental attitudes and awareness through training modules, sus- equipment. Practical considerations surrounding the economic feasibil-
tainability education, establishing individualized environmental ity of environmental sustainability changes may pose challenges for
goals relative to an initial assessment of personal values, and discov- clinics to adopt some of the recommended practices, especially when
ering how specific sources of environmental impacts within a clinic presented with large first costs, such as with renewable electricity,
can be individually mitigated.10,17,21,39,44 Though providing feedback, although these are generally cost saving in the long term. While a cash-
reminders, and performance assessments improve employee behav- purchased solar array may be cost-prohibitive in certain electricity mar-
ior at the individual level, it is most effective to provide feedback kets, an abundance of options exist that allow for installation with zero
through active and engaging visuals, simple and meaningful lan- out-of-pocket costs. However, time constraints, a common problem in
guage, personally-relevant material, deliberate discussion, and veterinary clinical practice, may also impact veterinarians’ ability to
M.K. Koytcheva et al. / Topics in Companion An Med 44 (2021) 100550 7

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