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Drawing the line in clinical

treatment of companion animals:
recommendations from an ethics
working party
Herwig Grimm,1,2,3 Alessandra Bergadano,4 Gabrielle C Musk,5 Klaus Otto,6 Polly M Taylor,7
Juliet Clare Duncan8

Modern veterinary medicine ofers numerous options for treatment and clinicians must decide on the best one
to use. Interventions causing short-term harm but ultimately beneitting the animal are oten justiied as being
in the animal’s best interest. Highly invasive clinical veterinary procedures with high morbidity and low success
rates may not be in the animal’s best interest. A working party was set up by the European College of Veterinary
Anaesthesia and Analgesia to discuss the ethics of clinical veterinary practice and improve the approach to ethi-
cally challenging clinical cases. Relevant literature was reviewed. The ‘best interest principle’ was translated into
norms immanent to the clinic by means of the ‘open question argument’. Clinical interventions with potential
to cause harm need ethical justiication, and suggest a comparable structure of ethical relection to that used in
the context of in vivo research should be applied to the clinical setting. To structure the ethical debate, pertinent
questions for ethical decision-making were identiied. These were incorporated into a prototype ethical tool de-
veloped to facilitate clinical ethical decision-making. The ethical question ‘Where should the line on treatment be
drawn’ should be replaced by ‘How should the line be drawn?’

Introduction patient and its best interests are the main focus.2–9
For centuries, the need to protect and promote the This patient-centred practice is increasingly impor-
health-related interests of the patient1 has been the tant with the changing status of animals in our soci-
primary consideration for what is morally acceptable eties.4 5 10 11
in human clinical practice. This overarching obliga- The aims of medical and veterinary companion an-
tion plays a major role in the context of human medi- imal practice are increasingly comparable,10 although
cine, understood as ‘patient centred practice’. This recent literature also identiies diferences.7 10 12 Com-
approach is also evident in veterinary companion panion animal practice can be considered a place where
animal practice, where the health of the animal the ‘best interest of the patient’ is paramount and does
not necessarily take into account the interests of the cli-
ent or other parties.3 4 10 13 14 However, this patient-cen-
Veterinary Record (2018) doi: 10.1136/vr.104559
tred focus is oten in the interest of the client where the
Messerli Research Institute, University 7
Taylor Monroe, Ely, UK human–animal bond is as strong as that with a human
of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, 8
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary family member.4 11 15–18 Companion animals are increas-
Austria Studies, University of Edinburgh, Roslin, ingly viewed as patients whose treatment should not be
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Scotland limited by economic constraints.10 19
Austria E-mail for correspondence:
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Both the client’s willingness to pay for treatment
4 and an increase in treatment options for companion
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Roche
Innovation Center Basel, F Hoffmann La Provenance and peer review Not animal patients raise the question of which treatments
Roche, Basel, Switzerland commissioned; externally peer are morally justiied, requiring ethical relection and
Animal Care Services, University of reviewed.
discussion.2 14 20–32 In the light of the available advances
Western Australia, Perth, Western
Received June 9, 2017 in medical treatment, we must ask whether veterinary
Australia, Australia
Central Laboratory Animal Facility,
Revised February 2, 2018 clinicians should do everything possible and if not, how
Accepted February 26, 2018 should they make clinical decisions which have the po-
Hannover Medical School, Hannover,
Germany tential for considerable impact on patient and client.

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In response to concerns raised by members of the TABLE 1: Relationship between norm 1 (restoring animal’s health) and
Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) (AVA norm 2 (animal’s quality of life experience)
General Meeting; Prague, September 2016) about Norm 1
apparent inappropriate overtreatment of some com- Norm 2 Health+ Health−
panion animals, the European College of Veterinary Quality of life+ Treatment morally justified Treatment may be morally
Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ECVAA) set up a working justified

party to discuss the impact of advances in clinical vet- Quality of life− Treatment may be morally Treatment not morally
justified justified
erinary techniques on veterinary ethics in companion
animal practice. This paper describes the work carried
out, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations
Part I
made by that working party.
Against the background of the literature search, the
research question was developed:
Materials and methods How should the line be drawn in the companion animal
Part I clinical practice?
A moral philosophical analysis of the companion
The line refers to the limit on intervention imposed
animal clinic was explored, which included an ethical
by the amalgam of technical, ethical, humanitarian and
argument against the backdrop of relevant and recent
inancial considerations. By means of the open-question
literature. A literature search for publications on
argument, the principal of ‘in the animal’s best interest’
clinical veterinary ethics was conducted and comple-
was identiied as the moral foundation of companion
mented by additional referenced literature. The search
animal practice and was translated into two norms in-
included, but was not limited to, a systemic user-de-
herent to companion animal clinical work: (1) to aim for
fined retrieval of the PubMed database, the Philoso-
the patient’s restored health and (2) to respect the pa-
pher’s Index and the Web of Science, using combina-
tient’s quality of life (QOL) (Table 1). The open-question
tions of search terms: ‘euthanasia’, ‘veterinary medi-
argument was further used to distinguish ‘justiication’
cine’, ‘veterinary ethics’, ‘clinical ethics’, ‘companion
from ‘explanation’ in choosing a particular treatment
animals’ and ‘high tech’.
option, and for ethical decision-making.
Open questions were used to establish the principal
moral foundations under which the veterinary clini-
Part II
cian should work. Open questions have no set answers
The key stakeholders affected by clinical deci-
and allow answers expressed in the respondent’s own
sion-making and motivational criteria relevant to each
key stakeholder were identified, as well as the relation-
ships likely to be affected (Table 2).
Part II Relationships were explored further and a set of
The ECVAA working party was made up of an expert analytical questions relevant to each relationship was
panel of six individuals: five ECVAA diplomates who developed. This covered the ‘patient centred’ justiica-
work in a variety of settings including tertiary referral tions directed towards the ‘best interest of the patient’
practice, laboratory animal practice, veterinary consul- (Table 3), emphasising animal-centred factors (ques-
tancy and academia. The sixth member of the expert tions A–D, Table 3) and secondary factors (questions
panel was an ethicist specialising in the field of veter-
inary ethics. TABLE 2: Key stakeholders and criteria to be considered in clinical
The working party relected on the issues of mod- veterinary ethical decision-making
ern-day veterinary ethics in companion animal cases Key stakeholder Criteria Relationship domains

and explored options for dealing with ethically chal- Companion Patient’s best interests Clinician-patient
animal ► Health prognoses (short and long term) Client-patient
lenging cases. The process was carried out via tele- ► Experienced quality of life
phone conferences, email-based electronic discussions – Positive welfare impact
– Negative welfare impact
and one face-to-face meeting.
Clinician Evidence base for therapy Clinician-patient
The working party discussed themes relating to vet- Ability to carry out the procedure Professional
erinary ethics, in particular identifying key stakehold- Animal-focused criteria responsibility
► Consistent with animal’s interests
ers and relevant ethical considerations. These themes Profession-focused criteria
were reviewed by further intensive discussion and a ► Personal responsibility
► Institutional responsibility
list of core ethical problems was developed, which in- Motivation for carrying out the procedure
cluded motivators for selection of a preferred treatment (academic progression, financial gain,
option. The list of motivators was further discussed, reputation)
Client Economic constraints Client-clinician
diferentiated and incorporated into questions aimed at Client compliance Client-patient
facilitating ethical decision-making in companion ani- Client’s perspective (versus professional’s
mal cases.

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TABLE 3: Relationships and corresponding factors to consider in ethical ethics tool (VET) (Table 4). The VET focused on the re-
clinical decision-making lationships within the ‘veterinary clinician-animal-cli-
Clinician-patient (clinical A. Legitimate aim: Is the clinical intervention in the best ent’ triad. Interests of individual stakeholders were not
responsibility) interest of the animal? the focus; instead questions of ethical relevance that
A1. Will the proposed treatment improve the patient’s health?
A2. Will the proposed treatment improve the patient’s quality emerged from the relationships between them were
of life (immediately/long term)? included. These relationships are of (A) clnician-ani-
B. Alternative measures: Is the proposed treatment the one mal, (B) clinician-client, (C) client-animal, and (D) cli-
with the least potential to cause harm and suffering while still
achieving the intended clinical goal? nician-other professional veterinary clinicians: profes-
C. Reducing harm and suffering: Have measures been taken sional responsibility.
to minimise the potential for harm and suffering?
D. Proportionality test: Do the expected benefits outweigh
the potential harm and suffering inflicted on the animal or are Discussion
they at least in balance? We argue that the answer to the normative question
Clinician- E. Clinician experience: Does the primary clinician/team have ‘Should clinicians always do what they can?’ is clearly
profession (professional experience in carrying out the proposed treatment and/or is it
responsibility) a well-documented recognised treatment? negative. First, it is (veterinary) common sense that
F. Ethical decision-making: Is this case an example of good there are ‘ethical’ lines which must be drawn and eutha-
ethical decision-making for students/trainees/colleagues? nasia is the best treatment option in particular cases,31 33
G. Professional justification: Would you feel comfortable
justifying the proposed treatment to professional colleagues?
even when further treatment options could be explored.
Client-patient H. Treatment impact: Would proceeding with the proposed Second, common sense is supported on ethical
treatment have a positive impact on the owner–animal grounds. It has been argued that ‘virtually every ethical
view converges to agree that euthanasia is acceptable,
I. Benefit to client: Would proceeding with the proposed
treatment have a positive impact on the client’s quality of desirable or morally required’10 if an animal is experi-
life and/or financial benefits (eg, the proposed treatment will encing severe pain and distress with no possibility of
allow breeding from a valuable animal)?
relief.5i If treatment of a suffering patient resulted in no
Clinician-client J. Cost: Is the proposed treatment financially viable for the
client? clinical improvement or even deterioration, it would be
K. Recovery: Is the client capable of providing a suitable home hard to dismiss euthanasia as a treatment option in the
environment and/or administrating medication during the
recovery period? patient’s interest. However, the practical decision for
Priority of L. Moral proportionality test: Are answers to E–K more or against euthanasia remains difficult. Sandøe et al
justification (moral v non- influential in your clinical decision than the A–D? said10:
[Euthanasia] may come in some sense either ‘too soon’ while
an animal has a good life let to live with palliative care, or
E–K, Table 3). A moral proportionality test balancing ‘too late’ when sufering has become intense and quality of
the animal-centred points against the secondary factors life is very poor.
was incorporated to assess the relative importance of When considering the question ‘How is the line
animal-centred factors versus secondary factors (ques- drawn on treatment?’ Sandøe et al provide recommen-
tion L, Table 3). dations for veterinary practitioners faced with ethical-
In order to come to a well-reasoned judgement ly challenging cases in the companion animal clinic.
whether a treatment (including euthanasia) is best (in The Aesculapian authority of veterinary practitioners,
terms of norms 1 and 2) and therefore fulil the ‘best which corresponds with a number of rights not pos-
interest of the patient’ the questions behind the pa- sessed by others in our society,4 34 35 brings with it a duty
tient-centred factors (justiications) are entirely ‘animal for professionals to respond to new developments and
focussed’ (norms 1 and 2). If any of the questions (Ta- challenges. In addition, there are key stakeholders as
ble 3, A–D) are answered negatively, the treatment op- well as aspects of signiicance in the clinical context
tion is questionable. that should be considered in ethical decision-making
The secondary explanations were converted to ana- along with the triad of ‘clinician-companion animal-cli-
lytic questions clustered according to the relationship ent’ (Table 2).
domains (Table 3). Factors E–K are secondary to the cli-
nician’s responsibility if they do not refer back to the The moral infrastructure of the veterinary clinic
‘best interest of the patient’. The answers to all these The veterinary clinic has a particular ‘moral infra-
questions can explain a clinical decision, but they do structure’, understood as the dominant moral factors
not justify it in a moral sense. Therefore, any clinical de- which shape clinical practice. The most important
cision that is based primarily on answers to E–K without factors in clinical contexts are ‘health’ and ‘disease’
referring to A–D will be questionable. The inal question which are intrinsically linked to the patient’s QOL.
(L) relects whether a moral or non-moral justiication
is given. i
In this regard, the veterinary companion animal clinic differs from the
Brought together, the analytical questions A–L made human medical clinic, since active euthanasia is a legal and morally justi-
fiable option and is understood in line with the principle to act in the
up a catalogue that provides structure for ethical reason- ‘best interest of the patient’ (‘best interest of the patient’). Active eutha-
ing and were incorporated into a prototype veterinary nasia is—with some exceptions—legally not permitted in most countries.

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TABLE 4: Prototype of a veterinary ethics tool (VET) to facilitate decision-making in clinical veterinary medicine
Relationship Questions to facilitate ethical deliberation No I don’t know Possibly Definitely
Animal-centred factors Clinician-patient (clinical A. Do you perceive the proposed treatment to be in the best interests of
(justificatory reasons) responsibility) the patient?
A1. Will the proposed treatment improve the patient’s health?
A2. Will the proposed treatment improve the patient’s quality of life:
(a) immediately
(b) long term
B. Is the proposed treatment option the one with the least potential to
cause harm and suffering while still achieving the intended clinical goal?
C. Have measures been taken to minimise the potential for harm and
D. Do the expected benefits outweigh the potential harm and suffering
inflicted on the animal or are they at least in balance?
Secondary factors Clinician-profession E. Does the primary clinician/team have experience in carrying out
(explanatory reasons) (professional the proposed treatment and/or is it a well-documented recognised
responsibility) treatment?
F. Is this case an example of good ethical decision-making for students/
G. Would you feel comfortable justifying the proposed treatment to
professional colleagues?
Client-patient H. Would proceeding with the proposed treatment have a positive
impact on the owner-animal relationship?
I. Would proceeding with the proposed treatment have a positive impact
on the client’s quality of life and/or financial benefits (eg, the proposed
treatment will allow breeding from a valuable animal)?
Clinician-client J. Is the proposed treatment financially viable for the client?
K. Is the client capable of providing a suitable home environment and/or
administrating medication during the recovery period?
Priority check Professional responsibility L. Are the secondary factors E–K (explanatory reasons) more
influential in your clinical decision than the animal-centred factors A–D
(justificatory reasons)?
Consider alternative treatment options.
Reconsider procedure and the clinician’s responsibility.
Valid reasons for clinical procedure.

As an illustration, radiotherapy of a dog’s cutaneous In some circumstances, however, there may be doubt
tumour might cause acute radiation toxicity, resulting about whether the patient’s interest is the driving force
in tissue damage and severe pain. If ‘being healthy’ is in decision-making. Other possible motivations to car-
equated to ‘being tumour free’ without considering ry out medical or surgical procedures can include: (A)
the patient’s immediate QOL, there is perfect justi- professional advancement for the clinician; (B) inan-
fication for this medical intervention. However, as cial gain for the practice or clinic; (C) training oppor-
soon as QOL is considered as an important part of tunity for less experienced clinicians; and (D) to meet
clinical decision-making, doubts about whether the (potentially) unrealistic expectations of the client (with
treatment can be justified may emerge.11 28 Intrinsic no positive prospect for the animal). These motivations
standards known as ‘norms’ are the underlying lack potential to justify procedures that may cause harm
moral rules by which a clinic will adhere to its moral to patients. Their lack of justifying power is due to the
infrastructure. major moral narrative or ‘moral infrastructure’ inherent
Companion animal veterinary work can be distin- to the clinic, that is, the ‘best interest of the patient’.
guished from other veterinary contexts, for example, To illustrate this point, imagine the primary clinician in
laboratory animal or farm animal practice,36 because charge uses professional advancement or the inancial
interventions on companion animals should always gain of the clinic in order to justify performing surgery
be in the ‘best interest of the patient’. In contrast, on a patient. Both reasons would explain why the clini-
interventions in laboratory animal and farm animal cian performs the surgery but neither can be accepted
practice are for the beneit of individuals and socie- as a moral justiication.
ties other than the animals themselves. Hence, com- The diference between justiication in the moral
panion animal clinical practice is ‘patient centred’. sense and explanations, which are not justiications, re-
However, treatment in the ‘best interest of the patient’ fers back to the very concept of morals and moral epis-
may cause harm in order to restore or maintain the temology. Morality deals with values, norms and prin-
patient’s health. For instance, surgical treatment of ciples that are ultimately binding. Explanations simply
a brachycephalic dog with severe breathing problems describe or even give an excuse for an action taken. If
can easily be justiied because of the anticipated im- a moral principle is referred to, this principle serves as
provement to the dog’s ability to breath. a ‘regress stopper’ of ininite regress. To illustrate this

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point in a clinical context: if a clinician is asked: ‘Why of the patient’ cannot be reduced to ‘health only’ but
are you carrying out the surgery?’ and the answer is ‘be- covers also the patient’s perspective expressed via
cause it is my job’, the question ‘but is it right to do your its QOL. Consequently, a second norm is required, a
job?’ still makes perfect sense. If the answer is ‘because significant part of the clinic’s moral infrastructure.
I aim to serve the best interest of the dog’, the ques-
tion ‘but is it right to serve the best interest of the dog?’ Norm 2: the veterinary clinician should aim for a positive
would be followed by a clear ‘yes’, which indicates the balance of the patient’s QOL
self-evident normative basis which is ultimately bind- If a clinical procedure is unlikely to provide either
ing for the clinician. health or QOL benefit, the procedure lacks justification
The legitimacy of the ‘best interest of the patient’ since the harm done in the clinical procedure is not in
concept can also be questioned by moral philosophy, the best interest of the animal. Therefore, harm done in
but for the purposes of this discussion ‘best interest of the clinic without realistic expectation to restore health
the patient’ is assumed as an inherent moral principle (norm 1) or achieve long-term benefits in QOL (norm
of the companion animal clinic. This can be summa- 2) is not justified. If health is restored (norm 1) and
rised by the concept of the ‘open question argument’, QOL decreases (norm 2), the justification of the clin-
originally introduced by GE Moore.37 To lay open what ical procedure becomes more difficult (Table 1). Inno-
has been called ‘regress stoppers’ (core moral beliefs), vative techniques and aggressive treatment that use all
asking ‘but is it right?’ can serve as an easy method to measures possible in the companion animal clinic are
distinguish moral reasons from other factors. particularly at risk of falling into this category.
The inherent moral infrastructure of the companion
Justification: patients in the centre of clinical decisions animal clinic provides ‘justiications’ (which refer to
The companion animal clinic is considered a place norms 1 and 2) and ‘explanations’. The two categories
where the primary justification for carrying out treat- (justiication and explanation) can be distinguished via
ment is ensuring patients are cared for in their best the ‘open question argument’ introduced above. Where-
interests. In this context, all other justifications for as justiications in a moral sense function as ‘regress
treatment are considered secondary motivators and stoppers’, explanations do not function in that way
lack moral justification. However, if veterinarians since they are not ultimately binding. Therefore, expla-
always acted solely in the best interest of companion nations are best termed ‘moral pragmatic’ considera-
animals then no moral justification would be needed tions.40 41 These considerations inluence the treatment
and ethical conflict would not occur. Indeed, clin- decision via contextualisation integrated with aspects
ical interventions which do not induce harm have no of the prevailing situation. For instance, if the explana-
need to be justified; however, such procedures are tion for a clinical decision depends on an client’s un-
rare, hence it is important to clarify possible lines willingness to pay for an alternative treatment,19 the
of justification which refer to the ‘best interest of open question remains: ‘but is it in the best interest of
the patient’. 38 39 In human medicine, the principles the patient?’ If the answer is not ‘yes’, the moral justii-
of patient benefit (act in the patient’s best interest) cation of the decision becomes questionable.
and ‘do no harm’ obligate the physician to seek the These secondary normative (but not moral) aspects
balance in favour of potential benefit to the patient become a problem if they over-ride the justiications
over potential harm.1 This approach runs parallel to or make it questionable whether norms 1 and 2 are
the veterinary companion animal practice. Therefore, applied adequately.11 When motivation for treatment
the clinical perspective on interventions with poten- is based primarily on secondary explanations, a ‘grey
tial to benefit or harm the patient has to be balanced area’ opens up, at risk of being questioned and criti-
with the perspective of the patients themselves. Natu- cised. It is essential to identify criteria to structure and
rally, the patient’s health (and overcoming disease) is facilitate decision-making to avoid treatment decisions
to be considered a benefit. falling into this ‘grey area’. It is important to recognise
the complexity of the clinical setting, and appreciate
Norm 1: the veterinary clinician should aim for the patient’s why decisions are not necessarily solely in the ‘best in-
health terest of the patient’. Table 3 structures the key stake-
Aiming for the patient’s health often goes in parallel holders and criteria in order to culminate in the clini-
with its best interest; however, harm that may be cian’s decision on treatment option. This links to the
caused by a clinical procedure may have negative relationship domains of the clinician-patient-client
effects on the QOL. Such negative effects need justifi- triad which structures the professional responsibility
cation. Therefore, considering norm 1 in clinical deci- identiied in Table 2.
sion-making is necessary but not sufficient. Clinical The core justiication of clinical intervention lies in
procedures should only be carried out if the patient’s the principle of the ‘best interest of the patient’. How-
experienced benefits (in terms of QOL) outweigh the ever, other aspects, although of secondary or limiting
harms (in terms of QOL). Accordingly, the ‘best interest nature in the clinic, are nevertheless, important moral

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and pragmatic aspects, which relect on the clinician’s Conclusion
responsibility. These issues can be turned into a set of In modern veterinary medicine where treatment options
analytical questions regarding the responsibility rela- are numerous, veterinary clinicians of all specialties are
tionships in the clinician-patient-client triad. Moral jus- confronted with the need to make responsible and ethical
tiication is eroded whenever these secondary aspects therapeutic decisions. The question regarding ‘when to
become dominant and determine a clinical decision, draw the line on treatment?’ in companion animal prac-
which contradicts the ‘best interest of the patient’. It tice is not as much a question of ‘where should I draw
is the clinician’s responsibility to determine the ex- the line?’ but also ‘how do I draw the line?’. We identified
tent to which the secondary factors play a role in the moral and other normative factors inherent to the clinic,
decision-making. Professionals cannot and should which are either of justificatory or explanatory power in
not be relieved of this responsibility. Although ‘moral clinical decisions. Clinical treatment inherently harms
stress’11 42 is likely, we argue that facing this moral stress patients in order to improve their health-related interests.
is inherent to the professional’s responsibility. Only This harm has to be justified with realistic expectations
one clear line can be drawn: the secondary factors in regarding the patient’s health (norm 1) and QOL (norm
clinical decision-making must not contradict the ‘best 2). The two moral norms translate the best interest prin-
interest of the patient’, otherwise the clinical decision ciple to guide and justify clinical decision-making in a
loses its moral justiication and gains, for example, an moral sense. Besides justifications, we identified expla-
economic one. nations which lack the justificatory power, but contex-
The suggested way to incorporate such ethical rea- tualise clinical decisions. Explanations influence, but
soning is in an ‘ethical tool’,43–45 incorporating the key should not have priority in clinical decision-making since
stakeholders and criteria into a guiding framework. the justifications are more important. The motivators of
This approach led to development of the VET. The work- clinical decision-making were transformed into analytical
ing party followed the steps applied to the ethical eval- questions which should be used in real life when difficult
uation procedure in animal research, an idea used re- clinical decisions are required. A prototype of an veteri-
cently by Yeates in this context.20 The main aspects of nary ethical tool (VET) was developed from these analyt-
project evaluation in animal research are to: (A) identify ical questions that allows identification and collation of
a legitimate aim of the research, (B) check for alterna- factors that speak in favour of or against particular treat-
tives, (C) reduce harm and sufering (3Rs principle), and ment options. This ethical tool does not say where the
(D) undertake a harm-beneit analysis (for greater de- line is drawn, but aims to give practical help in enabling
tail see Directive 2010/63/EU).46 47 In parallel with the professionals to take a sound approach on how to draw
structure of ethical justiications in animal research, the line on treatment in companion animal practice.
corresponding questions were formulated according to Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the executive committee of the
European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia for commissioning the
the previously identiied relationship domains. The VET ethics working party. The authors would further like to thank the 51 anonymous
allows for identiication and collation of justiications veterinarians from the small animal clinic and the "working group ethics in the horse
clinic" at the Veterinary University Vienna who tested and commented on a previous
and explanations in favour of or against a particular version of the VET.
treatment option, and is divided into animal-centred
factors and secondary factors. Correction notice This article has been corrected since it published Online First.
The second sentence has been added to the Acknowledgements statement.
The VET should provide a framework to encour-
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
age clinicians to promote methodical clinical ethical funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
decision-making. Importantly, the VET also provides Competing interests PMT is also a member of the Veterinary Record editorial
a way of improving awareness of ethics and may fa- board.
cilitate discussion among clinical staf, especially Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
in multidisciplinary settings, where ethical deci- permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and
sion-making oten falls to the primary clinician with license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly
varying input from other members of the team. It cited and the use is non-commercial. See:
should be noted that the VET does not indicate ‘right’
© British Veterinary Association (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article)
or ‘wrong’ and the main function of the VET is in pro- 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly
moting and structuring discussion of all relevant as- granted.
pects of clinical veterinary ethics and facilitating eth-
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