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Turner syndrome,
a condition that affects only females,
results when one of the X chromosomes
(sex chromosomes) is missing or
partially missing. Turner syndrome
can cause a variety of medical
and developmental problems,
including short height, failure of
the ovaries to develop and heart

Marfan syndrome is a

genetic condition that affects
connective tissue, which provides
support for the body and organs.
Marfan syndrome can damage the
blood vessels, heart, eyes, skin, lungs,
and the bones of the hips, spine, feet,

Muscular dystrophies area

group of muscle diseases
caused by mutations in a person's
genes. Over time, muscle weakness
decreases mobility, making
everyday tasks difficult.and rib cage.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic

condition that affects a protein in the body.
People who have cystic fibrosis have a
faulty protein that affects the body's cells,
tissues, and the glands that make mucus
and sweat.

Hemophilia is usually an inherited bleeding

disorder in which the blood does not clot
properly. This can lead to spontaneous
bleeding as well as bleeding following injuries or
surgery. Blood contains many proteins called clotting
factors that can help to stop bleeding.

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