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My favorite day of the week is Sunday because it’s the last day of the
I get up very early all week, so on Sunday it's satisfying to get up late, and I
always stay in bed until 9:00. Then I usually go buy breakfast for my whole
family together with my brother. On this day they sell all kinds of
breakfast, so we enjoy choosing what to take to share with the family.
I always have lunch with my whole family. It's fun because we all
participate in the preparation, as long as we follow mom's tips, and then
we talk about the things we'll do throughout the week. After lunch,
sometimes we watch movies or soccer games.
At night, I usually go out with my friends. We often go to the park and
after that, we eat grilled chicken or hamburger. I never go to bed after
11:00, because I have to get up early the next day to go to work.

Ya no importa,
Todo lo que vivimos
Si ahora ya ni junto salimos,
Las promesas en el aire se quedaron,
Con el pasar del tiempo se esfumaron
Y ahora ni como regresar

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