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1 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

Table of Contents

S. No. Content Page No.

1 Rationale 3

2 Objectives 4

Class XI

3 Course Structure 6

4 Course Content 10

5 Guidelines for Internal Assessment/ Geography Practical 25

Class XII

6 Course Structure 27

7 Course Content 30

8 Guidelines for Internal Assessment/ Geography Practical 52

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Geography is introduced as an elective subject at the senior secondary stage. After ten years of general education, students branch out
at the beginning of this stage and are exposed to the rigors of the discipline for the first time. Being an entry point for the higher education,
students choose Geography for pursuing their academic interest and, therefore, need a broader and deeper understanding of the subject.
For others, geographical knowledge is useful in daily lives because it is a valuable medium for the education of young people. Its
contribution lies in the content, cognitive processes, skills and values that Geography promotes and thus helps the students explore,
understand and evaluate the environmental and social dimensions of the world in a better manner.

Since Geography explores the relationship between people and their environment, it includes studies of physical and human
environments and their interactions at different scales-local, state/region, nation and the world. The fundamental principles responsible
for the varieties in the distributional pattern of physical and human features and phenomena over the earth's surface need to be
understood properly. Application of these principles would be taken up through selected case studies from the world and India. Thus,
the physical and human environment of India and study of some issues from a geographical point of view will be covered in greater
detail. Students will be exposed to different methods used in geographical investigations.

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The course in Geography will help learners to:

 Familiarize with key concepts, terminology and core principles of Geography.

 Describe locations and correlate with Geographical Perspectives.
 List/describe what students might see, hear, and smell at a place.
 List/describe ways a place is linked with other places.
 Compare conditions and connections in one place to another.
 Analyse/ describe how conditions in one place can affect nearby places.
 Identify regions as places that are similar or connected.
 Describe and interpret the spatial pattern features on a thematic map.
 Search for, recognize and understand the processes and patterns of the spatial arrangement of the natural features as well as human
aspects and phenomena on the earth's surface.
 Understand and analyse the inter-relationship between physical and human environments and utilize such knowledge in reflecting on
issues related to community.
 Apply geographical knowledge and methods of inquiry to emerging situations or problems at different levels-local, regional, national
and global.
 Develop geographical skills, relating to collection, processing and analysis of spatial data/ information and preparation of report
including maps and graphs and use of computers where ever possible; and to be sensitive to issues.
 The child will develop the competency to analyse, evaluate, interpret and apply the acquired knowledge to determine the
environmental issues effectively.

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Prescribed Books:

1. Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Class XI, Published by NCERT

2. India Physical Environment, Class XI, Published by NCERT

3. Practical Work in Geography Part I, Class XI, Published by NCERT

Links for Rationalised 2023-24 NCERT textbooks:


Note: The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.

Kindly refer to the latest editions of all NCERT Textbooks.

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Fundamentals of Physical Geography

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Marks allotted

Unit - I Geography as a Discipline
1 Geography As a Discipline 5 3
Unit - II The Earth
2 The Origin and Evolution of the Earth 6

3 Interior of the Earth 6

4 Distribution of oceans and continents 5

Unit - III Landforms

5 Geomorphic Processes 9
6 Landform and their Evolution 9

Unit - IV Climate
7 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere 3

8 Solar Radiation, Heat balance and Temperature 7

9 Atmospheric Circulations and Weather Systems 7 8

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10 Water in the Atmosphere 4

11 World Climate and Climate Change (To be tested through internal 5

assessments in the form of project and presentation)

Unit - V Water (Oceans)

12 Water (Oceans) 6
13 Movements of Ocean Water 8
Unit - VI Life on the Earth
14 Biodiversity and Conservation (To be tested through internal 4 _
assessments in the form of project and presentation)

Map Work 5 5

TOTAL 89 35

India Physical Environment

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Marks allotted

Unit - I Introduction

1 India- Location 5 5

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Unit - II Physiography

2 Structure and Physiography 18

3 Drainage System 14

Unit - III Climate Vegetation and Soil

4 Climate 16
5 Natural Vegetation 14

Unit - IV Natural Hazards and Disasters: Causes Consequences and Management

6 Natural Hazards and Disasters (To be tested through internal assessment 6 _

in the form of Projects and presentation)

Map 5 5

Total 78 35

Geography Practical Part I

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Marks allotted

1 Introduction to Maps 6 3

2 Map Scale 6 4

3 Latitude Longitude and Time 8 4

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4 Map Projections 10 4

5 Topographical Maps 10 4

6 Introduction to Remote Sensing 10 6

Practical file and Viva 5

Total 50 30

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Fundamentals of Physical Geography

Chapter and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcomes
1  To define and understand the Observe your surroundings and At the completion of this unit
scope and nature of Geography note down the variation in natural students will be able to:
Geography as a as a discipline. as well as cultural phenomena.
Discipline Discuss with your partner:  Explain the meaning geography
Geography is the study of “areal as an integrating discipline.
 State the fields of geography and
Project Work its relation with other disciplines.
Topic: - Forest - as a natural  Explain the approaches to study
resource. geography
 Prepare a map of India showing
the distribution of different types
of forests.

 Write about the economic

importance of forests for the

 Prepare a historical account of

conservation of forests in India
with focus on Chipko

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movements in Rajasthan and
2 At the completion of this unit
 To acquire knowledge about  Watch videos of theories (Big
students will be able to:
earth’s origin through various Bang etc.) in the class room
The Origin and
theories. through projector.
Evolution of the  Describe the Big Bang,
Earth Planetesimal theory, Nebular
 To understand stages in the  Presentation and interaction
Hypothesis related to the origin of
evolution of the earth. about the origin of the earth by
the universe.

 Students to explore more

information related to the topic.
3 Activity: Draw a well labelled At the completion of this unit
 To understand that the
diagram to show the interior of students will be able to:
configuration of the surface of the
Interior of the Earth the earth.
earth is largely a product of the  Describe direct and indirect
exogenic and endogenic  Draw a diagram of a volcano sources of information about the
processes operating in the and mark the following parts: interior of the earth.
interior of the earth
a. Magma Chamber  Discuss Earthquakes—its causes
b. Vent and effects, define: Epicentre,
c. Central Pipe Hypocentre, Earthquake waves
d. Lava flow and its propagation, Shadow
zones, Measuring the intensity of
 Draw a diagram to show the
intrusive volcanic forms.
 Explain the interior structure of
the earth.
 Case study of earthquakes that
occurred in India in recent times
 Explain Volcanoes, its types and
and in Turkey.
volcanic landforms.

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4 At the completion of this unit
 To describe the theory of  On the outline world map mark
students will be able to:
continental drift proposed by and label the following:
Distribution of seas
Alfred Wegner.  Provide evidences in support of
and oceans a. Major plate boundaries continental drift and force for
 To understand the present b. Ring of fire drifting.
configuration of continents and c. Hot spot Volcanoes
oceans through plate tectonics  Explain Post drift studies,
theory. Convectional current theory,
 Draw diagrams to show
Mapping of the ocean floor,
different types of plate
Ocean floor configuration,
Concept of sea-floor spreading,
 Case Study:
 Describe theory of plate tectonics and different types of plate
ws/natural-disasters/out-of-the- boundaries.
 Trace the movements of Indian
5 At the completion of this unit
 To understand various exogenic  Prepare a concept map to show
students will be able to:
and endogenic processes different Exogenic and
responsible to bring changes in Endogenic Processes.  Differentiate between
the configuration of the surface of geomorphic processes and
the earth.  Students will prepare concept geomorphic agents.
map on denotational processes.
 Describe factors that affect soil
 Study types of weathering: formation.
Physical, Chemical, Biological
and understanding their  Define the following terms:
importance for human being. Exfoliation, Denudation,
Weathering etc.

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 Study types of mass
movements and prepare a mind
6 At the completion of this unit
 To understand the nature of  Visit nearby landforms and draw
students will be able to:
different erosional and sketches.
Landforms and
depositional agents and
their Evolution 
landforms made by them. Draw neat and well labelled  Describe and draw various
diagrams of landforms created erosional and depositional
by running water, wind and landforms created by different
waves etc. agents.

 Watch videos of different  Students will be able to compare

landforms created by running and analyse various landforms
water, underground water,
glacier, wind, sea waves etc.  Locate different landforms
(mountains, plateaus, plains) on
 Find out the advantages and the outline map of the world.
disadvantages of different
landforms from the internet.

 Prepare charts to show different

7 At the completion of this unit
 To understand the composition  Watch a video on the
students will be able to:
and structure atmosphere. importance of different layers of
Composition and
the atmosphere.
Structure of
 Describe the composition and
Atmosphere  Write songs based on different characteristics of different layers
seasons. of atmosphere.

 Draw a neat and well labelled

diagram to show different layers

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of the atmosphere and write the  Correlate climate change with
importance of each layer. Sustainable Development
Goals13: Climate Action.
8 At the completion of this unit
 To understand the heating and  Students to learn about the
students will be able to:
cooling of the atmosphere and three different modes of heat
Solar Radiation,
the resultant temperature transfer—convection,
Heat Balance and
distribution over the surface of conduction, radiation— with the  Differentiate between solar
the earth. help of an activity and how they radiation and terrestrial radiation.
are related to the Sun and life
on our planet.  Give reasons for variability of
insolation at the surface of the
 Draw a diagram to show the earth.
passage of solar radiation
through the atmosphere.  Explain the heat budget of the
planet earth.
 Study the figure 9.4 and 9.5 and
write the distribution of surface  Describe factors controlling
temperature in the month of temperature distribution.
January and July.
 Explain inversion of temperature.

9 At the completion of this unit

 To understand the general  Students may read various
students will be able to:
atmospheric circulation and the theories and articles related to
forces that control the circulation. atmospheric circulation and  Describe the permanent pressure
Circulation and
weather system. belts and the prevailing winds.
Weather Systems  To understand the meaning of
various terms related to the topic.  Students are advised to watch  Explain different types of winds.
live videos related to the topic
 To know the causes and winds:  Differentiate between tropical and
consequences of air circulation. extra tropical cyclones.

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 The students can be  Realize how global warming is
encouraged to prepare result of atmospheric pollution
presentation on different topics and how it can be minimised if
in the chapter. not prevented.

 Examine the weather conditions

necessary for the formation of
cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes

10 At the completion of this unit

 To understand continuous  Make a list of different forms of
Water in the students will be able to:
exchange of water between the condensation and precipitation
atmosphere, the oceans and the and define them.
continents through the processes  Explain the process of
of evaporation, transpiration,  Draw diagrams of different precipitation and its different
condensation and precipitation. types of rainfall. forms.

 On a world map mark and label  Analyse the variation in the

areas of heavy, moderate, low distribution of rainfall in the world.
and inadequate rainfall.

11 At the completion of this unit

 To define three broad  Classify climate based on
World Climate and students will be able to:
approaches that have been various schemes by Koeppen
Climate Change
adopted for classifying climate – with the help of a mind map.  The topic can be presented in
Empirical Classification, Genetic class through PPT or Project
(To be tested  Describes the causes and
Classification, and Applied Work after conducting extensive
through internal effects of global warming.
Classification. and guided research by students.
assessments in the
form of project and  To Describe various types of  Evaluate the climate changes in
presentation) climates and their the recent past.

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 To analyse Koeppen’s Scheme
of Classification of Climate.

 To explain climate change and

related concepts.

 To evaluate the climate changes

in the recent past.

12 At the completion of this unit

 To explain water cycle and  Draw a diagram to show major
students will be able to:
summarize how an increase in and minor features of ocean
Water (Oceans)
demand for water leads to a floor.  Describe the basic processes
water crisis. involved in hydrological cycle
 Study figure 13.5 and analyse with the help of a well labelled
 To Illustrate major and minor the horizontal distribution of diagram.
ocean floor features. (mid- salinity in different oceans.
oceanic ridges, seamounts,  Describe the relief features of the
submarine canyons, guyots, and  Locate and label the major seas ocean floor.
atolls) on a political map of the world
(As given in map list).  Explain the process of heating
 To describe horizontal and and cooling of oceanic water and
vertical distribution of oceanic factors that affect temperature
temperature. distribution in the ocean

 To evaluate the factors affecting  Describe the salinity of ocean

the salinity of ocean waters. waters.

13 At the completion of this unit

 To define and differentiate  Mark and label the major warm
students will be able to:
between tides and currents. and cold currents on an outline
Movements of
world map. (As per the given  Explain tides, currents and
Ocean Water
map list) waves.

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 To describe the formation of sea  Draw a diagram of spring and  Analyse the economic
waves. neap tides. significance of tides.

 To analyse the importance of  Describe ocean currents and the

tides. forces that influence them.

 To classify and describe major  Distinguish between cold and

ocean currents and its effects. warm ocean currents.

14 At the completion of this unit

 To explain the three major realms  Make a list of flora and fauna
students will be able to:
of the environment. found in your surroundings and
Biodiversity and
make a scrap book containing  Describe the characteristic
Conservation  To explain the concept of information and pictures of at features of the biosphere.
ecology. least ten species.
 Define ecology and related terms
 To analyse the features and and explain the need for
types of aquatic ecosystems and ecological balance.
biomes, with examples.
 Recognize the abiotic and biotic
factors of the ecosystem.

 To compare and contrast the

features of five major biomes of
the world – forest, grassland,
desert, aquatic, and altitudinal.

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India Physical Environment

Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcomes
Chapter Name
1 At the completion of this unit
 To understand the geographical  On an outline map of India mark
India- Location students will be able to:
location of India and its all the neighbouring countries
significance. and compare the size of India  Describe the location of India
with its neighbours. mentioning the surrounding water
 Make a list of all the states that
share common boundary with our  Analyse the implications of living
neighbouring countries. in a country with vast longitudinal
and latitudinal extent and its
 Mark and label the land boundary impact on the standard time of
and coastline on an outline map India.
of India.
 Explain the vastness of India and
 On a political map of India mark the diversity that comes along
and label the states and UTs. with it.

2 At the completion of this unit

 To understand the evolution of  Identify the physiographic and
students will be able to:
different geological structures in geological region you live in.
Structure and
India. Discuss the impact of  Explain the evolution of various
physiography on the geological structures in different
 To acquire knowledge about development of your region. parts of the country.
physiographic divisions and
their subdivisions.  On an outline map of India mark  Describe major physiographic
and label the physiographic divisions and the processes of
divisions of India. their formation.

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 Locate the major physical
features on the map of India.

3 At the completion of this unit

 To understand the drainage  Have a group discussion in your
students will be able to:
system and drainage patterns of class about floods-their positive
Drainage System
Indian rivers. and negative impact.  Understand the major drainage
systems of India.
 To understand the extent of use  Make a list of east flowing and
ability of river water and the west flowing rivers of Peninsular  Analyse the causes of river water
problems associated with it. region. pollution.

 Differentiate between Himalayan

and Peninsular rivers.

4 At the completion of this unit

 To understand Indian monsoon:  Students to mark and label the
students will be able to:
and its mechanism. hottest, coldest, driest and
wettest place in India. (on a  Discuss the factors affecting
 To list the weather conditions political map) climate of the country and its
that prevail during different effect on country’s economic life.
seasons.  Students should be made to
understand Air Quality Index.  Understand the annual cycle of
 To analyse the variation in four main seasons in India.
distribution of rainfall in India.  The Air Quality Index is a way for
the government to alert people to  Able to realise the causes and
the quality of the air and how bad problems of climate changes.
the air pollution is in an area or
city. They use colours to help you  Able to understand the concept
determine if you should go of Global Warming.

 Green - the air is good.

 Yellow - the air is moderate

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 Orange - the air is unhealthy for
sensitive people like the elderly,
children, and those with lung
 Red – Unhealthy
 Purple - Very unhealthy
 Maroon - Hazardous
 To understand the relationship  Students would be able to At the completion of this topic the
between vegetation belts and enhance their communication students will be able to:
Natural Vegetation
the climate. skills by debating on positive and
negative impact of human  The students will be able to
activities on forest cover and recognise the importance of
wildlife. forest cover in the country and its
spatial distribution.
 To mark all major types of forests
on a map of India.  They will learn about number of
species of plants and animals in
 Class can be divided into groups India.
to collect information about
people’s (common man)  They will appreciate the efforts in
participation in the conservation conservation of forests and wild
of forests and wildlife. life.

 To make students aware about  Divide your class into groups and At the completion of this topic the
natural hazards and disasters allocate one disaster to each students will be able to:
Natural Hazards
happening in various parts of group.
and Disasters  Classifies different types of
the country, their impact and
ways to mitigate the damage  Every group should think of hazards and disasters.
(To be tested themselves as living in a disaster  Describes causes effects and
caused by them.
through internal prone area of their allocated mitigation policy for various
assessment in the topic. natural disasters.

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form of Projects and  All groups would give a  Able to identify and locate
presentation) presentation on causes ,impact regions prone to different
and risk reduction of that disasters on the map.
 Understands the concept of
disaster management.

Map Items for locating and labelling on outline political World Map
Fundamentals of Physical Geography

Chapter No Map Work

Chapter Name
 Political Map of all Continents of the world.
Distribution of oceans  Major Oceans of the world: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
and continents  Major lithospheric plates and Minor lithospheric plates, Ring of fire (Pacific Ocean), Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Major Hot Deserts of the world:
Atmospheric  Mojave Desert- Nevada, US
Circulations and  Patagonian Desert- Argentina
Weather Systems
 Sahara- Africa
 Gobi Desert- Mongolia, Asia
 Thar desert- India
 Great Victoria desert- Australia

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 Major Seas
Water (Oceans)  Black sea
 Baltic sea
 Caspian Sea
 Mediterranean Sea
 North Sea
 Red sea
 Bay of Fundy (Canada)-Famous for the highest tides in the world
OCEAN CURRENTS-Cold currents
Movements of Ocean  Humboldt c.
Water  California c.
 Falkland c.
 Canaries c.
 West Australian c.
 Oyashio c.
 Labrador c.
Warm currents
 Alaska c.
 Brazilian c.
 Aughlas c.
 Kuroshio c.
 Gulf stream c.
Ecological hotspots
 Eastern Himalaya, India

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Biodiversity and  Western ghats, India
Conservation  Indonesia, Asia
 Eastern Madagascar, Africa
 Upper Guinean forests, Africa
 Atlantic forest, Brazil
 Tropical Andes

Map Items for locating and labelling on outline political map of India
India Physical Environment

Chapter No and Name Map Work

 Latitudinal extent of India
India- Location
 Longitudinal extent of India
 Standard Meridian of India
 Important latitude passing through India (Tropic of Cancer)
 Southern Most Point of main land of India (Kanya Kumari)
 Mountains: Karakoram Range, Garo- Khasi- Jaintia hills, Aravalli Range, Vindhyan Range, Satpura
Structure and
Physiography Range, Western ghats & Eastern ghats
 Peaks: K2, Kanchenjunga, Nandadevi, Nanga Parvat, Namcha Barwa and Anaimud
 Passes: Shipkila, Nathula, Palghat, Bhor ghat and Thal ghat
 Plateaus: Malwa, Chhotnagpur, Meghalaya and Deccan Plateau.
 Coastal Plains: Saurashtra, Konkan, North and South Kanara, Malabar, Coromandel and Northern

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 Islands: Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands
 Rivers: Brahmaputra, Indus, Satluj, Ganga, Yamuna, Chambal, Damodar Mahanadi, Krishna, Kaveri,
Drainage System Godavari, Narmada, Tapti and Luni
 Lakes: (Identification)Wular, Sambhar, Chilika, Kolleru, Pulicat & Vembanad
 Straits, Bays , Gulfs: Palk Strait, Rann of Kachch, Gulf of Kachch, Gulf of Mannar & Gulf of Khambat
 Area with highest temperature in India
Climate  Area with lowest temperature in India
 Area with highest rainfall in India
 Area with lowest rainfall in India
(Identification on an outline map of India) Tropical evergreen, Tropical deciduous, Tropical thorn, Montane
Natural Vegetation and Littoral/Swamp forests. Wildlife reserves: (locating and labeling)
 National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambore. Shivpuri, Simlipal
 Bird Sanctuaries: Keoladev Ghana and Ranganathitto
 Wild life Sanctuaries: Periyar, Rajaji, Mudumalai, Dachigam,

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Guidelines for Internal Assessment/ Geography Practical

1. A practical file must be prepared by students covering all the topics prescribed in the practical syllabus.
2. The file should be completely handwritten with a cover page, index page and acknowledgment.
3. All practical works should be drawn neatly with appropriate headings, scale, index etc. Data can be taken from the NCERT text
4. The practical file will be assessed at the time of term end practical examinations.
5. A written exam of 25 marks will be conducted based on prescribed practical syllabus.
6. Viva will be conducted based on practical syllabus only.
7. Written Exam - 25 Marks
8. Practical file - 03 Marks
9. Viva - 02 Marks

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NCERT Prescribed Textbook

1. Fundamentals of Human Geography
2. India - People and Economy
3. Practical work in Geography- Part II

Links for Rationalised 2023-24 NCERT textbooks:


1. The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.
2. Kindly refer to the latest editions of all NCERT Textbooks.

26 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of periods Marks allotted

Unit I

1 Human Geography 7 3

Unit II

2 The World Population Density Distribution and Growth 9

3 Human Development 7

Unit III

4 Primary Activities 12

5 Secondary Activities 10 19

6 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 10

7 Transport, Communication and Trade 15

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8 International Trade 10

Map Work (Based on identification of features on World Political Map) 10 5

Total 90 35

India People and Economy

Chapter No. Chapter Name No. of Periods Marks allotted

Unit I

1 Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition 10 5

Unit II

2 Human Settlements 8 3

Unit III

3 Land Resources and Agriculture 9

4 Water Resources 9
5 Mineral And Energy Resources 9

6 Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context 7

Unit IV

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7 Transport and Communication 11
8 International Trade 9

Unit V

9 Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems 8 5

Map Work (Based on Marking and labelling on a political Map of India) 10 5

Total 90 35

Geography Practical-II

Chapter No. Chapter Name Period Marks allotted

1 Data-its source and Compilation 5

2 Data Processing 8 18
3 Graphical representation of Data 15

4 Spatial Information Technology 12 7

Practical Record Book and Viva Voce 5

Total 40 30

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Fundamental of Human Geography

Chapter No. and Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcomes
Name Process
1  To define Human Geography and  Case Study on determinism and At the completion of this unit
describe the nature and scope of possibilism given in NCERT to students will be able to:
Human Geography Human Geography as a be used to explain the concept.
discipline.  Define the term Human
 Prepare a concept map of the Geography
chapter explaining the following:  Elucidate the
Definition of Human Geography, Interdependence between
nature, scope, schools of Nature and Human beings.
thought, branches of Human  State the fields and subfields of
Geography. Human Geography and its
relation with other branches of
Social Sciences.
 Differentiate between
Environmental Determinism and
 Explain Neo-determinism with
examples from real life.
 To familiarize learners with some  On a world map mark and label At the completion of this unit
The World basic concepts of Population ten most populous countries of students will be able to:
Population - Geography. the world.  Calculate density of population,
distribution, density  Class discussion on how birth rate and death rate.
and growth  To understand the patterns of science and technology helped
population distribution in the in population growth.

30 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

world and correlate the factors  List the reasons for human  Name and define the
influencing population migration. components responsible for
distribution. population change.
 On the world map identify the
countries of Europe and Asia  Understand the stages of
with negative growth rate of population growth in the world
population and African countries using Demographic Transition
with growth rate of population Theory.
more than three percent.
 Suggest measures to control
 Students can be asked to find population growth.
out the density of population of
their respective  Define the following terms:
state/district/city. Growth of population, Natural
growth of population, Positive
 Case Study on Thomas Malthus growth of population, Negative
(optional) Prepare a glossary growth of population

 To understand the concept  The lesson can be introduced At the completion of this unit
Human human development introduced by asking students to discuss students will be able to:
Development by Dr. Mehbub Ul Haq and Prof. with their peer group  Differentiate between growth
Amartya Sen.
and development
 What is a meaningful life?  Explain the three basic
indicators of human
 Discuss with your peer how Beti development and measure the
Bachao and Beti padhao level of Human Development.
programme introduced by the  Describe Human Development
Government of India can Index published by UNDP.

31 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

address the issue of declining  Compare HDI with Human
sex ratio and make life more Poverty Index.
meaningful for girls.  Explain the key pillars of human
 Enact a play to show how development with examples.
choices get limited due to lack  Compare Income approach,
of capability in areas of income, Welfare approach, Basic Needs
health care and education. approach and capability
 Interview a lady vegetable approach to understand the
vendor, cobbler and a sweeper concept Human Development.
in the community and note how  To categories countries on the
their opportunities were limited basis of their HDI and explain
because of gender, caste and their characteristics.
4 At the completion of this unit
 To understand various categories  Class discussion: Why are
students will be able to:
Primary Activities of economic activities. people in coastal areas and
plains engaged in fishing and
 Define the following terms:
 To describe Primary activities agriculture?
Economic activities, Primary
and relate the physical and social
activities, Red Collar Worker,
factors that affect the type of  Describe the life of a nomadic
Pastoral Nomadism
primary activities practised in herder.
 Explain food gathering as an
different regions of the world.
economic activity.
 Mark and label the following on
 Distinguish between pastoral
 To explain main features of an outline world map:
nomadism and commercial
different types of agricultural a. Major areas of subsistence livestock rearing.
system practised in the world. gathering  Differentiate between primitive
b. Major areas of nomadic subsistence and intensive
herding of the world subsistence farming.

32 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

c. Major areas of commercial  Describe the characteristic
livestock rearing features of plantation agriculture
d. Major areas of extensive as a type of commercial
commercial grain faming farming.
e. Major areas of mixed  Analyse why is there low yield
farming of the World per acre but high yield per
person in areas of extensive
grain cultivation.
 Compare and contrast the
farming practices in the
developed urban areas of the
 Analyse how the model of
Kolkhoz introduced in the
erstwhile USSR boost
agricultural production.
 Examine the reasons for
success of cooperative farming
in the European countries.
 Differentiate between open cast
mining and shaft mining.
 Discuss how mining can have
impact on humans and
5  The students can be asked to At the completion of this unit
 To develop understanding of
prepare a list of factory made students will be able to:
Secondary secondary activities with
goods they use in their daily life

33 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

emphasis on manufacturing and categorize them as
 Explain key concepts such as,
industries. biodegradable and non-
large-scale manufacturing, high
technology industry,
 To give an overview of
organizational set up, foot-loose
manufacturing processes, types,  List out ten global brands, their
industries, Agri business etc.
its significance and recent logos and products.
 Identify and explain the factors
affecting the location an
 The students can be taken out industry.
for a visit to local industry and
 Differentiate between different
asked to prepare a report on
types of industries on the basis
their observations regarding raw
of size, raw material, ownership
material used, finished product,
and output.
production process, labour
 Differentiate between cottage
inputs, environmental impact
industry and small scale
and social responsibility.
 Explain the importance of high-
 The students can be asked to
tech industries and reason for
prepare a sketch, poster, poem
them being attracted to the
or write-up about the
peripheral areas of major
environmental conditions
metropolitan cities.
surrounding an industry.
 Compare large scale industry
and modern high tech industry
with examples
 Understands and analyses the
interrelationship between
industrial development and
standard of living.

34 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

6  Make a list of economic At the completion of this unit
 To understand different types of
activities under different students will be able to:
Tertiary and tertiary activity and its importance
in the economy. categories.  Compare and contrast
Activities traditional and modern
 Make a list of departmental economic activities.
stores and chain stores that you  Students correlate tertiary
visit regularly. activities and their role in the
economic development of a
 Class discussion on: How country.
convenient and beneficial the  Describe different types of
fast-growing service sector in tertiary activities.
the world.  Discuss different types of
trading centres found in rural
and urban areas and role
played by them in local
 Describe quinary activities and
its role in advanced economies.
 Discuss how tertiary, quaternary
and quinary activities have
replaced jobs in primary and
secondary sectors.
 Define the following terms:
BPO, Outsourcing, KPO,
Departmental Store, Chain
Store, Wholesale trading

35 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

7  Students can be asked to do a At the completion of this unit
 To acquire knowledge about
survey of their class about the students will be able to:
Transport and various modes of transport in
different continents. means of transport being used  Compare and contrast various
by students to reach school. modes of transport.
 To compare and synthesize the
Prepare a Bar diagram with the  Explain the relationship of
help of the data collected. transport and communication
information about major transport
 Analyze the connection networks to economic
routes around the globe.
between physical landscape development of a region.
 To understand the development
and development of various  Describe the major highways
modes of transport and major rail networks of
of communication networks and
 Mark and label the terminal different continents.
their impact on the modern
world. stations of Trans-Siberian  Discuss the location and
Railway, Trans Canadian economic significance of Trans-
Railway and Trans Australia Siberian Railway, Trans
Railway on an outline world Canadian Railway, The Union
map. and Pacific Railway and Trans
 Draw a sketch map of Suez Australian Railway.
Canal, Panama Canal, St  Describe the location and the
Lawrence Sea ways and Rhine economic importance of the
waterways, and mark them on major sea routes of the world.
an outline map of the world.  Discuss how Suez Canal and
 On an outline map of the world Panama Canal serve as major
mark and label the following gateways of commerce for both
major airports of each continent: the eastern and the western
a. Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, world.
Mumbai, Jeddah, Aden  Discuss how the modern
Africa: Johannesburg & communication systems have

36 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

b. Europe: Moscow, London, made the concept of global
Paris, Berlin and Rome village a reality.
c. North America: Chicago,
New Orleans, Mexico City
d. South America: Buenos
Aires, Santiago
Australia: Darwin and
8 At the completion of this unit
 Familiarize the students with  Discuss: How International
students will be able to:
International Trade the basic concepts and principles trade was carried out in the past
of International trade. vis-a-vis present times.  Define international trade and
 Study the data given on table describe how it impacts various
 To understand the basis of 9.1 and compare world import countries.
International trade, Balance of and export to calculate balance
trade and types of International of trade and analyse its  Describe the basis of
trade. implication. International Trade.
 Read the case Study on
 Gain knowledge about the dumping and discuss how  Discuss types of and aspects
concept of Dumping. dumping is becoming a serious International trade.
concern among trading nations.
 To outline the historical  Prepare a concept map of the  Explain the term Dumping,
perspective of globalization and chapter. Trade liberalisation and
Role of WTO, its functions and its  Mark and label the headquarter Globalisation.
implications on the world trade. of WTO on an outline world
 Discuss the impact of WTO on
current global trade.
 Mark and label the following
major sea ports of the world:

37 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Examine the importance of sea a. Europe: North Cape,  Evaluate how international trade
ports as Gateways of London, Hamburg North can be detrimental to some
International trade America: Vancouver, San nations.
Francisco, New Orleans
b. South America: Rio De
Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso  Analyse how sea ports act as
Africa: Suez and Cape chief gateways of International
Town trade.
c. Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai,
Hong Kong, Aden, Karachi,
d. Australia: Perth, Sydney,

India People and Economy

Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcomes
Chapter Name
1  Learner may be asked to refer to At the completion of this unit
 To correlate population
an Atlas to correlate relief map of students will be able to:
Population: distribution and density with the
physiography of India. India and map of population  Differentiate between distribution
distribution and density and write of population and density of
Density, Growth
and Composition  their observation and share with population.
To familiarize students with the
demographic attributes of India
their classmates.  Define: Physiological Density,
Agricultural Density, Population
 Prepare a choropleth map doubling time, Working
showing the state wise density of Population, Participation Rate,
population of India. Main Worker, Marginal Worker,

38 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Represent the data on decadal Rural Population, Urban
growth rate (given on page 5 Population, Adolescent
NCERT) in India using suitable Population.
statistical diagram.  Discuss the factors responsible
 Refer to Census of India website for uneven distribution of
to collect data on population of population in India.
India.  Explain trends of population
growth in India since 1901.
 Prepare a dot map showing the  Describe rural-urban population
distribution of India’s Population. composition, religious
composition linguistic
 Compare the growth rate of composition and sectoral
population of different states composition of work force in
between 1991-2001 and 2001- India.
2011.  Discuss the occupational
structure of India’s population.
2  To understand how the form and  The students will prepare a line At the completion of this unit
size of settlement of any
Human graph to show the growth of students will be able to:
particular region reflects human
urban population in India since
Settlements relationship with the  Differentiate between rural and
environment. 1901. urban settlement.
 Describe the factors that govern
 The students will mark and label
the types of rural settlement in
the million plus cities of all the India.
states on a political map of India.
 Compare and contrast clustered,
semi clustered, Hamleted and
 Case Study: Amravati dispersed settlement with

39 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24  Describe the evolution of towns
t/files/SmartCityGuidelines.pdf in India since prehistoric times.
 Classify towns on the basis of
ws/V1/Home.aspx their functions.

 To familiarise students with the  The students will study and At the completion of this unit
Land Resources land-use categories as document the land use around students will be able to:
maintained in the land revenue their school and speak to their
and Agriculture  Name and define the land use
records. elders to find out changes categories.
registered in land use.
 To analyse the changes in land-  The students will read and  Compare the Changes in shares
use pattern registered in India interpret the bar graph (fig 5.1) of Land-use Categories in India
due to change in shares of comparing the changes in land between 1950 and 2014.
primary, secondary and tertiary use in India between 1950-51
sectors in GDP. and 1914-15.
 Discuss the importance of
 Using the data given in the
common property resources for
appendix (vi) the students will the community.
Work out the actual increase and
rate of increases for all the land
 Compare dryland and Wetland
use categories between 1950–51
farming and evaluate its
and 2014–15.
 The students will prepare pie
graphs to show the land use
categories in 1950-51 and 1914-  Compare the geographical
15. conditions required for the growth
 Prepare a pie chart showing the of the following crops and their
composition of total cultivable distribution/growing areas.
land in the country.

40 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 The students will calculate  Rice, Wheat, Jowar, Pulses,
cropping intensity using data Oilseeds, Cotton, Jute,
from table 5.1 Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee
 The students will represent the
geographical conditions required  Evaluate technological
for the growth of different crops in developments that have taken
a tabular form and compare place in Indian agriculture since
them. Independence.
 On political map of India the
students will mark and label three  Discuss the challenges faced by
largest producing states of Rice, the Indian farmers and suggest
Wheat, Jowar, Pulses, Oilseeds, measures to overcome them.
Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tea
and Coffee.

To familiarise students about the 

4 List out the major sources of At the completion of this unit

water. students will be able to:
Water Resources water resources available in India
and the factors that determine  Describes the available water
spatial distribution of the  Discuss the interrelationship resources in India.
available water resources in the between physical and human  Evaluates the water demand and
country and its utilization. environment and their impact supply in India.
from local to global.  Discuss the reasons for water
scarcity in the country.
 Ralegan Siddhi case study to be  Discuss water resources in India,
discussed to understand the its geographical distribution,
holistic impact of Watershed sectoral utilization, and methods
development in any place. of its conservation and

41 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Students can also be encouraged  Recognize various emerging
to see the stories of Haryali, water problems and analyse the
Neeru-Meeru (Water and You) causes for deterioration of quality
programme (in Andhra Pradesh) of water.
and Arvary Pani Sansad (in  Evaluate the scope to use
Alwar, Rajasthan) rainwater harvesting techniques
to conserve precious water
5 At the completion of this unit
 To know about distribution of  The students should be
students will be able to:
Mineral and various minerals in the world. encouraged to read newspaper
regularly and discuss  Classify minerals on the basis of
energy resources
 To understand and realize the environmental impact of mining. chemical and physical properties.
importance of minerals in human  Describe the major mineral belts
life.  The students should create of India and mark them on an
awareness in school through outline map of India.
 To create an awareness about posters and role play about the  Describe different types of non-
nature of different minerals and use of renewable resources and conventional mineral resources.
how to sustain them for the conservation of energy resources  Analyse why the renewable
future. energy resources will be the
 Prepare a table to present the future source of resources.
spatial pattern of the following  Suggest measures to conserve
minerals under the given our non-renewable resources.
headings: (Properties, Total  On an outline political Map of
Reserves, Distribution, Mines) India mark and label the
 Iron Ore, Manganese, Bauxite, following:
Copper, Mica, Coal, Petroleum a. Iron-ore mines: Mayurbhanj,
and natural Gas. Bailadila, Ratnagiri, Bellary

42 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

b. Manganese mines: Balaghat,
c. Copper mines: Hazaribagh,
Singhbhum, Khetari
d. Bauxite mines: Katni, Bilaspur
and Koraput
e. Coal mines: Jharia, Bokaro,
Raniganj, Neyveli
f. Oil Refineries: Mathura,
Jamnager, Barauni
6  Case Study – Integrated Tribal At the completion of this unit
 To understand the need for
Development Project in students will be able to:
Planning and centralised planning (sectoral
planning and regional planning) Bharmaur Region.  Develop an understanding about
development in to accelerate uniform economic various types of planning.
Indian Context development over space as well  Case Study- Indira Gandhi Canal  Justify the need for target areas
the role of NITI Aayog. (Nahar) Command Area. and target groups planning by the
Planning Commission with
 Critically evaluates the need for, examples.
aims of, and impacts of irrigation  Explains the aims and
on Indira Gandhi Canal (Nahar) approaches of the Hill Area
Command Area. Development Programme,
Drought prone area Programme.
 Critically evaluate the aims and
social benefits of ITDP in the
Bharmaur tribal region.
 Evaluate the measures that can
be taken to promote sustainable
development in Indira Gandhi
Canal Command Area.

43 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

7 At the completion of this unit
 To acquire knowledge about  Draw a flow chart to show the
students will be able to:
Transport and various means of transport means of transportation.
spread in different parts of India.  Develops an understanding
 Collect information on Metro rail about various means of transport
 To compare and correlate of India and discuss in the being used in different parts of
various modes of transport to the classroom. India.
physical regions of India.  Analyze the impact of the
 Prepare a concept map showing physical environment on
 To evaluate the impact of different means of transportation, development of various modes in
transport and communication its advantages and different regions.
networks on the development of disadvantages.  Describe different types of
our nation. highways found in different parts
 Collect information on of our country.
Bharatmala and Setubharatam  Discuss the role of Indian
Pariyojana and share it with your Railways in the growth of India’s
peer group. economy with focus on recent
technological advancements.
 Describe the five National
Waterways of our country.
 Discuss the role of OIL and Gail
in development of gas pipelines
in India.
 Discuss reasons for the state
wise variation in road density in

44 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Elucidate the impact of modern
communication networks in our
 Mark and label the following on
an outline political map of India:
Terminal stations of north south
corridor, East west corridor &
golden quadrilateral
8  Study the graph (11.1) showing At the completion of this unit
 To familiarise students about the
India’s import and export and students will be able to:
International changes that have taken place in
comment on India’s balance of  Give reasons for changing
Trade India’s international trade in
trade. pattern of the composition of
terms of volume, composition
and direction. India’s import and export.
 Make a list of items that are in  Discuss the strategies adopted
India’s import and export basket. by India to double its share in the
international trade.
 Make a list of India’s major  Evaluate the role of sea ports as
trading partners and identify gateways of international trade
these countries on a world map. with examples.
 Mark and label the major sea
 Name the nearest domestic and ports and airports on an outline
international airports from your map of India.
school.  Major Sea Ports: Kandla,
Mumbai, Marmagao, Kochi,
 Study fig 11.5 and Identify four Mangalore, Tuticorin, Chennai,
cities from where maximum Vishakhapatnam, Paradwip,
number of air routes converge. Haldia

45 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

Discuss the reasons for the same  International Air ports:
with your classmates. Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru,
Chennai, Kolkata, Guwahati,
Delhi, Amritsar,
Thiruvananthapuram &
9  List the major sources of water
 To explain the causes and At the completion of this topic the
pollution, air pollution, noise students will be able to:
Geographical consequences of different types
pollution and land pollution.
Perspective on of pollution in India and suggest
 Classify types of pollution based
selected issues the measures to control it.
 Identify the most polluted stretch on the medium through which
of river Ganga and river Yamuna pollutants are transported and
on an outline map. diffused.
 Explain various sources of
 Look into the dustbin in your pollution and summarise the
school and make a list of solid state of water, air, land and noise
waste generated by students. pollution in India.
 Analyse the rural-urban migration
 Prepare a poster to create and its role in pollution.
awareness about Namami Gange  Describe the health and social
Programme. problems of slum dwellers with
reference to Dharavi.
 Speak to a rag picker and try to  Describe the natural and human
find out what he/she does with causes of land degradation and
the waste. suggest measures to control land
degradation in India.

46 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Read the case study of a migrant  Suggest measures to control
labourer (Given in NCERT) and different types of pollutions and
enact his/her life in your evaluate the effectiveness of the
classroom. Swachh Bharat Mission.
 Discuss the problems related to
urban waste disposal and
suggest measures to convert
waste into wealth.

Practical Work in Geography Part II

Chapter No. and Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcomes
Name Process
1  Collect Primary and Secondary  Define data.
 To understand the importance of
Sources of data from different
Data its source data and its uses in Geography
sources and exhibit in practical file  Differentiate between primary
and compilation
and secondary sources of data.

 List several sources of data.

To calculate Measures of Central 

2 Calculate Mean, Median and  Calculate the mean rainfall of

Mode using direct and indirect your city
Data Processing tendency
 List ten Himalayan peaks with
 To Compare Mean, Median And
their heights.

47 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Calculate the median height
using the data
3  Construction of Line Graph
 To represent data graphically  Construct a line graph to
using different techniques  Bar Graph represent the growth rate of
 Poly Graph Population in India 1901-2011.
of data
 Line and Bar Graph  Construct a polygraph to
 Multiple Bar Diagram compare the growth of sex ratio
 Compound Bar Diagram in different states.
 Pie Diagram  Construct a line and bar graph to
Thematic Maps represent the average monthly
rainfall and temperature of Delhi.
 Dot Map
 Construct a multiple bar diagram
 Choropleth Map to represent decadal literacy rate,
 Isopleth Map male literacy and female literacy.
 Draw a pie diagram to show
India’s export to major regions of
the world 2010-2011.
 Construct a dot map to show
India’s Population 2011.
 Construct a choropleth map to
show state wise variation in
population density.
4 .
 To understand the need to  Explain what is Spatial
Spatial capture data from different Information Technology or GIS.
Information sources and integrate them using

48 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

a computer that is supported by  Describe the advantages of GIS
geo-processing tools. over manual methods.

 To learn basic principles of the  Components of GIS.

Spatial Information Technology  Spatial Data formats:
and its extension to the Spatial  Raster data format
Information System, which is  Vector data format.
more commonly known as  Spatial Analysis:
Geographical Information  Overlay and Buffer Analysis.

Map Items for identification only on outline political map of the World
Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter No. and Name Map Items

1 - Human Geography Nil

2 -The World Population Density Distribution and Growth Nil

3 - Human Development Nil

4 - Primary Activities  Areas of subsistence gathering (Fig 4.2)

 Major areas of nomadic herding of the world (4.4)
 Major areas of commercial livestock rearing (4.6)
 Major areas of extensive commercial grain faming (4.12)

49 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

 Major areas of mixed farming of the World (4.14)
5 - Secondary Activities
6 - Tertiary and Quaternary Activities

7 - Transport, Communication and Trade  Terminal Stations of Transcontinental Railways– Trans-Siberian, Trans
Canadian, Trans-Australian Railways
Major Sea Ports
 Europe: North Cape, London, Hamburg
 North America: Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans
 South America: Rio De Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso
 Africa: Suez and Cape Town
 Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Aden, Karachi, Kolkata
 Australia: Perth, Sydney, Melbourne
Major Airports:
 Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Mumbai, Jeddah, Aden
 Africa: Johannesburg & Nairobi
 Europe: Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome
 North America: Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico City
 South America: Buenos Aires, Santiago
 Australia: Darwin and Wellington
Inland Waterways
Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Rhine waterways and St. Lawrence Seaways

50 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

8-International Trade Nil

Map Items for locating and labelling on political outline map of India
India - People and Economy

Chapter No. and Name Map Items

1-Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition State with highest population density & state with lowest population
density (2011)
2-Human Settlement Nil
3-Land Resources and Agriculture Leading producing states of the following crops: (a) Rice (b) Wheat (c)
Cotton (d) Jute (e) Sugarcane (f) Tea and (g) Coffee
4-Water Resources Nil
5-Mineral And Energy Resources Mines:
 Iron-ore mines: Mayurbhanj, Bailadila, Ratnagiri, Bellary
 Manganese mines: Balaghat, Shimoga
 Copper mines: Hazaribagh, Singhbhum, Khetari
 Bauxite mines: Katni, Bilaspur and Koraput
 Coal mines: Jharia, Bokaro, Raniganj, Neyveli
 Oil Refineries: Mathura, Jamnager, Barauni
6-Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context Nil

51 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

7-Transport and Communication Nil
8-International Trade Mark and label the major sea ports and airports on an outline map of India.
 Major Sea Ports: Kandla, Mumbai, Marmagao, Kochi, Mangalore,
Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Paradwip, Haldia
 International Air ports: Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai,
Kolkata, Guwahati, Delhi, Amritsar, Thiruvananthapuram &
9-Geographical Perspective on selected issues and Nil

Guidelines for Internal Assessment/ Geography Practical

 A practical file must be prepared by students covering all the topics prescribed in the practical syllabus.
 The file should be completely handwritten with a cover page, index page and acknowledgment.
 All statistical diagrams and maps should be drawn neatly with appropriate headings, scale, index etc. Data to draw statistical
diagrams can be taken from the NCERT text book or Census.
 The practical file will be assessed both by the internal and external examiners at the time of CBSE practical examinations.
 A written exam of 22 marks will be conducted based on the above given practical syllabus on the day of the practical exam.
 Viva will be conducted based on practical syllabus only.
 Written Exam - 22 Marks
 Practical file - 05 Marks
 Viva - 03 Marks

52 of 52 Geography Syllabus 2023-24

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