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Complete the mini-dialogs.

1- A: Hey, Joe. How old are you? 2- A: Is that _______your dog?

B: ________ am 17 years old. B: No,my dog is big.

Complete using is or are

1- This spider_____ dangerous. 3- Those _____ my pets.

2- You _____ cute. 4- My name _____ Kate.

Complete the answers

B: My__________ Cassie Jones.
A: _________________________________?
B: ______________ 14 years _________?
A: _________________________________?
B: Yes, this is ___________ Cindy.
A: _____________________________ too?
B: No, those _____________ my dogs.
B: Bye.

Listen to the audio in the "Google Classroom'' file and follow

along with the text below. Try to figure out the meaning of the
phrasal verbs in italics.

Do you have compassion, patience, or empathy? If not, then keeping sweet

little creatures that are most likely to be your best friend is the most brilliant
way to revel in these attributes. Close your eyes and cojure up a picture of
a creature whom you find adorable and could keep forever. It can be a dog,
cat, birds, fishes, hamster, or as big as a horse. But the most delightful part is
giving them names. I have heard about at least a hundred names as funny as
Whirlpool, pup tart, Choco-chip, potato, etc. Now that you have picked out
the one for you, the next part to consider is what essentials are required by
them? You can look up online or at a pet store, or you can even join in the
community of pet lovers to have a better understanding.

Match with the right number.

1)Revel in ( )to get information. / ouvi falar, conseguir

2)Conjure up informações.
( )to indulge, to enjoy (something) very much/
3)hear about
aproveitar, se divertir com algo ou alguém
4)Pick out
( )to present to the mind, imagine/
5)Look up imaginar, conjurar uma imagem
6)Join in ( )to take part in an activity with other people /
Entrar em contato ou para um grupo

( ) to search for and then

visit someone or to admire

and respect someone/ procurar, pesquisar sobre

( ) choose someone or something from a

number of alternatives./
escolher algo

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