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Things Mine My friend’s

Name of hometown Kuningan, Jawa Barat Manna, Bengkulu Selatan

Location Countryside City

Population 95.362 26.880

Tourist Destination Linggarjati Natural park, Beach Pasar bawah, Tebat

Cicerem blue lake, Darma rukis, Bengkenang Beach, etc
reservoir, Linggarjati
manuscript building, Cipari
archaeological site museum,

Its Icon Horse statue Meriam Honisuit

Three Adjective describing the exciting, touristy, compact Beautiful, fascinating, exciting

Hi! I’m Nabilla Azzahra and this is my friend, M.Irhamnur Bagusya. We are from different
places. I’m from Kuningan, a countryside in Jawa Barat, while he’s from Manna, one of the cities in
Bengkulu Selatan. The population in his hometown isn’t as huge as mine eventhough mine is a
compact countryside. Here, there are 95.352 people, while in his hometown is just around 26.880

There are lots of natural things we can visit in my hometown, such as Linggarjati Natural
park, Cicerem blue lake, Darma reservoir, Linggarjati manuscript building, Cipari archaeological site
museum, while in Menna, we can go to Beach Pasar bawah, Tebat rukis, Bengkenang Beach. So, I can
say that his hometown hasn’t got as many touristy places to visit as mine. However, we both agree
that my hometown is as exciting as his,but he claims that his hometown is more beautiful than
mine. My hometown’s icon is Horse Statue, and his is Meriam Honisuit. So, I can say that mine isn’t
as fascinating icon as his.

That’s all about my hometown and Irham’s. And what about you? Where are you from?

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