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1. Personal (self-expression)
This function of art varies from person to person. It will depend on both the
artist’s intent and the viewer’s interpretation. Persona function of art is an individual’s
subjective use of art for self-expression, communication of thought or point to the viewer,
psychological expression, and other types of personal expressions.
2. Social (
Art has a social function when it addresses aspects of collective life rather than
the artist’s point of view, interest or experience. In this function, art can be the means to
influence social behavior, provide social commentary, collaborate and build community,
enrich humankind, and display and celebrate culture. The art utilizing this function, may
convey messages such as to support, to protest, contestation, and others. Political art is
a very common example of an art with a social function.
3. Physical (utilitarian)
The physical function of art is when it performs a service, has both physical and
aesthetic duties, and relates to items that can be used for a practical purpose. Examples
of physical function of arts include architecture which can be aesthetically pleasing but
primarily serves as a practical purpose such as shelter, company buildings, and others.

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