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- lateness for school
- miss the assignment deadline
- skip the midterm and ask for a second chance
- lost the microphone/ lost the class folder
- lost a book borrowed from school library
- late for work (part-time job)
- argue with a customer (quite rude to the customer)

3. SUGGESTION Letter/Email Format

- improve class facilities (problems and solutions)
- activities for a class field trip (place, what to do….)
- __________ charity events (moon fesivals, …)
- a student club (what club, what to do,….)
- what English teachers can do to make the class more interesting.

To: Director / The management of NIIE

Subject: Improve sport facilities

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am ________ and I am a student of _________ at your university. I am very pleased

with the teaching style of the teachers and also their behavior towards the students. 

As a responsible student, today I am writing this email to you to suggest a few things I
have noticed which would result in an upgrade/improvement to sports facilities at
university. Our sports teams are performing well in competitive events. However, they do
not have enough space or equipment in the given sports complex of the school. (problem
and situation) 

The first thing, therefore, is suggested that the sports complex should be upgraded to a
level which provides enough facilities to the student. The second one is that _____

I hope that you will consider my suggestions and will work on in the near future.
Thank you.

Yours truly,

[Your signature]

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