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Hydraulic Energy.

-How the energy is produced?

hydraulic energy is obtained from the water that is preserved in swamps, from water currents
and tides.

When the water stored in the swamps or taken from the tides is passed through a rotating turbine
and this turbine is connected to an electric generator, the water is converted into kinetic energy
or electrical energy.

This energy is considered renewable energy.

-When and where it began to be used?

Since ancient times, the power of water has been harnessed for various uses, such as grinding
grain or crushing materials with a high cellulose content for paper production, a fact that is
attested to by the numerous water mills preserved in different parts of the world.

But it would not be until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution when the energy of the water
was used for electricity production.

It is usually considered that the first hydroelectric power plant was built in Northumberland
(United Kingdom), in 1880. A year later, the energy from Niagara Falls began to be used to
power public lighting, and by the end of the decade there were already more than 200 plants in
the United States and Canada alone.

- Ways to obtain and storage energy Advantages and disadvantages

Oldest renewable energy method still in use and in operation; Hydraulic energy harnesses the
movement of water. Hydraulics refers to the behavior of liquids and is normally used in a
mechanism that generates energy.

The energy produced by the water that is stored in reservoirs and lakes at high altitude. This
energy is transformed into kinetic energy and then into electrical energy in the hydroelectric
power plant. One of its most common advantages is that it is a clean energy source, without
waste and easy to store. This water is stored in reservoirs located at altitude to regulate the flow
of the river.

And its disadvantages; it is important to know the construction of hydroelectric plants is

expensive and requires large networks of power cables. The reservoirs also mean the loss of
productive soil and fauna due to the flooding of their habitat. They also cause a decrease in the
rivers and streams below the dam and alter the quality of the waters.
- Uses

The ideal situation is an interconnection with the electricity grid, since it improves the electrical
balance between production and demand of the installation and allows the excess generated
during the hours when the plant is stopped to be sold.

In certain areas far from the general electrification network, and in which the cost of investment
and maintenance of the transmission and distribution network is very high, it is also profitable –
both economically and socially– to build a local electrification network that obtains the energy
from a mini-hydraulic power plant.

The implementation of a mini-hydraulic power plant can provide electricity to the inhabitants of
an isolated area. In areas with crops, small mini-hydraulic plants also facilitate irrigation.

-Other information

The classification of hydroelectric capacity is by the actual annual energy production or by the
nominal power of the installed capacity. In 2015, hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's
total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity.

Hydropower is produced in 150 countries and the Asia-Pacific region generated 32% of
hydropower in 2010. China is the largest producer of hydropower, with 721 terawatt-hours of
production in 2010, accounting for about 17% of domestic electricity use.

Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Austria, Switzerland, and Venezuela have a
majority of their domestic electricity production from hydropower. Paraguay produces 100% of
its electricity from hydroelectric dams and exports 90% of its production to Brazil and
Argentina. Norway produces 98-99% of its electricity from hydroelectric sources.

A hydroelectric station rarely operates at full power for a full year; the relationship between the
annual average power and the installed capacity capacity is the capacity factor. Installed
capacity is the sum of all generator nam eplate power ratings.

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