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Dear Anisul Islam Sir,

Good Afternoon. I am writing this email to ask for your recommendation to the final stage of Harvard
Crossroad Emerging Leaders Program 2021. Harvard CELP is a program led by Senior Harvard Faculty to
build cohorts of next-generation leaders. The program aims to provide an array of educational
resources, direct connections to Harvard faculty, mentorship opportunities with industry leaders, and
affinity networks and reimagine young people's academic and professional future.

As you can see, I am targeting this opportunity which will draw upon my leadership and problem-solving
skill as well as organizational ability.

I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from three of your classes over the past four years- Applied
Statistics, Business Taxation, and Portfolio Management for the ongoing semester. I have secured GPA-
3.25 for the first two of your courses consecutively. For the course-Applied Statistics, you assigned us to
solve a case study on analyzing customer behavior of Transportation Company using statistical
techniques. We solved the case in-group using Excel and secured presentation marks 9 out of 10. For
Business Taxation, you allowed us to prepare a tax profile for a real-life client and present before the
class. During the end of the presentation, you were impressed by our ability to handle all of the
questions from the audience.  I hope that you may know me well enough and have high enough regards
for my abilities to write a general recommendation for my credentials file.

For your further information, I have attached a 1-page resume that will bring you up to date about some
of my accomplishments outside the classroom. The selection authority has not yet provided the details
for submitting my documents. As soon as it becomes available, I will inform you.

Please let me know if you need any other information. I will be happy to answer any question, which
might help you write your recommendation.

I am blessed to have learned from you all this year. Thank you so much for all you have done for me and
for taking the time to review this request.

Asif Khan
Phone: +8801949859309

*To be changed every f----- time

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