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Letter spoken by our LORD JESUS to Sabrina of Belgium on March 17, 2011 * please and surrender in love to your

o your GOD. There is still time, a short and life. MY enemy only copies what looks like life. He can’t create life or
time. But these are the last hours. MY WORD will be fulfilled. MY bride is sustain it. I am the only ONE WHO can do this.
Write it down MY daughter, these are MY Words: taken before the great tribulation begins. I will not let her go through this. Part II received March 16, 2011*
This is truly the end time. MY true bride can see this. MY judgments Know that if you stay behind, it is your own choice and I, God have given
are now being poured out over this earth. Very soon everyone will feel the you many warnings and pleadings to change your lifestyle. This is MY Love Write these Words down daughter:
impact of this. MY bride will be protected because I, JESUS will rapture for you. Soon I am coming, MY people. Soon! You seem to be oblivious to
her before the worst. For many this is already the worst, the worst this. I am sending out MY warnings. I am sending them out in waves.
But MY WORD will be fulfilled. Therefore be wise and choose an eternal
time. Many suffer under MY judgments. This is not after MY Will, but after I AM TRYING TO WAKE YOU UP!
future with your GOD and SAVIOR. You have no idea what I GOD have
MY WORD. I cannot do otherwise but to do after MY WORD. planned and provided in MY Heavenly realms: pure joy, pure enjoyment, I AM TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION!
I, JESUS come soon to bring MY bride to safety. Fear not MY bride, pure purity—something that cannot be found on this earth. Please be wise I love you MY people, but you must wake! You must come out of your
the end is near, the end of your existence on this earth. I admire your and make the choice you have to make. complacency.
courage and strength to be a light in these last days of MINE.
I want no one to be lost, but that all come to ME and be saved. I invite YOU MUST BE READY FOR THE COMING STORM. DON’T YOU
MY true bride no longer lives for herself, she sacrifices herself for you today to be also part of it. I, JESUS love you and have given MY SEE IT COMING? MY children you must make ready for MY coming!
ME. I tell you: Your reward is waiting and will be very big. Anyone who eternal sacrifice on the Cross of Golgotha. That terrible cross from where I
has sacrificed himself in this life as MY bride, as MY Voice, as MY Light, The earth, she is coming apart. She will soon be an angry, hostile
still wear the marks. I will continue to plead until the day that I rapture MY
will receive very big rewards. Therefore be encouraged and continue in environment to live in. MY wrath will be poured out. This is only the
bride, as MY Love for you is unceasing.
these last hours. I, JESUS love your hearts. Be encouraged MY bride, beginning of what is ahead. You must be ready for what is coming.
Please make the right decision. COME TO ME NOW.
your bridegroom is coming; these are truly the last hours. MY children, there is only ONE DOOR of escape, ONE DOOR. It is
Your loving LORD and GOD,
For those still not convinced of MY very soon coming I have this to say: marked ―JESUS.‖ I am that DOOR.
Many warnings, words, and prophecies have now already been There is not enough technology, money, intelligent men to save you
The Dead and Risen ONE from what lies ahead. MY children, you are no match for MY enemy. You
spoken. Many words come into being. MY judgments are now being
poured out over this earth. Still you close the ears as if all this means The Lord wanted me to mention the section Ezekiel 32 are no match for MY wrath towards a rebellious, rejecting world system. I
nothing. I tell you, if you don’t repent of this evil way, soon you will all Letter spoken by our LORD JESUS to Susan of USA on March 16, am done with this evil generation that rejects MY SALVATION, MY
perish in the despair of this 2011(Part I) * LORDSHIP, MY WAYS, ME its CREATOR.
world. Now there is still a short My daughter I am ready. These Words are for you to write down: I have seen and heard enough. The evil and disrespect has risen up
time for you to repent of your evil to ME and I am tired of the evil stench of man’s attempt to run apart from
I am coming much sooner than anyone thinks. I am coming to earth to
ways. But this time is extremely its HOLY GOD. They will never learn that man running apart from its
take MY own. I am coming to claim MY bride, MY beautiful bride. If you HOLY GOD and CREATOR is a disaster. Men are selfish by their sin
short. Once the day comes, it's all
want to be among these, MY beautiful bride, there is a price to pay. You
over. Then you will walk around in nature. Selfishness leads to people who cannot care for the weaker, it
must let go of the world. Change your course. Turn your back to the things
pure misery and despair on this leads to no love, and it leads to unbridled sin, and evil unchecked. The
of the world. You must look away. You cannot have both, MY children. The world does not follow its GOD and so the world is coming apart. Nothing
earth. Then you will know and
two cannot mix. You are trying hard to do this. You want it both ways.
realize that I, God have given you will work in the order it is meant to move in out of step with its MAKER.
many warnings and only then you will realize that MY words are true. You want to play with the things of the world and dirty your hands and
MY children, I take no pleasure in what is coming to the earth. I want
you want to come to ME as if there is nothing between us. This cannot be you to understand that you leave ME no
If you then come to ME in total surrender, it will be a very difficult
MY children. This is not going to ever be. I will not be second, third, or recourse but to end the madness. Man
choice, since the enemy will be out to destroy you. So come NOW and
fourth place on your long list of other focuses, because you must choose.
break your hard hearts and own thoughts. Come to Me NOW in total will go through great tribulation. MY
surrender, I JESUS stand always ready with open arms. Do not be Do you want ME and MY Ways, MY HOLY WAYS or do you want the Book has described this. You can come
ashamed or do not feel too less—this is the seduction of the enemy. He world? I have but one thing to say: choose the world and you can have apart, come away from what is coming
does not want you to come. her. She is a cruel mistress. She will draw you into her inviting arms as you to the earth. There is a wonderful
caress her—then she strikes. You are caught in her net of deception and alternative to the madness coming on
So break your proud hearts and come to ME JESUS NOW! The time
lies. You believe every word she says. You are the earth. MY beautiful Kingdom is
is here. The time is over. The time of pure grace slowly ticks away. Do
caught and captured and loosed into hell eternally, prepared to share MY Glory with MY
not be a fool and do not let yourself be blinded and seduced by the
once you have succumbed to this captivator—MY children who want to leave with ME when I come to rescue them from the
enemy. He is out to destroy you and drag you into his web of lies and
worldly opponent. Many fall prey for eternity. There worst.
temptations. Many do not see it and will not even believe it. How sad!
is never any turning back. MY ruthless enemy has
If you would read MY WORD and take it seriously, you would know Stop holding on to the belief that I am not coming soon, that I am
completed his task, to drag MY children away to
how serious this all is. Then you would know how serious the never coming, that your answers lie in the thinking and solutions provided
their eternal destinies, to hell where they will never by men. Mankind is no match for ME. MY wrath will be poured out full
consequences are of your choices now. You choose your future now. Is be rescued and must live in this horrible condition
the entertainment of the world worth that much? Is the amusement and force on the earth after I remove MY precious bride, MY true followers. Do
for eternity. Do you understand the gravity of this
joy for satisfaction of your own flesh, worth that much? not think you can withstand what I, GOD, will do to those who stay behind
MY children? You can’t think about eternity—it is and reject MY precious offer of rescue. If you reject this offer either
I tell you, it will cost you your soul. For every satisfaction of the flesh unending, never ending.
openly or by complacency of decision, I will leave you to face this world
without your GOD you will receive double judgment and suffering in a MY children, I am giving out MY final warnings. The world has sunken to without MY support. You will be left to deal with an angry enemy. He has
place called "hell.‖ Do you think to be able to come to ME in the last a level of deep, deep depravity. The people of this world have departed far no compassion for men.
minute? NOW is the time to prepare yourself. NOW is the time to come from their GOD, their ONE TRUE GOD—I AM HE. MY Name is JESUS. I
to your GOD. I have a measure of everything, including sin. I have died a am the ONE TRUE and ONLY GOD. You have no idea what is coming, because, I, GOD have provided MY
horrible death for each of you, so you would have victory over your protection to the earth and to mankind. Man’s rejection of GOD opens up
The world has crossed over the point of NO RETURN. It has turned the the planet and man to face life without MY great Righteous, protective
sin. Yet you throw ME away like I mean nothing. MY Heart breaks for you corner and the descent has begun. The people…and the world are now on
MY children. Right Hand. The world has not witnessed what is coming, before and will
its downward spiral of separation that is complete from its GOD. When the
not since. The hour is closing in as I have said before.
I have created you all, so unique, so special, so particular. Do, I, GOD world pushes ME completely out of the picture, there will only be
your CREATOR then mean nothing to you? Give heed to my words darkness. How can it be any other way? Only I am the CREATOR of light Read MY Book, repent to ME, your LORD of your sins, turn from your
evil, and surrender your life to ME. Give ME your plans, your life, and me HIS WORDS entitled ―THE GREAT STORM‖. HE told me: ―Before I
make ME the LORD and MASTER of your life. come, there will be a great storm. Nobody knows what kind of storm. I AM a
These are MY Terms. I will save you from the coming madness. MIGHTY GOD. I can do anything. Just take THESE WORDS. Let them be
your advisor. Leave your advisor or take it, or else you will face your own
I am the Great I AM
storm. I repeat: No one knows when the storm is coming and how it will be. I
I am your RESCUER, tell you I will not show anyone how it will be, for MY WORD is permanent." I
JESUS your LORD asked JESUS how and HE told me: "There will be storm all over the world. I
Along with the letters from the LORD is a will not explain how." Afterward HE told me: "MY children are disobedient to
new word from the LORD to our little 10- MY WORD. They have forsaken ME. I will not talk, but just punish. I just give
year-old friend Philipa, whose parents are MY WORDS, whether they take it or not, I AM coming soon. Time is up. I tell
missionaries for the LORD in Guinea. Philipa you, time is up. Time is really up. You heard I was coming long ago, but
began to hear from the LORD and receive now I say, time is really up. I AM coming soon. I tell you no one can tell
visions after she communicated with Sabrina about these letters from the when. MY sons and daughters, I AM coming sooner. Time is up. I love you, A Are
LORD. We were instructed by the LORD JESUS to add these words to this but you have forsaken ME. Why? Why? MY children have you done so?
message. Time is up.‖ You
Visions and words given to Philipa in 2010:
November 21: Last night, I heard the LORD telling me that HE would
December 12: On the 10th of December 2010, whilst praying with my
parents, the LORD showed me another clock revealing one second more for
use me for HIS work. So when I went to church GOD showed me a clock
and told me that it is left with one minute more for HIM to come. And HE
JESUS to come. The second was about to move, and even people like
Moses, Noah, etc. were waiting at where the clock was. Then, after that I
said that MY children repent, repent. And HE said that darkness would saw a man opening the gate for the Bride. Then later on, I saw myself in the Your
soon take over the world and that HE cannot bear the sin of man any midst of so many worshiping people, and then I jumped into them. –Philipa
longer. So I should spread and tell this word to people. And this
afternoon, HE told me, "MY children change. For one minute is not any
long time. Hell is beyond any human knowledge. Human knowledge is not
Vision 2: Please THE LORD gave me another message and please here
they go: "Do not waste this good time MY children, I
AM coming very, very soon it is almost 12:00
any good knowledge. Hell is not a good place. MY children change, (Midnight). I AM giving you very short warnings

DON’T be deceived
change! MY children why have forsaken ME? Get out of the darkness." now! That I shall not give out again for I AM coming.
November 22: I had another vision also today. I saw a man on a hill I AM almost there. MY foot is about to move for MY

holding a staff with his hands and the staff up while the people were down Bride. These are MY last warnings.
the hill. And the man was saying, "repent for the kingdom of GOD is
near." but, the people started laughing. –Philipa
November 25: Please, today as I was at school the LORD told me: "I
AM coming soon MY children. Leave ME and you will face eternal death YESHUA
for life. I tell you hell is greater than any human knowledge. I tell you, I
would love and cherish those who love me. I AM everything that man
March 11, 2011: Please the LORD told me on Friday that, "I AM IS
would ever like. Hell is eternal. Leave ME and I will punish you
severely. You do not know what it is like and would be like. I know the sin
COMING NOW. MARK MY 5 WORDS." And the LORD also showed me
that same day that, it is just left with the signal; the Trumpets are ready,
for HIS people
To SAVE them from coming
of man and I say: Come to me like that! Come! Come! And you would find
servants who are supposed to be at the banquet table are ready. Horses are
eternal peace. This is my warning. Come! Come! I love you so deeply. I
also unchained and are standing by the Angels whom are supposed to
AM ever ready to listen to you. No one shall find eternal peace without sound the trumpets. The Angels were also holding their cleaned trumpets.
me. Repent for the kingdom of GOD is near. I love you. Do not blame ME
when I punish you. THESE ARE MY WORDS. JESUS."
November 26: Please, I always go with my book (journal) everywhere
March 12, 2011: Please on Saturday during prayers, I saw that the
LORD was sitting on HIS horse, coming towards this earth, and according to
Turn to HIM
the LORD'S ruler, it is left with just 9cm for HIM to reach the earth. HE also
so immediately, when I hear GOD's voice, I would write it. Please, today I told me that "REMEMBER: IT IS FINISHED. MY MISSION FOR THIS
heard the LORD telling me: ―MY children the time is up. Come! Come! Do
not listen to false teachings, for time is up! I AM coming soon. No one WORDS. MY THREE WORDS REPRESENT GOD THE FATHER, GOD
can tell when. For this time, I AM coming soon. Take MY WORD or leave THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT."
it, for MY WORD is permanent. MY Bride, continue with your work, but it
will not be for long before I come. Just worship ME for it is just a little time
left. Wait just for a little time more, for I AM coming soon! Take MY WORD
or leave it, for MY Bride is ready and those who will leave me, will face
March 13, 2011: Please, on Sunday, I saw a moving cloud and a voice
IT IS OVER. I AM IS COMING NOW." I also saw the LORD riding on a
eternal death, eternal torture. These are MY WORDS take it or leave it. horse again. It was still left with 9cm for HIM to reach this earth according to Before it’s too late!
There are two options: Go to heaven or go to hell. If you disrespect me HIS ruler. So please, I think it is high time for our fellow Christians to be
and go to hell, you will have no other option than to face torture. Why have aware of the LORD'S coming. Because, we do not know what that 9cm
you taken the path of stain my children? Why? Why? Why? Why have you stands for; this is HEAVEN'S ruler. An open letter from the One
forsaken ME? Isn't MY WORD enough for you? How many times should I *Dear Friends of Christ: Who loves you most
warn you! Go on and make the devil your new god. If MY WORD is not This is a series of letters that Susan of USA and Sabrina of Belgium have received from the Before the great and dreadful day
enough for you, continue to depart from MY WORD. Then you will have LORD. The letters were written down as dictated by the LORD JESUS and put out in various
no other option than to perish for good, for eternity. Forget ME, and die medium of dissemination for people to be warned of the lateness of the hour and the events to
and suffer. THESE ARE MY WORDS. JESUS." come very shortly. In addition, visions given by the LORD to Philipa, a 10- year old daughter of
missionaries in Guinea, is also included.
November 28: Please, today before I went to church the LORD gave Please share these words with your friends and families.
Don’t BE LEFT Behind!

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