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ESTUDANTE: Elenilde de Jesus

EIXO VI: turma B   TURNO: noturno 19/07

Alok, Ina Wroldsen

As the sun rises Favela

She opens up her hazel, beautiful lies and She worked the favela night
Begins And the wind blews
Her baby cries She lives on lonely streets where nobody goes
She picks him up and tells him beautiful lies alone
Again Just a young girl
She come round favela-la Born on the left side of this right-handed world
Hills of Santa Teresa She knows
Underneath the Redeemer She come round favela-la
And the sun in the sky Hills of Santa Teresa
She come round the favela-la Underneath the Redeemer
Ask me e aí beleza And the sun in the sky
Underneath the Redeemer She come round favela-la
Where the hills come alive Ask me e aí beleza
She worked the favela night Underneath the Redeemer
She worked the favela night Where the hills come alive
She worked the favela…

Agora, responda aos questionamentos com base na letra da música:

1) Localize na letra da música, palavras que se referem a lugares do Rio de Janeiro.

R: Hills of Santa Teresa; Underneath the Redeemer; Underneath the Redeemer; slum.

2) Na letra, aparecem alguns termos que se referem a elementos da natureza, quais são eles?
R: Hills; the wind blews; the sun in the sky.

3) Escreva os verbos que, na letra da música, aparecem logo depois da palavra SHE.
R: opens; picks; eats; come; worked; lives; knows.

4. Perceba como a frase “SHE OPENS UP HER HAZEL, BEAUTIFUL EYES” ficaria na forma
negativa: She doesn’t open up her eyes…

A palavra DOESN’T foi utilizada logo depois do pronome (she) e o verbo da frase perdeu o S
final. Digamos que o S foi parar na palavra DOESN’T. Observando a transformação da frase
original (afirmativa) para a forma negativa, transforme as frases abaixo:

a) She works the favela night.

R: She doesn’t work the favela night.

b) She lives on lonely streets.

R: she doesn’t live on lonely streets.

c) She knows.
R: she doesn’t know.

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